Status: Active

Not The American Average


I woke up to the sound of a truck beeping signaling it was backing up.

"Fucking hell, man," I groaned getting up to the window. There was a family, mom, dad, and a son about my age. The son was cute, but he wore makeup and that freaked me out alittle.

"He must be gay," I said to myself.

I shrugged it off and took a shower. After getting out I put on my ripped skinnies and an ETF shirt on. Leaving my hair down to dry into its crazy curls and putting slight eyeliner on. I quickly put on my shoes and ran downstairs.

"Good morning, princess," my dad smiled.

"Dad, i`m not a princess, but good morning." I said, sitting down at the table.

My mom sat down breakfast and we dug in. After 20 minutes I was done and ready to get out of the house.

"Thanks mom for breakfast, i`m going to the park and library today!" I said, walking out and going toward the park. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the boy sitting on his porch gawking at me. I turned to him.

"Ello," I smiled "Whats your name?"

He smiled, "Danny, whats yours?"


He walked up to me, "That's a pretty name for a pretty girl," He smiled.

I blushed, "Thank you, I see you have moved next door to me, that's really cool seeing I don`t have any friends."

He turned towards his house, "Oh yeah, that's really cool, i`m happy I live next door to you."

I smiled, "thank you, again. What are your plans for today? I was hoping we could get to know each other."

He scratched his head, "I have no plans, what are you doing today?"

"Oh, well, i`m going to the library because I like reading and then i`m going to the park and wherever else I want to go."

"I would love to go with you," He smiled, "Wait here."

I stood awkwardly at his front porch waiting for him.

"So, Abree, how long have you been living here in England?" He asked.

"Since I was born, how long have you?"

"Since I was born," He chuckled.

"That's really neat, whats your favorite thing?"

He thought for a minute, "I don't really know, you?"

"I like to go places where its peace and quiet so I can collect my thoughts."

He looked at me, "Interesting."

I chuckled, "Have I seen you on the Internet before?"

"Yeah, I`m known as Danny Epidemic, i`m kinda known. Why?"

"No reason, I thought you looked familiar."

"Oh, cool."

"Yeah, so how old are you?"

"15, 16 on September 4th."

"No way, me too!" I laughed.

"What? That's really interesting!" He laughed too. He had a adorable laugh and he was adorable himself.

"May I ask you something?" I looked at him.


"Are you gay?"

He looked at me as if saying 'What the fuck'.

"The makeup, Danny."

"OH! No, i`m not, I just like wearing it."


"I don't know."

"Well, for me could you please stop wearing it?"

He laughed hard, "Sure, I guess so."

I smiled with delight, "Thank you, now, into the library we go."

We walked in and I went to my favorite section of the books. He just sat down and put his head on the table. I walked back and sat in front of him and opened my book. I was deep into the book when I felt like I was being watched. I looked up and he was starring at me. I looked down and blushed and he chuckled.

"You are so fucking cute,"

"Thank you, you're cute too," I whispered.

3 hours went by of silent talking as we got to know each other more. I was getting tired of whispering and put the books up and we walked out. Danny led me to Starbucks and we sat down after ordering our coffees.

"Thank god, I was getting tired of whispering," I sighed.

"I`m not, I was talking normally."

"Good thing we didn't get kicked out because of your ass." I giggled.

He gave me a goofy grin as our drinks were handed to us.

"Thank you," I smiled

"No problem," The man winked at me and left. I blushed.

I turned to Danny who was sort of pissed. He saw me looking and brushed it off.

The rest of the day was spent talking to him and that's how we became best friends. My only friend.