Status: Active

Not The American Average


Danny POV

I left Abree`s house and got in my car and drove to this girls house. Knocking on the door she pulled me inside where we started making out and getting crazy. I pushed her on her bed and pulled her clothes off. She grabbed my shoulders and nipped and sucked on my neck leaving hickies. She rolled us over and she pulled my clothes off and grabbed my crotch. I groaned as she grinded our hips together.

"That feel nice, Danny? You little man whore. Give it to me all the way." She moaned as she felt me go hard.

I flipped us over and pulled my boxers off and put a condom on.

She licked my ear and I slammed into her. She screamed as I thrust into her hard and fast.

That only lasted 10 minutes when her and I came. She laid there as I left. I felt gross and ashamed because of Abree.

I walked to a bar as a bouncer x`d my hand. I walked to the bathroom and washed it off with nail polish remover. Always does the trick. I walked out and went to the bar.

"Jack Daniels please," I said.

"Let me see your hand," He demanded. I showed him both my hands and he poured me a glass as I thanked him. I drank 2 glasses, paid and left. I drove home and took a shower. Getting that cunt`s smell off me.

I walked to Abree`s and knocked on the door and was greeted by her father.

"Sir, where`s Abree?" I asked.

"She went out, does she know you were going to see her soon?"

"Yes, sir,"

"Well, we dont know where she went, i`m sorry." He said and closed the door.

I thought for a minute and thought of all the places she would go.

I groaned because of all the places she might be. I got in my car and drove to starbucks. Nope. Library. Nope. Park. Nope. Pond. Nope. Mall. HELL NO. I sat in my car after the mall and relaxed. I was missing my best friend so much. I drove home and walked into my room to find my best friend sleeping in my bed.

She looked so peaceful. So I....

"ABREE!!!!" I screamed.

She jumped up and screamed and looked at me.

"Shit, Danny, I almost pissed myself you fucking man whore." She yelled.

"Hey, your sleeping in my bed, waiting for me, that makes you a whore." I exclaimed.

"Ew." She glared and got off my bed and slapped me kindly on the cheek.

"You forgot to remember i`m still a virgin. Your not." She smiled.

"Someone will change that one day, Abree, and it might be soon." I said as she looked at me wierd.

"Ok. Whatever."

"Where were you?" I asked. Laying on my bed.

"Out. I met some really cool dudes who walked up to me and started a conversation with me." She smiled. Remembering it I could tell.

I got sort of pissed. "Really now? Whats thier names?"

"James, Cameron, and Sam," She smiled.

"They sound like they only want one thing." I said.

She frowned at me, "All you want from girls is sex, Danny. Don`t be a hypocrite."

I sighed, she was right.

"Ok, I`m sorry, Abree. Forgive me?" I begged.

"Hmm, no." She laughed.

I jokingly scoffed, "Uh, rude much!"

"Thank you," she laughed.

She sat beside me on my bed and laid down.

"Danny, why`d you change so much? You were so innocent. I miss that." She frowned.

"We all change, darling, I guess I was meant to drink and smoke. Thats why it happened, I dont know." I said.

"Well, I dont like it, I want the old you back." She said, and with that, she walked out of my room and house.