Status: Active

Not The American Average


-Back to Abree-

'Why? Why was he turning into such a monster to me? Why was he turning to booze and sluts? Why did he have to be so god damn hot?' I screamed at myself as I was fuming. I pulled out my phone and dialed James` number.

"Ello?" He answered.

"I need to relax and hang with you guys. Pick me up please, i`m dying here!" I explained, sitting on my front porch.

He laughed, "Sure, sweet, i`ll be there in 5."

"Thanks." I sighed and the line went dead.

I put my head in my hands and he finally drove up. I got up and sat in the passenger seat.

"Fucking finally," I sighed heavily.

"Someone`s on their period," James` joked.

"No, i`m just pissed off right now." I scowled.

"Would you like to talk about it?"

"I would fucking love to!"

He went silent, telling me to go on.

"The boy that I have known since I was 15 turned 16 the same day I did turned into a alcoholic and a fucking man whore!!" I screamed.

"How is that wrong?" He whispered.

I turned to him, "The thing wrong about that is that I love him since I first met him and then he turned the way he is. I don`t even think he knows any of me anymore."

He stopped the car and held me as I cried. "I love that boy so god damn much and would do anything for him, but he doesn't really need me anymore." I said, putting my head in his chest.

I pulled away, "OK, i`m good, just needed to get that out, lets go see the boys now, shall we, mate?" I said, drying my tears and smiling at James.

He smiled weakly at me and we drove away. We talked and laughed the whole time, just getting close when we finally got to his house.

We got out and walked inside when I was greeted in silence by the boys.

I stood there and looked at them playing Xbox.

"Fuck sakes, guys, I feel the love," I scoffed, sitting down on the couch.

They paused the game and looked at me and jumped on me, "Aubree!!" They screamed.

I laughed and pushed them off me, "I wanted to feel loved, not smushed."

"Well, we did anyways," they laughed and sat back to the Xbox and ignored me again. I laid down and fell asleep watching them.

I felt my nose being tickled and scratched it and felt something soft. I opened my eyes and looked at my body, covered in white stuff. I sat up and heard snickers and looked up at the guys starring at me laughing.

"What the fuck is this shit?" I yelled.

"It`s called Antiquing, bitch!" Sam screamed, falling on the floor laughing and earning laughs from the guys.

"HAHA, guys, seriously, what is this shit."

"Baby powder," Cameron chuckled.

"Thanks guys! I didn't know ya`ll still used baby powder for your baby rashes and diapers."

Their laughter stopped and stared at me, "That`s mean, Abree, that hurt my heart." James dramatically said, holding his heart.

I laughed, "I`m sure."

He giggled.

"OK, now clean that shit up," Cameron demanded.

"I ain`t cleaning shit!"

"Please, Abree? Give us some entertainment." Sam pleaded.

"I don`t know how," I whispered.

"I`ll show you," Cameron said and got on his knees and tried to be sexy. Everyone laughed until they cried as he was doing all these moves.

"Work it!!" I yelled.

"Yeah! Abree, grind up on him!"James yelled.

I laughed and got up from the floor and did my best grinding on him. All the guys stopped laughing and watched me with mouths open gawking at me. I hadn`t noticed Cameron turned around to face my back and grinded up on me as well. I felt him go hard and blushed. He turned me around by my shoulders and held my by my waist. He leaned in towards me and I backed away and stood there awkwardly.

"Whats the matter?" He asked.

"I-I`m still a virgin and want my first kiss from someone else," I explained.

"Oh, I see, i`m really sorry, Abree, I shouldn`t have done that." He sighed, scratching his neck.

"Yeah, were all sorry, we shouldn`t have made you do that," Sam apologized with everyone else nodding.

"It`s OK, really, it`s getting really late and i`m tired," I yawned.

"You could sleep here tonight in one of our beds with us if you would like," Sam smiled weakly.

"I get to choose?" I asked.


"OK, I choose to sleep with all of you!! Just sleeping!!"

"Why all of us?"

"Cause ya`ll are sexy boys so I would like to just sleep with all of you!" I laughed.

"OK! Where we gonna sleep? We can`t pull the beds together." James said.

"Get comfy on the floor?" Cam said.

"Sounds good," I smiled.

We got all the blankets we could for support on our backs and grabbed pillows and more blankets and laid down.

"Lay down, Abree," Sam demanded.

"Jeesh, sounds like i`m getting raped." I sighed and laid down.

"OK, whoever says 'Aye' first lays beside her and then so on and so on," Cam said. I laughed.

"1, 2, 3,"

"AYE!" Sam screamed first. He laid to my left.

"1, 2, 3,"

"AYE!" Cam screamed next and laid on the other side of me.

"Oh, fuck you guys," James sighed and laid on the couch.

"Suck it up, pussy," Sam laughed.

I slapped his chest, "Shut up"

"Sorry, now, lets sleep," He said and wrapped an arm around my waist as Cam wrapped his arm around my waist. I sighed and closed my eyes.