Status: Active

Not The American Average



When I saw a girl and 3 guys get out of a car my eyes were fixed on the girl, pretty wild curls the color of light chocolate, ETF shirt on and black ripped skinny jeans, green eyes and slightly smudged eyeliner. This girl was beautiful. Beautifuler than any girl I have ever seen. I want this girl, in bed. She glanced at me quickly before looking away. She looked at Danny as Danny got up. She ran at him and jumped in his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist. Oh, the things I would do to her if she did that to me.

"Danny!" She laughed, what a pretty little laugh.

He laughed and set her down. She walked back over to the 3 guys and they started walking with her towards us.

"Relax guys, this is my best friend Danny," She said, smiling at them. They relaxed and smiled at Danny. He returned it..

"Ello, i`m Danny, this is my new friend, Ben." Danny said, gesturing towards me. I stood up.

"Ello, i`m James,"


"Sam," The three guys said.

Cameron put an arm around Abree`s shoulders and smiled at her as she returned the favor. 'they must all be her fuck buddies' I thought . Danny looked at me as I looked at him and we smiled to each other.

"Well, lets not just stand here like a bunch of idiots lets get to know each other!" I laughed as everyone else did as well.

We all sat down on Danny`s grassy lawn and joked around with each other.

I kept looking at Abree as she kept looking at me. She would smile as I would. I sat beside her wanting to know more of this beautiful, sexy girl.

"Do you know how beautiful you are?" I whispered to her, she blushed.

"No, not really," She smiled.

"You are very beautiful, no other girl is as pretty as you."

She laughed slightly, "How many times have you used that on a girl?"

"Once, and it was just now," I smirked.

She chuckled. "If you want something from me your gonna have to wait awhile before you get it."

"Whats that supposed to mean?" I asked, confused.

"I haven`t given up my innocence yet, that's what I mean." She said bluntly.

I was shocked, this beautiful girl is STILL a virgin? Was this a praise from God? Is she hinting that she`ll lose it to me?

"Then what are you saying?"

"Why are you asking a stupid question?" She said.

"Because I don't really know what you mean."

"I mean that you might be the lucky one if it feels right and I trust and have known you for awhile."

I stared into her beautiful eyes, "If I get the chance I want to say thank you."

"For what?"

"Me being the one,"

"Your welcome?"

I smiled. She looked at me again before turning to Danny and whispering something into his ear. He looked at her and nodded as she got up. I watched her get up as she didn't look at me and walked to her house.

I sat closer to Danny, "She is beautiful," I sighed.

"I knew you`d like her," He chuckled.

"I`d like her in bed,"

He looked at me, serious set in, "Do not hurt her, Ben, I love that girl to pieces."

I put my hands up in defense, "I wont, I promise."

Abree had been gone for awhile in her house so we all had time to talk about guy life. It had turned dark.

"So, Danny, how long have you known Abree?" James asked.

"Since I was 15, shes a very beautiful girl and I love her to pieces, shes the greatest friend i`ve ever had." He said, smiling at James across the fire we started.

"She really loves you, Danny, more than a best friend. She hates the fact you turned to other things, shes scared your gonna go away from her." He said.

Danny`s eyes went wide and he looked at the fire.

"I have a confession, I love Abree more than a best friend, too. But I don't want to go out with her. I will break her heart. I dint want to hurt her at all. I sometimes think she depends on me for everything, like i`m her life support. I`d do anything for this girl, anything. If I hurt her, I am scared I will end her." He sighed, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Shes always been there for me, and I haven't been there for her lately. I hate myself for that." He said, a tear running down his face.

I rubbed his back for comfort, "Its alright mate, none of us here want to hurt her. We all know you don't mean to do the things you do, shit just happens whether you like it or not." I said.

He looked at me with a half smile. "Thanks, mate."

I smiled, "Your welcome."

He wiped away his tear, "Who else thinks shes beautiful?" He said.

Everybody around the fire raised their hand.

"Would everyone do anything for her if they needed to, no matter how small the problem?"

Yes`s were said all around.

"Thank you guys, now, I wanna talk about something." Danny looked at all of us.

"Alright?" We said.

"I`ve always wanted to start a band,"

"Yeah, and?"

"Do you think we can all start a band together?" He said.

"Hell yeah!" Cameron yelled.

"Alright, who`s good at drumming?"

James raised his hand, "I`m excellent at drooming."

"OK, guitar? Bass? Rhythm guitar? Singing?"

I raised my hand, "Guitar."

Cameron raised his, "Rhythm guitar."

Sam raised his next, "Bass, i`m awesome at it."

"Danny smiled wide. Alright. I guess I can be the singer. I don't know if i`m good or not."

"Lets hear you then, can you scream? We can be a rock n` roll group!" Sam exclaimed.

"Yeah I can scream, rock n` roll sounds great. Alright here I go.

"You said you`d cried a thousand times, but I don't believe a word of it! You loved it when my heart stopped, so you start to listen. JUST SIT AND LISTEN DON`T TEST MY WORDS...JUST BELIEVE, I DID BELIEVE, JUST BELIEVE, I DID BELIEVE." He sang/screamed.

We sat there starring wide eyed at him.


He corrupted in whoops and hollers.

"That was fucking amazing!" Cameron whooped.

"Did you think of that off the top of your head?" I asked.

"Yep, pretty good, huh?"

"Fuck yes!"

He laughed, "So, we have a band?"