All you need is someone to hold you while you sleep

Introducing.. the love interest

One day, while Marissa was out with her friends, she went and got Starbucks. It was the best thing to do, and Marissa truly adored her Starbucks. Anyways, when walking in, she noticed a man that she has seen over and over again at this exact same Starbucks. Marissa blushed. She didn’t know his name or anything like that, but he was a hot man, around her age, and he had the prettiest blue eyes in the world. Marissa’s friends nudge her over, and she bumps into the man. She apologized while looking at the ground. He laughed, and started talking to her. Marissa’s friends remain in the background, silently commenting on his lovely body, how nice it would be without clothes on, and what exactly they should order from Starbucks this time around.
Marissa orders first, and then starts pulling out her Guess wallet out of her Prada purse to select one of her fifteen credit cards to pay for her drink. She finally picks the blue Visa when she realizes that the man has already handed the lady his debit card and she took it and rang it through.
“Its my treat.” He smiles as he grabs his Venti Frap from off the counter and walks out the door. Marissa, still holding her credit card, stared at him as he walks out the door and continued down the sunny street. Her friends are amazed, and having nothing else worthy to do, suggest to following him. Giving in, Marissa let them stalk the poor man, and slightly was happy she was getting to stare at him longer then in the Starbucks line.
He walked down the down town street, zigzagging across the road to go into stores like Calvin Klein, Guess, True Religion, and Louis Vuitton. At the point of him leaving Louis Vuitton, Marissa was head over heels, thinking this man is the one for her. Feeling much like a creeper though, she calls of the stalking and lets him wander down the crowded street without her and her friends behind him.
That night, Marissa had this man on her mind while she got ready to hit up a club with her friends. Was he single? Did he like chocolate? Would he mind paying for trips to Paris? Would her crazy father scare him off? It was all too much to think about. She did enjoy her night with her friends though, and was eventually able to forget about this handsome man she met at Starbucks.
The next day, Marissa yet again went to Starbucks. Everyone knows a good hangover fix it a chai latte. Having stopped drinking only hours before, she was still on a high and was somewhat out of it. But one things she did notice was that her Starbucks man was a few people behind her in line. Past the tall stick thin girl in the pencil skirt and the gay boy on the cell phone.
Laughing a little bit to herself, she came up with an idea. A brilliant idea. One she could only come up with when she was drunk. It was full proof, and wonderful.
After paying for her drink, Marissa picked up his drink by ‘accident’ and wrote her number down the side along with her name. She was ninja about it too, so no one saw.
“Sorry, I must have picked up the wrong one.” Marissa smiled slyly as she handed the man the cup, carefully hiding her number from his eyes. She picked up her cup and smiled as he took his.
Marissa and this man that we still don’t know the name of, walk out of the Starbucks together, talking about the fact that it was raining.
“You know, one day we should go out for coffee or something.” He smiled as they both walk down the street in the rain. Marissa smiled.
“That’s a great idea.” She said, looking straight into his blue eyes. They were like the sky, only much more, blue.
“Great. So what’s your number?” He asked, taking a sip from his coffee. Marissa thought this was all too ironic, and laughed.
“You’ll figure it out” she smiled at him, winked and then walked towards the parked taxi’s that lined the rows on the street. Marissa gets in, and slams the door shut. She looks back, watching her man stare at the line of parked taxi’s and wonders how long it will take him to notice.