Andy and Matt: The Teen Years


"I don't like him" I snapped. Jorge was way too nice. We wouldn't work out. Im too mean, i would ruin everything. The bell rang and we all walked to class 
"Ms. Rios!" I heard someone yell. Ugh what now. I turned to see the principal standing two feet away from me. 
"Ms. Rios i'm sorry but we had to change your schedule so here you go" she said as she handed me my schedule. I didn't complain or anything cause there was no point in it. "Thank you" was all i said. I walked back to Susie, Justin and Jorge and they looked so happy. 
"Hey guys they changed my schedule we have like two classes together and lunch now," I started to say "so ill see you guys in 3rd."
They looked at me and just nodded. I hugged susie an walked to my class. I had art first. I was actually excited since i love art. I suddenly felt someone touch my shoulder. I turned to see a tall and muscular guy standing there. 
"Um hi sorry to bother you but I'm new and i wouldn't usually ask but do you know where the art room is?" I stared blankly at him at first but then managed to say "I'm heading there now i can go with you." He smiled and nodded. His smile was really cute and i couldn't help but smile back. He then extended his hand and said "I'm Nick by the way" and flashed his smile again. Wow he had the straightest teeth.
I shook his hand and introduced myself.
"You must get made fun of a lot huh." He said.
"Well yea but i mean whatever." I replied.
"I like your name" he said and smiled.
Wow he smiles a lot. Not a bad thing though especially since he has a cute smile.