Status: Update whenever I get the chance! :] Comments & subscriptions make me smile! *hint hint* ;D

We'll Brave This Storm

Home, Sweet Home.

Friday; December 14, 2007~
“Yeah dad I just landed,” I sighed somewhat frustrated. Don't get me wrong I wasn't mad at my dad or anything, it was just too crowded in the LAX airport, especially since it was almost a week away from Christmas. So far I had managed to collect my luggage from the carousel, it isn't as easy as it looks though,for me that is. I wasn't watching where I was going and I practically face planted onto the machine in rotation the first time I tried grabbing my bags, but luckily a man was nice enough to help me. Embarrassing right?
“Alright Lex send me a text when you get to grandma's, okay?” I heard him respond from the other end of the conversation as I headed outside to flag down a taxi. At first it seemed impossible. I probably looked like a nut waving my free arm, that wasn't holding the phone, around until one pulled over.
“Yeah I will. Gotta go now, love you, bye!” I quickly hung up as the driver jumped out and helped me put the bags in the car. I then gave him the directions to my destination. A small portion of the ride was filled with small talk but other than that honking and the tires beating against the pavement were the only things audible. As the time shortened, the old memories of my childhood came flooding back. The dark thoughts had started to consume me, until the driver announced we were there.
“Miss," the driver said snapping me back to reality. "Miss, we are here. Time to pay up." I pulled the money out of my wallet as the man helped take out my luggage. I payed him and watched as he peeled out of the small, suburban neighborhood. I cautiously looked around the property , letting my eyes flash from the faded brick walkway, which lead to the porch, up to the pale yellow paint chipping from the walls, to the notorious red bug sitting in the driveway. "He isn't here," I silently whispered to myself, trying to muster up the courage to go inside the house. 
 After a few more moments of waiting, I took hold of the handle atop the bag and slowly made my way up the walkway, the wheels making a 'clickity-clack' noise as it came in contact with the groves of the bricks. Before I even made my way up to the porch, the door slammed open revealing my grinning grandma who came running towards me.
“Lexi,” she smiled attacking me in a hug. “I haven't seen you in forever! How has my favorite granddaughter been?”
“I've been good.” I smiled at down at her, letting go of my luggage to hug back.
“Never thought you'd look down at me huh?”
“No!” I lied acting shocked. My grandmother had always been a short person standing at 4''9, but then again I wasn't taller by much either with my 5''4 stature.
“It's okay Lex, I'm just messing with you.” She chuckled grabbing my suitcases. “Ready to go inside?”
“Oh, um,” I paused. “Could you give me a minute?”
“Yeah sure.” she nodded before wheeling my suitcases into the house, leaving me alone outside. I looked up into the gray overcast sky listening to the birds chirp a tune. I pulled out my cell phone to text my father I had arrived safely. Once I finished I took in a few breaths after being startled by a rustle in the bushes.
“He's not here,” I murmured to myself once more,trying to calm my jumpy nerves. I shoved my phone back in my jacket pocket, deciding it was probably best to start heading inside once I felt a few raindrops fall from the sky. I wandered into the house, going straight into the living room knowing that's where my grandmother would be.
“Hello again Lexi,” my grandma greeted again getting up from her seat, yawning. “I'm kind of tired. I think I'm gonna head off to bed now, old people like me shouldn't really stay up past seven.” She stated gesturing towards the clock that read 7:15 in bright green numbers. “You don't mind do you?”
“Not at all, I should get started on unpacking anyway.”
“Okay and if you get hungry there's leftover sandwiches in the fridge,” she informed me going up the stairs. “Goodnight!"
“Night," I called back waiting until I heard her bedroom door close before turning off the TV and making my way over to the kitchen . I dug through the fridge, looking for something to eat, until I came across a plate of chocolate chip cookies. Grinning devilishly, I took out the plate, grabbed my bags and hauled them up to my attic bedroom .
I plugged in my iPod into it's dock, drowning out the sound of the rain outside and begun munching and unpacking. Once I finished, I glanced at my clock on my nightstand that read 9:08. I made my way back downstairs to put the plate in the sink when I realized it had stopped raining. I snatched my coat off of the rack, slipped it on, and made my way outside. I had always love the way it looked outside after a rainstorm blew over. I then heard a guy across the street, who looked about six feet tall, talking on the phone to someone and smoking a cigarette. He seemed to be deep in conversation until a little puppy burst out the front door and ran outside onto the lawn. The small dog rolled around in the damp grass, and barked at the wind.
“Hey I'm going to have to call you back,” he laughed into the phone as he hung up and tried to chase the puppy in the house. “Come on Bat, go on. Shoo get in the house!” I giggled to myself hiding my grin behind my hand, though he probably didn't even see me across the street. The pup sent back a bark of rejection, then took off like a jet and ran across the street towards me leaving his owner behind.
The small pup soon stood by my foot. Smiling I bent down to pet him, “Hey there little guy.” The guy, whom looked around my age, jogged our way to catch up to the hyper dog. “Looks like your owner found you,” I giggled.
“Batman, what did I tell you about running off like that?” he questioned as the dog sat hiding eyes behind his paw. “I'm sorry about that Ms.” He said smiling.
“Oh no it's fine,” I smiled looking at the man, I know him from somewhere.
“Anyway I'm Andy.” He stuck out his hand for me to shake taking another puff of his cigarette, “and this crazy little guy is Batman.” And that's when it hit me.
“I'm Lexi,” I introduced myself, shaking his hand. A look of confusion overtook him a moment. That's when it clicked and his look of disorientation 180-ed into wide eyes and a huge grin.
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First chapter up & out! My first Black Veil Brides/Ronnie Radke fanfic so please show it some love by dropping a comment ;)