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We'll Brave This Storm

Movie marathon and our almost kiss

Saturday; December 22, 2007; 2:17 pm
It was now two in the afternoon and the boys were out at some important meeting with a record label, so it was pretty quite in the house. Grandma was out as well, visiting a few of her friends so I was left alone in the house. I must admit, after last night I am terrified of being alone here. They boys asked if I had wanted to go with them but it would be a five hour long meeting of just discussing music. Grandma also asked me if I'd like to tag along, but I didn't really feel like hanging out with old people. No offense or anything but would you?
I rapidly took a shower, got dressed before getting a plate of cookies, locking up the house, and headed across the street to Andy's. I entered the little gate and went up to the porch, knocking on the door.
"Who is it?" I heard Savannah yell from inside.
"Special delivery!" I called back jokingly, rocking back and forth on the ball of my heels.
"Just a second!" She exclaimed before unlocking the door, the sound of the dead-bolt lock bouncing off the concrete porch as the door swung open.
"Lexi!" she greeted me excitedly before gasping. "And you brought cookies! You better get your ass in here!"
"Gosh fattie," Andy chuckled walking behind Savannah, taking the plate from her hands. "Hey Lex," He smiled a Hollywood smile, his blue eyes twinkling.
"Hey And-" I was cut off by Savannah barking back at Andy.
"I am not fat! Now give me the cookies!" She yelled, jumping to grab the plate Andy was holding over his head so she couldn't reach it.
"Oh what are you gonna do? Sit on me?" he laughed back. I have to admit it was hilarious watching the two bicker, but in the end Andy gave the plate to his older sister stating 'That's how nice he was'. Savannah licked her lips in victory as she took the plate and ran down the hallway, leaving Andy and I behind to follow. We had small talk as we made our way to the kitchen.
I glanced over the photo-covered walls as we passed them by but then stopped when I saw a picture I haven't seen in years. It struck back memories; nothing bad though.
“Lex, why'd you sto-,” he cut his own words off when he made the path from my eyes to the photo. He smirked slightly as he took the photo off the wall to give me a better look.“Remember when we took that?”
“Of coarse I do,” I grinned looking at the old memory. It was a picture of Andy and I standing side by side; looking no older than 7, at a park. He had a white plastered cast adorning his left arm. Despite that we were smiling as wide as possible.
"Remember getting that?" I giggled, pointing to the cast.
“Ugh,” he groaned lowly, “don't remind me! That cast was pure hell and itchy! Last time I ever try to climb up your house to your bedroom. I thought it'd be an easy climb since your room was above the garage, but gravity and my lack of strength proved me wrong.” I laughed at the memory before looking at other pictures on the wall stopping when I saw the cutest thing ever.
"Oh my god!" I gasped quietly pulling down the small frame. It was a small wallet sized photo of Andy's first grade picture. He was wearing the biggest smile ever, his teeth somewhat spaced apart from one another, his light blonde hair stopping just before his eyes. "You look so cute!" I cooed slightly, hearing him groan inwardly once more.
"No! I don't even know why that's up there." He said pouting, a tint of embarrassment and playfulness dripping from his words as he extended his arms out, trying to take the photo back.
"Aww," I giggled at his attitude, which really only made me feel the need to keep it away from him, "don't be like that!" Andy's pout was soon replaced with a sly smirk. After a few minutes I placed the picture back on the wall and looked over other memory stills with Andy.
“Andy,” a male voice called coming our way.
"Yeah dad?" he called back.
“Have you seen the," he cut himself off, "who's this little lady?” he said curiously, peeking over Andy's shoulder towards me.
“You remember Lexi don't you?”
“Lexi,” Mr. Biersack pondered out loud, “As in Alexandria Evens? The young girl who use to live across the street?”
“Yup!” I nodded smiling up at him, “Hello there Mr. Biersack.”
“Whoa hold up there for a second,” he put his hands up. “You never use to call me 'Mr. Biersack'.”
I opened my mouth in defense, “ -but I was only a kid when I-”
“No, no don't even start Lexi,” he laughed at me.
“Fine, Baba,” I giggled joking with him. 'Baba' was the nickname I use to; and I guess still do; call Chris. When I was first able to start talking I couldn't really say 'dad' or 'Chris' like anyone had encouraged me to do, but ironically enough I was able to call Amy, Andy's mom, 'Mama B'.
“So where's mom?” Andy asked.
“I believe she's in the kitchen putting the groceries away.” Baba nodded, “You know Lex, she would love to see you!”
“We were actually on our way over to drop off a plate of cookies, but Savannah took them already." I said slowly, glaring at Andy playfully. Baba nodded, then turned on his heel and started to make his way to the kitchen calling for Amy, leaving us to follow behind. Andy smiled down at me before taking my small hand in his, a small, simple action that had sent butterflies free in my stomach, as he lead me to the kitchen, where we saw Baba and Savannah munching on cookies.
"Honey, we have cookies," Baba informed with a mouthful to Amy, who was putting frozen foods in the freezer.
"Oh that's nice dear," she trailed off, pulling out of the fridge and looking towards Andy and I. Before she could ask who I was Baba spoke up.
"You remember Lexi, don't you?"
"Why yes!" She smiled at me, going in for a hug. “I've been waiting to see you! I talked to your grandmother a few weeks before you arrived here and she hinted about you moving back. We missed you. You were like our daughter! It's nice to have you back.”
“Aw,” I smiled back, a light blush sure to be covering my cheeks. “Thank you Mrs-” I was cut off by Mr. Biersack, I mean Baba, conveniently coughing and clearing his throat at my mistake. “Thank you Mama B.” I corrected myself. We caught up for a few moments. Andy then spoke up.
“Well, come on Lex, you seemed like you have some time on your hands. Let's go watch a movie!” Andy exclaimed grabbing the plate of cookies from his sister and father's grasp. He gripped my hand pulling me up the stairs after calling a quick 'bye'.
We had quickly arrived to a room that Andy had declared as the 'Movie Room', and he placed me down on the couch in front of a large TV. After minutes of debating what to watch and what felt like millions of movie cases thrown across the room in piles, we decided to watch Toy Story, our favorite movie to watch together when we were little. Andy plopped down next to me, getting comfortable by putting his feet up on the wooden coffee table in front of us as I cuddled into his side as the movie began to start.
About two or so hours later we were now in the middle of Toy Story 2. Andy bent his head down to look at me and smile. I was still nuzzled into his side, as comfortable as ever. I smiled back at him, his vibrant blue eyes meeting my pale green ones. His eyes dashed from my lips, to my eyes, then to my lips again, earning the same reaction out of me. He leaned his head down towards mine, his breath lightly dancing across my lips. My heart felt as if it were going to hop out of my chest, and thoughts were racing about a mile a second. Andy soon brought his forehead to mine, him closing his eyes in the process preparing to close the empty space between us. Giving in, I let my eyes flutter close, waiting for the impact of our lips.