Status: Update whenever I get the chance! :] Comments & subscriptions make me smile! *hint hint* ;D

We'll Brave This Storm

"Live a little!"

It felt just as our lips were about to touch my cell phone went off.
We instantly pulled apart, startled by the ring of the phone. Both of us slightly red in the face, me more than ever, apologized as I scurried out of the room to take the call.
“Hello?” I answered not bothering to read the caller id tag.
“Lexi! We got the deal! We got the fuckin' record deal!" I heard Kyle scream from the other line. An immediate feeling of excitement. No, something immensely greater than excitement. My boys made it! All those long months of touring in a tight, packed van traveling from state to state, going to music festivals to hand out tons of eps, getting odd jobs to help contribute pay for instruments had finally paid off.
“Oh my god!” I exclaimed. “Kyle this is so amazing! I'm so proud of you boys! You guys worked so hard to get to where you are today. Congratulations.”
“Aw thanks Lex. It's just too bad Eric and Lou Dog aren't here to be with us. This is like crazy!”
“Oh I know what you mean Ky,”
“Anyway, it'll take us about an hour and a half to get home, but we were thinking. Let's go out to a club tonight and celebrate! You have your fake id with you right?”
“Ha, you bet I do!” I giggled thinking about the fake id Davey gave for my birthday. Kyle had never let me use it, but I guess this special occasion was an exception.
“We'll you better get your ass out here! Feel free to bring your friends too. The more people the bigger the party!”
“Alright will do. See you in a little bit.” We said our goodbyes before hanging up.
I shoved my phone back in my pocket before making my way back into the movie room.
"Andy guess what?" I smiled hopping back on the couch next to him.
"What is it?" He mused back confused.
"They got the deal! You know how I told you my brother's were going out to that record label office for a meeting? Well they played them a song, discussed some stuff, and got the deal!" I practically squealed at the top of my lungs throwing myself at Andy for a hug.
"Oh my god Lex, that's amazing!" he smiled, hugging me back.
"Oh, I think they're going out to a club later tonight and wanted to know if you and the guys wanted to go too."
"Yea sure why not?"
"Oh do you have a fake id?"
"What teenage guy doesn't?" Andy chuckled pulling his wallet and flashing me the card.
"Very impressive Andrew, or should I say Roberto Thomas of San Diego, Arizona?" I laughed at the the card.
"Hey, you asked if I had a card, not if it seemed legit or not. Ashley made it anyway."
"It's kinda implied," I managed to choke out once my laughter died down.
"Well anyway, wanna start heading out now?"
"Oh no I gotta go change. You think Savannah wants to go to the club too?"
"Night club? Hell yeah I wanna go!" Savannah exclaimed popping her head through the door.
"Shh!" Andy hushed his sister before whisper yelling at her, "What if mom and dad hear us?!"
"Oh don't get your boxers in a bunch. Mom and dad left earlier for some work function party thing at a hotel. They said they won't be back until tomorrow." Savannah said flatly, looking at her finger nails as she was leaning against the door frame.
"Nice," Andy smiled before turning towards me. "Well go get ready, I'll call the guys up and see if they want to go, but it'll probably be a yes."
"Alright, Savannah wanna come?"
"Yeah I'll be over in a second. Let me just grab one of my club outfits."
With that we were off and I was at the house in a matter of minutes. I plugged in my straightener and looked for an outfit. I heard the screen door open and shut.
"Lexi? Where are you?" I heard Savannah call from downstairs.
"Up in the attic!" I called back. I heard her mumble something incoherent before climbing up the stairs to my room. I was about to slip my dress on when I heard her tisk at me.
"No Lex," she sighed playfully, yanking the floral dress from my hands and setting me down on my bed. "Relax a bit and I'm going to pick out what you're going to wear. We're going out to a club! You can't wear a floral dress! Live a little!" We both laughed at her craziness as she went through my closet. "Ahah!" I heard her shout pulling out a black dress. "Here, you'll wear this." She tossed it to me before grabbing my curling iron and going to plug that in. After 20 minutes she had my hair curled, make up done, and me looking awesome. The dress just looked a bit too short, but Lexi insisted it should be like that, me taking her word for it since she was an avid partier. Savannah and I did a once over in the mirror before heading downstairs to lock up. We locked the door and saw Andy standing outside with Ashley, Jake, and Cc. We heard playful whistles from Ashley before he ran up to me.
"Well hello there Ms. sexy Lexi!" Ashley said jokingly as he gave me a hello hug.
"And you look stunning Mr. Purdy." I joked back.
"What no hello hugs to us?" Cc said gesturing to himself, Jake and Andy.
"No!" I playfully stuck my tongue out at them before going over and hugging them, stopping in front of Andy who had his arms out for a hug. "I already saw you today!" I giggled, standing on my tip toes to ruffle his hair. He just groaned and smoothed it out again.
"So where's Jinx and Sammi?" I asked.
"They're meeting us there," Jake responded. Andy then asked us if we were all ready to go. A chorus of 'Yeahs' were chanted and we all got into cars. Savannah and I heading into Andy's car while Jake and Cc getting into Ashley's.
We soon arrived at the club, everyone pulling out their fake id's except for Ashley and Jake who were already over 21 years of age. Surprisingly we all got in okay and saw the boys, Jinx and Sammi sitting at a booth, surrounded by drinks laughing.
"Lexi!" I heard David yell, who seemed somewhat buzzed already.
"Davey!" I smiled back attacking him in a hug. "Congrats!"
"Thanks Lex," David let go. Everyone in the table got up to give one another some sort of hug, weather it'd be a normal one or a man hug wear they grabbed hands and crap. Surprisingly we all fit in the booth comfortably.
After a few drinks we all decided to hit the dance floor, where Ash had already been, his tongue half way down a girls throat. Jake whistled drunkenly at them before going to find a girl of his own. We had lost Jinx and Sammi earlier, but no one really even wanted to guess what they were doing. Savannah and I made my way into the tight crowd of people and just started to let loose. I soon feel someone tap on my shoulder. I turn to my left to see an attractive guy smiling.
"Hey there!" he called over the music towards me.
"Oh hey!" I smiled back.
"Can I get you a drink?" He flashed another cute smile my way as he bent his head down to talk in my ear.
I thought it over for a moment. A guy I don't know, randomly offers me a drink. He could be a murderer or a crazed criminal for all I knew. Just as I was going to decline him I pushed all the negative thoughts in my head aside. One drink couldn't hurt right? I nod, quickly turning to wave towards Savannah, and followed . We took a seat at the bar stools, and out of the corner of my eye I saw Andy pull Ash off his 'dance partner' and went to go talk to him. It looked like few words were shared, but my gaze was soon averted when the rounds of shots were placed in front of me. Smiling at him we raised the small glass before knocking it back. Four of those later I felt myself getting a little tipsy. The guy, who I've yet to learn a name was suddenly pulled away from me by Ash, but I was a little too buzzed to care.
I saw Andy walk towards me looking as good as ever. He lifted me off the seat by the arm, staring straight into my eyes.
"Andy are you okay?" a moment of sober flashing me back into reality. "What are you doing?!" I yanked my arm from his tight grasp.
"Something I should have done a while ago." He slurred before his lips crashed roughly onto mine. Our lips moved in sync as he slightly parted them, allowing myself in. The cool metal of my tongue ring clanked against his teeth. I bit slightly on his lip ring.
We slowly made our way out of the doors of the club and that was the last I remember.
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Dun-dun-dun!!!!!! Heheh still editing! Sorry if I'm blowing up your notifications, maybe it'll encourage some commenters? *hint hint*