Status: Update whenever I get the chance! :] Comments & subscriptions make me smile! *hint hint* ;D

We'll Brave This Storm

What did I do?!?!… more like what didn't I do…

 I woke up the next morning with the worst headache ever. Hissing, I brought my hands up to my temples and started to rub in small circles. I let my hands droop back down to my side. I slowly opened my eyes as I tried to sit up, but was held back. I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion as to why I had an arm wrapped around my waist and to why I wasn't in my own bedroom. I gently removed the arm and unwraveled the covers from myself and much to my surprise, I wasn't clothed. 
 I rapidly sprung out of bed, holding the covers tight against myself, which sent the person next to me rolling off the bed. 
 "What the hell?" I heard a framiliar voice groan after hitting the floor with a thump. My eyes widened with shock when I realized who I was next to. Andy. He gripped the side of the bed, pulling himself up with one hand while he held the side of his head with his other. His facial features softened when he saw the scared expression on my face.
 "Lex what's wrong?" he got up, his boxers hanging loosly off his hips. 
 "What's wrong?" I scoffed, picking my undergarments up off the floor then waving them slightly in front of him. "This is the problem Andrew! This is my problem! Why the fuck did I wake up naked in your bed!" 
Andy's pov 
 I stared wide eyed at Lexi as all the memories of last night came flooding back into my mind.
We managed to make our way outside the club, Lexi's lips heavily on mine. We made our way to the car, me lightly pushing her up against the car. She moaned lowly into my mouth as I opened the passenger door, lowering her onto the seat. I unwillingly pulled away, licking my lips and rapidly making my way to the other side of the car before getting into the driver's seat. I knew it was a bad idea to drive home drunk, but our eyes and thoughts were clouded by pure lust. I quickly shoved the key in the ignition and started the short drive home. 
 In a matter of minutes we pulled into my garage safely, and soon found ourselves attached by the lips once more. I pulled away, earning a disapproving moan from her. I grabbed her hand,  leading her into the empty house and up the stairs, stumbling every so often. I picked her up bridal style once we got to the top of the stair case. We made it to my room, me locking the door while she slowly weasled out of my arms, grazing my leg doing so. 
 I groaned in agony and followed behind Lexi, my arms snaking around her waist. I attached my lips to her neck as she turned around to meet my eyes. Sweet nothings were exchanged between us, cloths were shed, kisses were shared, and that is litterally how much I remember. 
 Guilt washed over me as I saw Lexi, tears streaming down her face. 
 "No, no Lex," I ran over to consult her."Please don't cry." She collapsed into my chest letting it all out. "It'll be okay." 
 I silently had a mental argument with myself. 
 Your wrong.
 You heard me. Three simple words. You. Are.  Wrong. 
 How am I wrong?
 'It'll be okay' Oh please! You took her virginity dip shit, think a little. 
 I pushed my inner voice aside while I soothed Lexi until she stopped crying. We had managed to find the rest of her undergarments just not her dress. 
 "Hey Lex, why don't you go take a shower to help calm down a bit. I'll lend you some clothes that you can change into when you come out okay?" She nodded sadly and made her way to the bathroom down the hall. I stood still until I heard the door shut before moving to find her some clothes. I managed to find a pair of faded black skinny jeans and a white v-neck. I also grabbed a fluffy towel before opening the bathroom door and setting it on the counter next to the shower. I left and walked down to the kitchen to make a call to Ashley, he might know what to do. 
 I picked up the phone and dialed his number. It rung a few times before he answered. 
 "Hello?" I heard him answer on the other line groggily. 
 "Ash, man I need to talk to you." 
 "Dude what is it? It better be important, you know not to call me the morning of a major hangover."
 "Ash, I kissed Lex last night at the club."
 "'bout freakin' time Andrew. Can I hang up now?"
 "For God's sake Ashley, I slept with her!" 
 "What the fuck? No way!" He screamed at me through the phone, "When I said to make a move, I didn't mean for you to bang her!" 
 "Neither did I! I guess things just got a little heated, got caught up in the moment you know? It still isn't an excuse though. I feel awful. She woke up crying this morning Ash, what do I do?" I pleaded putting my head in one hand.
 "Man Andy," I heard him sigh from the other end. "I think you should give her some time to cool off, then tell her how you feel. Let her know that last night wasn't a mistake for you and it actually meant something." 
 "Yea," I trailed off quietly. My head snapped up at the sound of the shower shutting off.  "Hey Ash, I gotta go." We quickly exchanged goodbyes, him wishing me luck. I quickly pulled a small bottle of Advil out from a drawr, a bottle of water from the fridge, and a glass from a cabinate. 
 I opened the bottle, the sound of the seal snapping echoing throughout the empty kitchen. I begun to pour the water in into the glass, looking up when I saw Lexi come into view. She looked beautiful in my clothing, a sight I wish I could see more often. 
 She then giggled slightly, snapping me back into reality making me realize I was pouring the water outside of the cup. I gulped slightly averting my attention back to what I was doing before. I capped the bottle and handed her the half full glass and the bottle of Advil. She nodded a thanks before popping two pills while I cleaned up the mess I made.
 After a few moments of an awkward silence, Lexi spoke up.
 "Listen, Andy. I'm sorry I um, snapped earlier in the room. I understand if you'd like to keep some distance between us for a while," she said just above a whisper looking down at my feet. 
 "Y-yeah," I nodded. "I think we should keep apart from eachother for a while. It'll give us some space to breathe." She looked up, a flash of hurt struck her face as she tried to gulp the tears down. 
 "Yeah, I totally agree." She said solemnly, kind of squirming in her seat. "Well, I better get going," she smiled sheepishly. "The boys are probably wondering where I am." 
 "Oh um wait! Hold on a second," I ran out of the room, grabbing one of Savannah's old tote bag to store Lexi's clothes. When I returned she thanked me for the bag and made her way to the house across the street.