Status: Update whenever I get the chance! :] Comments & subscriptions make me smile! *hint hint* ;D

We'll Brave This Storm

I smile because I think of you and I blush

Andy's pov
  I rapidly slammed the door after she stepped off my porch. I. Am. Such. An. Asshole. Those five words kept repeating in my mind as I paced back and forth through the hallway. It didn't really help that childhood pictures of Lexi and I decorated on the walls were boring into me. Sighing, I ran a hand through my messy, greasy sex hair. 
 "I should go take a shower," I silently whispered to myself. I sulked up the stairs, headed straight for the bathroom. As soon as I hopped in, I jumped right out. Me, being as stupid as I am, forgot to grab my clothes from the room. Sighing once again, I wrapped the towel around my waiste and headed into my bedroom.
 Once I was in I quickly tossed on my clothes, the usual tight jeans and v-neck, and walked back into the bathroom to do my hair. 20 minutes later I walked back into my room and plopped onto my bed. Instinctively, I grabbed the guitar on the side of my bed and played a few notes. Humming along with the tune I spoke a few words, "I open my lungs dear…" I let the tune of the song fill the room, "… I love you more than I could ever scream…" After an hour went by I had half of a song written. Call me what you want, a freakin' teenage girl, I didn't care. I just couldn't believe this, and it was all based off of my feelings… my feelings for Lexi. 
 I set my guitar down, it hitting something in the process. I bent down to reach it as my now calloused fingers reached down to grasp it. I brought it up and saw Lexi's heel from last night. Smiling slightly, I thought of all the fun times we had together, last night being one of them, despite the effect it had on today, and the fact that she couldn't remember it. I sit here and smile dear. I smile because I think of you and  blush. 
 A small yap snapped me out of my thoughts. Looking down, I saw Batman continuing to bark his head off. 
 "I know buddy, I screwed up. What do I do," I smiled slightly, talking to my companion. He barked back a few times before wagging his tail. "Yeah, I thought that too." 
 I got up and headed downstairs, Lex's shoe in my hand and walked straight out my door, despite the rain pouring down. I headed straight to the house across the street, rapidly knocking on the door. I waited a few moments, rocking back and forth on the ball of my heels, running a hand through my wet hair and shivered slightly. The door opened, Lexi answered, her smile slightly faultering as she saw me. 
 "A-Andy," she stuttered. "What are you doing here?" I thought for a moment and remembered the heel in my hand.
 "You… uhm, you forgot this," I said holding it out. 
 "Oh," she reached for it, "thanks." We stood silent for a moment. "Well, bye." She was about to shut the door. Come on Andy, time to man up.
 "Wait!" She paused at my words. "I like you," theres no turning back now. I placed my hands in hers. 
Lexi's pov
 I was shocked. Dumbfounded. This was unbelievable. My best friend likes me.  I opened my mouth to speak, but he started to ramble on some more. "I understand if you don't feel the same Lexi, I just had to get that off my chest. You don't know how long I was waiting to say that. It's just so, ugh," he babbled looking back up at my eyes. He pulled his hands out of mine, running one through his hair. "Oh crap! What did I just say-" I giggled deciding this is where I should cut him off. I stood on my tippy toes, grabbed a fistfull of his wet shirt and pulled him down so his lips met my own.
My heart was racing, my stomach refused to sit still and I'm sure Andy was feeling the same. My arms were soon wrapped around his neck and his arms were wrapped around my waist. We pulled apart, our foreheads slightly touching as Andy spoke.
"So I take it you like me back," he grinned crookedly.
"Of coarse I do Andy!" I rolled my eyes kissing him once more, but then pulling away moments after at the sound of barking. Andy turned back towards his house smiling, still holding me, to see Batman sitting in the doorway, barking and wagging his tail.
 "I guess I forgot to close the door," he smiled. He leaned in for another kiss, but stopped when we heard clapping. This time it was my job to turn around. David, Josh, Kyle and even Savannah were standing on the porch smiling. 
 "About freakin' time!" David shouted. "I've only seen how you two act around eachother for a few days and I knew you two should end up together!" Savannah elbowed him in the side as the boys all went up to Andy and gave him a 'man hug', Kyle gave one aswell. He was never too fond of the guys I dated, but as odd as it sounds he has a special slot for Andy.  
 After all the commotion died down and Andy dried off with a towel I gave him we all wandered inside the house, spending the rest of the day watching movies.
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:O!! Ahh!! They are finally together[;