Status: Update whenever I get the chance! :] Comments & subscriptions make me smile! *hint hint* ;D

We'll Brave This Storm

Uh oh…

Saturday; December 29, 2007; 9:57 am
Unbroken. I'm choking’ on this ecstasy. Unbreak me. Unchain me. I need another chance to li-
I groaned, rolling onto my back as my ring tone continued to sound off. Picking up my buzzing phone from the dresser beside my head, I mindlessly answered, "Hello?"
"Good morning Lexi," I heard my boyfriend smile through his words, making my heart flutter. Wow. It was so weird calling Andy my boyfriend, but hey, I have nothing to complain about. He sounding slightly panicked, "did I wake you?"
"Kind of," I chuckled sitting up, rubbing my tired eyes and slipping on my glasses.
"I'm sorry babe, want me to call you back in a few hours so you can go back to sleep?"
"It's alright Andy," I said back checking time. 10:01. "I got to get up now anyway." 
"I had an amazing time last night."
I giggled, "Me too."
"Well, you know how are one week anniversary tomorrow?"
"Awh, were going to celebrate our one week," I cooed grinning.
"Of course! Got to make this extra special for us," he chuckled, "but I got to run out of town tomorrow. Ol' Grandma Biersack wants to see the family, so we'll be celebrating today! I hope you don't mind. I have a surprise waiting for you over here."
"Not at all!" I smiled running a hand through my messy hair, "but I didn't get you anything."
"Oh it's alright babe. You just giving me the chance to be your boyfriend is more than good enough for me." I blushed a deep shade of red, thanking god no one was able to see me. "So what time do you think you can get over here?"
"Give me an hour?"
"Sure babe, see you then." We said our goodbyes and hung up. I laid back in bed and stared at the ceiling, wondering how did I get so lucky. I had a beyond crappy childhood, my mother left us, we were pretty much forced to move to Denver, but somehow, now, my life is now perfect. I was back in my hometown, I have both my Colorado and California friends backing me up along with the best boyfriend ever.
After a few more moments of resting, I decided to get up and hop in the shower real fast. Once I got out, I threw some clothes on, did my hair and headed downstairs to the kitchen, only to see David sprawled out on the table gripping a bottle of chocolate sauce, his black, messy hair flying in every direction.
Laughing slightly, I walked up to him and poked his cheek softly, "David." Groaning inwardly, he swatted my hand and ended up rolling off the table, hitting his head on a table leg. 
"Ahh fuck!" He hissed, slurring, "What the fuck is that table doing here? God damn it." He then rolled under the table, gripping the sauce tighter to his chest. 
"David," I cooed, "are you okay?" He grumbled for a few moments before I heard silent snores leave from him. "Come on Davie, lets get you out from under the table," I sighed squatting down and trying to pull him out.
"Whoa there little lady," yelled raising a hand as if he were going to give me five across the eyes, "only Lexi calls me-" he paused when he saw my face. "Holy shit! Lexi when'd you get here? Whatever, I don't care, just glad your here now. Some stupid slut was tryin' to get in my pants and called me 'Davie' but I was like 'No way hoe! Only Lexi calls me Davie!" 
"Oh really now?" I questioned. Earning a hiccupped response, I asked David if he needed any help getting up. Shaking his head side to side franticly, his hair whipping back and forth he rolled out from under the table and stood straight up. Gravity pushed down on his intoxicated self, and he fell back down on the floor. 
"Davie, honey," I paused holding out my hands, "let me help you get up." After a few moments of him reassuring me countless times he could get up himself, he let me help him up, making me swear on my life I wouldn't hurt his bottle of chocolate sauce as he handed it to me. 
"Lexiiii," David said dragging out the 'I' in my name as we treaded up the stairs, his arm weighing my shoulders. 
"Yeah, David?" 
"Alexandria Taylor Evens! Don't giv-" He screeched as I cut him off with a hush. "Don't give me attitude," he whispered. Ten more minutes of trying to stumble up stairs later and a five minute detour to the bathroom, allowing Dave to show off all the contents in his stomach to the world, we finally made it to his room. 
"Okay David," I sighed running a hand through my hair. "Get in your pajamas and go to bed. You need to sleep off your 'slight buzz'."
He whined like a little kid, "But I don't wanna!"
"David please, I'm already late as it is. Go to sleep or," I paused thinking for a moment, smirking slightly when I knew exactly what would get him to behave, "or you can't go out bar hopping with the guys again." 
"Say what!" He yelled, but it came out more as a question. Immediately, he stripped down to his boxers and jumped into bed, still holding his bottle of chocolate syrup. 
"David, do you wanna give me the syrup?" He shook his head violently and yawned. 
"Okay, but if it uncaps and spills all over your bed, don't blame me."
"Yeah, yeah," he yawned once more. I quickly rushed downstairs, got David a bottle of water along with some Advil pills to take whenever he gets up and rushed back up stairs, setting it on the end table beside his alarm clock. 
I tapped him on the arm, "Davie, honey I left some pills on the end table for you to take later, okay?" He squirmed a bit under the covers, and I walked back down stairs. I grabbed my jacket and headed out the door to Andy's. 
The walk over there was short and brief. There was another car in his drive way, a silver Toyota to be exact, but it was probably just for business. Black Veil Brides were getting really big, not only more fans were pouring in, but record labels as well. I remember hearing the boys contemplating on which one to sign to and which would give them the most freedom to be who they were. I walked through the gates, following the walkway that led to his door step. Knocking on his front door, it creaked open slowly. Shaking the confused thoughts away, I walked in. 
"Andy," I called out into the empty house, my voice echoing. "Baba? Momma B? Anyone home?" I heard a small crash coming from above. I wandered upstairs and heard another crash this time coming from Andy's room. My eyebrows furrowed, "Andy?" My heart sunk and literally broke in two when I heard another girl's voice.
I walked up to his door that was slightly open, and pushed it open all the way.
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally done with all of this editing crap!! Haha, sorry everyone once more if I'm blowing up your notifications(;
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