Status: Update whenever I get the chance! :] Comments & subscriptions make me smile! *hint hint* ;D

We'll Brave This Storm

"Goodbye Andrew."

"Andy," I called opening his door smiling, "Babe, I'm he-" Suprise, suprise. "Oh my god," I managed to choke out and a hand flying over my gaping mouth, not even a moment after I saw this tears were streaming down my face. He, along with the shirtless girl that was straddling his hips, snapped up to look at me. 
 "L-Lexi," he paused trying to push the girl off of him. I quickly turned on my heel, shutting his bedroom door in the process. "Get off me Brittany," I heard him yell as I quickly sprinted down his hallway. I was down the stairs by the time he caught up to me.
 "Lexi, wait up!" I ignored his pleas as I opened the front door. He finally took hold of my wrist, "I swear, it's not what you think!"
 "What the fuck do you mean 'it's not what you think'?" I yelled, pulling my arm out of his grasp. "Cause it sure as Hell looked like you were about to fuck that," I paused not bothering to wipe the never-ending tears that streamed down my face, "that whore!" 
 "Her name is Brit…" he paused immediately regretting what he said. "Lexi, I swear to God it isn't what you think!"
 "Oh yeah?" He nodded, I continued as I walked across the street, my feet slapping against the road pavement, "Well it sure seemed like it." 
 "I swear Lexi, I didn't do what you think I did! Your overreacting! She was in my room when I got there and-" I cut him off.
 "How stupid do you take me for? I saw it with my own two eyes!" We were now across the street, on the porch as I opened the door. The whore, I mean 'Brittany' began to walk across the street to retrieve Andy. I bit my tongue, trying to hold back what I didn't want the rest of the neighborhood to already know. By the tone of our voices, I was suprised the whole state of California couldn't hear our screaming match.
 "Lexi what do I have to do to prove to you tha-" I slammed the door in his face and locked it. I walked up to my room as he continued to knock on the door repeatedly. I just silently prayed to myself that he would stop and no one in the house would wake up. 
 After a few more minutes, a sigh of relief escaped my lips. Andy finally stopped banging on the door. I threw my phone on my bed as I walked into the bathroom front of a cabinet mirror to fix my makeup. I put on a small amount of mascara and eyeliner on, not the waterproof kind either. This was probably a decision I'd regret later, but for now, I just didn't give a damn. I took hold of a purse from my closet, slung it across my shoulder and tip-toed back downstairs, hoping not to wake anyone. I grabbed the car keys to the bug off the small key tree beside the refrigerator and opened the door. 
 I hissed inward as I saw Andy with his head in his hands, sitting on the bench, his whore beside him. I rolled my eyes and shut the door as his head snapped up and he looked at me. I made my way to the bug, but not before he tried to talk to me.
 "Listen," he grasped my wrist once more.
 "Get you and your whore out of here. This is private property."
 "Lexi, ple-" 
 "No," I shook my head cutting him off. "My friends call me Lexi," I paused taking in a sharp breath, trying to hold back the tears. "You, call me Alexandria." His grasp loosened around me and I saw the tears well up in his crystal blue eyes. "Goodbye, Andrew." 
 I continued walking towards the car. Opening the driver's door, I got in, threw my purse in the passenger seat, put the keys in the ignition and turned on the car. Blinking the tears away, I gripped the steering wheel tightly and pulled out of the driveway. I stepped on the gas pedal, peeled out of the small neighborhood and never looked back. I had no clue where I was going, but it just had to be away from here.
♠ ♠ ♠
:O! Oohh major shit just went down!  Do you all think Lexi was overreacting, or was Andy just being an ass? Anywhoo!! Hello there my lovelies!! I thought I'd just leave you all with a nice, little chapter for being so amazing! I had barely 11 subscribers this morning, then bam out of nowhere, we hit 16 subscribers. It may not be much of an increase, but its heart-warming to know 16 people like this story. Special thanks to Forevergoth & Cindycannibal for commenting on the last chapter. They gave me inspiration. Ahah, well anywho, enough of this mushy stuff. Dont forget to comment & subscribe!