Status: Update whenever I get the chance! :] Comments & subscriptions make me smile! *hint hint* ;D

We'll Brave This Storm


 After about 30 minutes of driving, I was somewhere in the heart of Los Angeles. Turning off the radio, I steered into an empty Starbucks parking lot. I pulled into a space, grabbed my purse, got out of the car and locked it, and headed inside. Opening the door, the sweet smell of coffee hit me like a ton of bricks. 
 Moaning silently at the beautiful aroma, I went to the counter and ordered. In a matter of minutes, my order was ready. I took hold of it and made a bee-line towards a booth in the back. I was shocked that a coffee house was so empty on a Saturday morning. The only people in here were the two workers behind the counter, one who quietly mopped in the front lounge and myself, but I didn't have any complaints. I really wouldn't want anyone, stranger or not, to see me in this state of mind, even if there was a huge possibility I'd never see any of these people again. I took a sip of the liquid gold that was in my hand, quietly hissing as it left a burning sensation down my throat.  
 Sighing, I thought of the past few days here. Everything was running smoothly, sure it had a rocky start, but everything was great. Breathe Carolina got signed to a record label, and was headed into the studio soon. The same goes for Black Veil Brides and to top it off, after many years, Andy and I became a couple. We were supposed to last longer than this though. I don't mean to sound cliché or anything, but I actually loved him. He just threw it all away. He went back to his old, whore of a girlfriend, who ended up breaking his heart five times before hand, from what Ashley said, like he just did to mine. Everytime she just showed up on his doorstep, he forgave her and let her back into his life. It just kills me inside. If he wanted out of this relationship, he shouldn't have ever told me he loved me. 
 Andy and I were currently lounging on the couch, watching, you guessed it, another marathon of Toy Story! It was possibly the best movie to hold a marathon on, even if there were only two movies, and it brought back so many fun memories for Andy and I. 
 Yawning, I gently layed my head in Andy's lap and shut my eyes. After a few minutes, he begun to stroke my hair. 
 "Lexi, you awake," he questioned, whispering. I stayed still and faked a few silent snores, just to see where this was going. He continued to run a gentle hand down my hair and over my back. He sighed a moment before I felt his eyes gaze upon me.  
 "I-I-I," he stuttered a few times. "I love you Alexandria. I love you so much." He continued to stroke my head until I begun to stir happily in my place. I had no clue what to say. I was speechless. My best friend, for who knows how long said he loves me. A huge grin made its way across my face and I rose up from his lap. 
 His eyes bulged and his mouth dropped as realized something. "W-Were you awake the whole time? Did you-" 
 "Yes, Andy. Yes, I was awake the whole time and yes I heard what you said." 
 "L-Lexi I-I," I put an end to his stuttering by placing a small, gentle kiss to his lips. 
 Pulling away, I smiled while he wore a confused expression. I looked into his crystal blue eyes and stated four words. "I love you too." Four small, simple words, yet they held so much meaning than people give them credit for. 
 I normally never said those words this early in a relationship, let alone in a relationship ever, but with Andy, things were different. We've known eachother for so long, it just felt natural. He smiled and pulled me into his lap, me nuzzling my head into his neck and him doing the same every once and a while-
 I heard a bell go off towards the front of the shop, snapping me out of my thoughts and signalling a new customer had walked through the doors. I sunk lower in my booth seat while I attempted to scrub the free-falling tears that had begun to flow down. Sighing, I just buried my head into my arms that were currently folded across the table. Boy, was I screwed. Just the thought of any of the past few days seemed to send me over the edge. This never happened to me before in any other relationship.
  I opened my eyes, letting them dance around the dark space inbetween my arms as I fell deeper into thought. A few more tears crawled down my cheecks before I heard two pairs of feet walk beside me, but stopped in front of my booth. Quickly wiping my face with my hands, hoping whoever beside me didn't notice. 
 "Hey Le-" I heard the voice call smiling. 
 "Oh shit, are you okay?" I heard another male voice call. Shocked, I looked up in disbelief. Yeah, I am beyond screwed. 
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello everyone! Sorry this is just a filler, I'm kinda in a rush at the moment so, special thanks to Forevergoth & JustAnother_Andley for commenting on the last chapter!