Status: Update whenever I get the chance! :] Comments & subscriptions make me smile! *hint hint* ;D

We'll Brave This Storm

"Intrude my ass."

 "Oh shit, are you okay?" I heard a different male voice question. Shocked, I slowly brought my head up, looking towards the side up to see Ronnie standing in front of my table along side another guy, who looked about the same age. He was probably a few inches shorter, had his black hair styled in a long fashion, and had more facial piercings than Ronnie, that included snake bites along with a nose ring. Both men having a matching twinkle in their eyes that they'll make it big one day, but that was currently replaced with concern. 
 "Ye-Yeah," I said trying to regulate my voice and blink away the tears, "I'm fine."
 "Are you sure?" The one beside Ronnie asked once more. 
 "Yeah, I am positive," My voice cracked slightly. "What are you two doing back here?"
 "Well, every Saturday we usually take a trip to this coffee shop, and take a seat in this very boo-" the guy with snake bites pressed on until he took a small blow to the stomach by Ronnie's elbow, causing him to make an 'oof' sound. He shook it off and brought his cup of coffee to his lips before muttering, "not cool bro." I opened my mouth, about to say I could move but Ronnie spoke up. 
 "No, no. It's okay, ol' Max here was just leaving anyway," Ronnie said, patting the guy beside him, who I could only assume was Max. 
 Max smirked slightly, "Alrighty, I can sure take a hint brotha," he chuckled patting his buddy's back, "I gotta go down to Daemon's house anyway. You two have fun now," he winked and strolled out of the shop, leaving Ronnie and I behind in a silence. 
 "Mind if I sit," he questioned, gesturing to the other half of the empty booth across from me.
 "No, not at all." He sat down, and smiled warmly at me.
 "It's been quite some time since we last talked." Ronnie said.
 "Yeah, it has. How have you been?"
 He flipped his long hair to the side, "I've been better. My bands doing pretty good."
 "Thats nice," I trailed off. "How was your vacation?"
 Ronnie shrugged, "It was… fine." I could tell he didn't really want to talk about it, so I just dropped it.
 Now it was his turn to ask. "How have you been?"
 "I-I've been okay," I sighed not really wanting to tell him my problems.
 "Oh come on Lexi, that seems like a load of crap! You don't seem okay, you seem kinda…" he trailed off, " kinda down. You can tell me anything." His deep, chocolate eyes bore into mine. They just seemed so friendly, and he had slightly begun to stroke my hand that was placed on the table, how could I not do what he asked of me?
 I nodded and begun to tell him about my 'events' over the past few days. I saw his facial expressions change over each word I said. His eyes kind of flickered with anger as I told him Andy and I got together, but it seems as if it got worse as I told him what had happened earlier this morning. "The funny thing is tha-that I just don't care anymore."
 "Lex," he whispered slightly the anger in his eyes fading away. He raised his thumb to wipe the tears, that I didn't even know were falling, away. Much to my suprise he got up and scooted in the seat beside me. Thowing an arm around my shoulder, I scooted into his side, burring my face into his shirt. This may sound extremely weird, but Ronnie smelt amazing, despite the strong smell of coffee floating around. I pretty much sobbed until I had no tears left to give, while Ronnie ran a hand up and down my back, each touch sending shivers down my spine. The stream of tears finally stopped and my eye lids grew heavier. A quiet yawn escaped my lips. I felt his chest vibrate, a signal of him laughing and he bent his neck down to look at me. 
 "You okay," He smiled slightly, his face inches from mine. I felt my cheeks grow hot and red. I pulled away yawning once more, throwing a sleeved covered hand over my mouth. Me yawning probably wasn't the most attractive sight. He just chuckled at my antics.
 "Just a bit tired is all." 
 "Oh, well maybe we should start getting you home then…" I just nodded at his words biting my lip. I didn't really wanting to go home and possibly face Andy. He continued catching onto my thoughts but not speaking of it. "…or we could go to my place." I disagreed and shook my head, feeling as if I'm just burdening my feelings onto him. I was about to speak up once more, but Ronnie cut me off, "and don't even think about giving me that 'I don't wanna intrude' crap," he spoke as if he read my mind. He continued speaking, looking straight down into my eyes causing me to blush and look away. "You, my beautiful friend, are welcome at my apartment anytime and every time you want." He smiled. "Intrude my ass." He murmured picking up his cup of coffee and taking a drink. He just had to say those words, as if I weren't blushing like a complete mad-man already, well mad-woman in my case. I guess I will be spending the day at Ronnie's then.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hullo my lovelies! I know, I know, long time no update. Once again my apologies. Just got over a major writer's block, rested up from warped tour (which may I add was completely amazing!) and am finally on summer vacation so I now have more time to focus on my writing!  Yay! Anywho enough of my jibber-jabber, special thanks to JustAnother_Andley (loved your cookie analogy haha), Forevergoth & LunaGreenDay! Next update should be way faster than this one.