Status: Update whenever I get the chance! :] Comments & subscriptions make me smile! *hint hint* ;D

We'll Brave This Storm

"I'm happy to comply."

After a few more moments of sitting down and just enjoying eachother's company, Ronnie descided we should probably start heading out. It had now begun to drizzle outside and we wanted to leave before the rain got any heavier. He shimmied out of the booth, quickly brushed the remains of the crumbs from the blueberry muffin he devoured moments before off, adjusted his jacket to his frame then lent out his had for me to take. Smiling, I took it and lifted myself up from the seat.
Ronnie then took our empty coffee cups from our table and tossed them into the trash. I rummaged through my purse for the quick, split second he was gone to look for my phone. I soon felt a presance beside me and shut my purse, figuring I'd just look for it once we got to his place. The apartment was only a few minutes away, so we just descided it didn't make much sense to drive the short trip when we could walk it. Ronnie had then begun to take off his jacket.
"What are you doing? It's freezing outside." I stared confused at him until he slipped my arms through the sleeves.
"Exactly, it's freezing outside." I looked into his eyes as he finished sliding the zipper up to the base of my neck. "Don't want you catching a cold now." His eyes inched upward, stopping at my lips. Gazing at them for a moment, he drug his tongue over his bottom lip then looked up towards my eyes.
I murmured a quick 'oh' and Ronnie dropped his tattooed arms down to his side. I watched his arms fall and noticed some stains and smears on the side of his shirt. Biting the corner of my lip, I had begun to feel slightly embarassed. "Sorry about that." Now it was Ronnie's turn to be confused. He then followed my eyes to the side of his shirt. Ronnie made an snapping sound between his tongue and the roof of his mouth, rolling his eyes.
"Oh Lexi, it isn't that big of a deal." A small pout formed across my face and furrowed my eyebrows together as he spoke his playful words.
"No, make up stains are extremely hard to get out. Not to mention, it looks like Ronald McDonald wiped his face on your side." Ronnie stared at me for a moment before bursting out into a complete fit of laughter, as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing. It took him a moment to come around and realize I was actually upset about this. I mean, I cried on him for another guy. When you think about it though, it wasn't just another guy. It was one of his best friends, whom I probably now have ruined their friendship.
Thoughts kept running through out my head until I felt two fingers lift my head. I looked straight into the eyes of Ronnie, "Lexi, I swear on my band, it is okay," he said dragging out the 'o' in okay. "It's just a shirt, an old shirt at that. I've owned it for God knows how long and it even has a hole in the armpit. See," he smiled holding up his right arm, causing me to crack up aswell. He then brought his hand up to my face, slowly brushing the blonde hair that had fell in front of my eyes, blocking my sight. "Now I don't ever want to see your pretty little face frown or pout again. Watching beautiful girls cry is never a sight I enjoy, either." My pale, pierced face, which he now had a clear view of, darkened with a red blush. Boy was this guy going to be the death of me.
He chuckled deeply in his throat and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, which soon lowered to my waist as we exited the warm shop and walked into the cold December's afternoon. A few specks of water pelted onto my face as we made a right on the sidewalk. It wasn't enough to hurt, if anything it felt relaxing. We both winced slightly everytime our feet splashed into the puddles on the floor, leaving us with soaking wet shoes and socks.  
Much like Ronnie said, we were on his doorsteps in a matter of minutes, seconds in our case because we mostly ran the whole time. Water dripped down his face as he quickly felt the outside of his pockets for his keys. A panic look spread across his face before he bent down and retrieved a spare key from under the cliché door mat. An 'ahah' escaped his lips as he opened the door, ushered me inside and shut it behind us.
I stared wide-eyed at Ronnie as he went straight to my side and begun to take off the jackets and hang them on the coat rack. "Ronnie, you didn't have to do that."
"Do what?"
"Give or help me out of your jacket, or the five-billion other incredible things you've done for me already."
He just shrugged his shoulders like it was no big deal. "I'm just happy to comply."
"Yeah, but now your soaking wet," I exclaimed stepping closer to him. I looked into his eyes with what little light we had in the room, brushing the wet hair that clung to his face out of the way. He then shut them, pressed his forehead to mine and wrapped his arms around me, leaving me unsure of what this was leading to. We stayed like this for quite sometime until I felt something pawing at my ankles causing me to yelp.
I jumped back and heard feet pitter-patter away. "What was that," I held a hand over my now racing, for more than one reason, heart.
Ronnie laughed as he walked over to the light switches and flipped them all up. My eyes scanned across the wooden floors of the now brightly lit room. "Sorry, that was probably Mittens, my pet kitten."
"It was actually my old, next door neighbor's cat. She ended up moving, couldn't bring the cat so I took it off her hands. I would rename him to something more manly if I could, but I think it'd confuse him." I nodded, slightly laughing at Ronnie as I glanced around the apartment. It was pretty small, yet seemed cozy. There was the kitchen on the left that has morphed into the livingroom on the right, but left a gap inbetween for a hallway, one door on both the left and right sides, along with one straight down the middle. "Now I know you were tired, did you want to take a nap and after we'll grab something to eat?"
"That'd be nice," I smiled and he showed me to his room. He handed me a pair of loose black shorts and a long white shirt to change into, insisting that even though my clothes were dry they would be uncomfortable to sleep in. He then grabbed himself a pair of clothes to change out of and went into the bathroom to take a shower, leaving me alone to get comfortable. As soon as I finished changing I slid under his warm covers, I shut my eyes and snuggled into a pillow. Ronnie slowly peeked his head inside, looking around to see if it were okay to come in. I quickly shut my eyes again, hoping he didn't notice I was still awake. Ronnie then entered, singing as he dumped his clothes in his hamper. I listened to his voice, which at the moment I believe was singing one of his band's songs. I couldn't help but get lost in his mesmerizing voice. He knelt down at the end of the bed and began to dig through a drawer. His singing then quieted down as from what it sounded like, found a plastic bag.
"Why'd you stop singing?" I mumbled, startling Ronnie in the process. He then dropped what was in his hands back into the drawer and shut it.
"What are you doing awake?" He joked. I just shrugged as he had moments before. He stepped up to his feet and turned to look at my sleepy figure under the sheets. "I'm gonna go take a nap on the couch aswell. If you need anything, let me know. Kay?"
"Wait, Ronnie. You can sleep in here, if anything I should be out on the couch."
"No, it's okay. I want you comfortable. You're my guest."
"Well, we can both sleep in here, if you want. This bed is huge! No way I could fill up the whole thing."
"Are you sure?"
"Positive." Ronnie smiled his beautiful smile and got in the bed beside me.
"Sing to me?" I smiled back at him once he got settled, his hand grasping mine and setting them inbetween out faces. Okay, this guy was going to be the sure death of me.
"Anything for you," and he begun singing a song I later learned as Friends and Alibis.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hullo my lovelies! Bleh, I wrote this chaprer atleast a billion times and I have to say this was the best I've written even though it's still really crappy. Oh & please excuse the load of errors in this chapter. I'm in a  hurry, but no worries I'll be back to fix those later! Before I go, special thanks to JustAnother_Andley,  Thatscalledyes & iloveandybiersack1! All of your comments made me smile haha. Also I noticed we now have 30 subscribers! I'm shocked! I love you too my silent readers(:  I should really stop stalling now, I must be on my way. Bye bye for now!