Status: Update whenever I get the chance! :] Comments & subscriptions make me smile! *hint hint* ;D

We'll Brave This Storm

"I was making you breakfast, or attempting at it."

I woke up the next morning to the over-casted sky light from outside pouring into the bedroom. Looking around I realized I wasn't in my usual bed, I was in Ronnie's at his apartment. I sat up, rubbing my eyes then looking beside me noticing he wasn't there. Don't tell me he went to go sleep in the living room like he said he would before.
I swung my feet off the bed and stood up, stretching my arms and letting out a silent yawn. I looking into the mirror that was placed atop the dresser and touseled my hair, making sure it was at least somewhat presentable. I shuffled over to the halfway opened door and walked out into the living room/kitchen.
I glanced towards the couch. It hadn't look as if anyone had slept on it, but if Ronnie wasn't there, where was he? I then heard a slight sizzle followed by a pop and glanced to the right, towards the kitchen. I looked through the small gap, in between the counter top and shelves to see Ronnie leaning over a stove. He stumbled backwards, but then caught his step, earning a giggle from me in the process.
I walked into the kitchen, not too close to him and the stove, but close enough to get a full view of him. He was in a black shirt, black jeans that seemed a few sizes too small and a chef's hat, but I must admit, he was looking pretty darn cute. "What are you doing, Radke?" He turned his head towards me, somewhat shocked I was awake then sent a crooked smile my way.
"Good morning to you too Lexi. I'm glad your up! You've been sleeping since yesterday afternoon and it's now," he glanced towards the clock on the wall then turned his attention back towards me, "six-thirty," he was about to say whatever he was going to say, when what contents that were cooking on the stove popped and splattered all over Ronnie. Wiping the goop from his eye, he continued his sentence flatly, "seven."
I bit back a laugh and ushered to his side, shutting off the stove and turning towards him. "What are you doing?" I ran my hand along his cheek, wiping more goop off his face off. Luckily whatever it was still happened to be cold, or else it could've burned him.
"Well," he sighed, "I was making you breakfast, or attempting at it. I heard somewhere that you just make some sort of mix, throw it on the pan and boom! You've got pancakes."
I quirked an eyebrow at him and let out a small giggle, looking at the disaster area on the stove, "but you were using a pot."
"That was my problem. You see, I only had a pot and I thought it wouldn't be that much of a difference," he smiled putting the emphasis on that.
I shook my head at him laughing, "You are something else Radke. What's with the chief hat then?"
"I thought it'd help out with the cooking mood! It was also a re-gift from Max, the guy you kind of met yesterday and don't act like you don't love it!" He swiveled his head so the hat could sway back and forth. I rolled my eyes and Ronnie just laughed some more. "I'm gonna go change out of these clothes, now that they're all bleh. After I'll take you to your place so you can change into some clean clothes then we're off to a magical place! I am kidnapping you for the day."
"Oh are you now?"
"Yeah, I believe so." He stated matter-o-factly.
"Well alright," I laughed. "Do you mind if I use your phone though? I forgot my phone at home and I think I have to my brother to let him know that I'm still alive since I didn't come home last night. He'd kinda be worried sick if I don't." Ronnie nodded before tossing me his phone and returning into his bedroom to change.
I dialed in Kyle's number and listened to it ring. He ended up not answering due to the fact he lost his phone once again or he didn't recognize the number. I hung up, desiding to call David's number instead and luckily he picked up.
"Hello," he mumbled tiredly, obviously just waking up.
"Hey David," I responded back. I heard him pause for a moment then a slight bit of rustling on the other end.
"Lexi, where are you? We are all worried about you! You left your phone here too. We thought something bad ha-"
"I know, I know, I'm sorry. I just needed some time to clear my head and I guess I lost track of time."
"Clear your head?"
"Yeah, don't worry about it though, I'm fine now. I'm actually at a friends house. I'll be home to change soon though," I continued telling him about our plans until Ronnie came back out and we said our goodbyes.
I hung up his phone and he stood in the door way, struck an odd pose as if validating he was ready then walked over to where I was sitting. "Ready to go?" I nodded and he helped me up. He quickly went into the kitchen to make sure his cat had food and water for the rest of the day. While he did that I looked for the car keys in my purse, not really wanting to lug it home. A small bit of panic washed over me when I couldn't find them.
"Uhm Ronnie," his head popped up towards me after he poured a bit of water for the cat, "have you seen my car keys?"
"Oh yeah, I thought it'd be a bit much to walk down to the coffee shop this early in the morning, so I picked up the car yesterday night and parked it in front of the complex." I nodded, thankful I didn't have to walk around in Ronnie's clothes. Don't get me wrong, they were really comfy, I may just keep them, but I looked ridiculous. I snagged his hoodie off the couch and pulled it over my head loving how snug it fit. I then slipped on his sandals, even though they were a bit big. He then grabbed my car keys off the table and linked arms with me, looking down laughing. "Are you wearing my clothes and shoes?"
I nodded up and down, "Sandals and yes, they are extremely comfy. I may just keep them."
Ronnie let out a laugh as he walked us out of his apartment and shut the door. "It's okay, you look much better than I do in them anyways." We walked to the car and to my surprise, Ronnie said he'd drive earning no objection from me. It was pretty funny seeing him drive though, he looked as if he didn't even fit into the small bug. He hunched over the steering wheel and had begun to make the drive to my house, of course with me telling him the directions though.
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I thought this update may make up for the awful one posted a few days ago(; Special thanks to LunaGreenDay for commenting.