Status: Update whenever I get the chance! :] Comments & subscriptions make me smile! *hint hint* ;D

We'll Brave This Storm

So many emotions...

The ride was pretty fun with Ronnie, him cracking lame jokes just to get me to smile. He could tell I was a nervous to go home after what happened yesterday, even though I had tried my hardest to hide it. We had now pulled up beside the curb in front of my house. Biting my lip, I looked at the house to my right having a slight sinking feeling in my stomach. It had all seemed to fade away though when Ronnie slipped his hand into mine and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
After a small moment, against my wishes, I let go of his hand and stepped out of the car. Another reason that contributed to my shaky emotions was not only was the lecture I may receive from Kyle but the fact that Andy lives across the street. From what I remember, he claimed that he wouldn't be home today and part of tomorrow, but you never know. I just honestly had no clue which possibility was worse right now, getting seen by Andy or getting scolded by Kyle.
Ronnie had got out of the car as well, meeting me on the passenger side. We walked up to the porch, cutting through the grass, the sound of the crunching underneath our feet only adding to the suspense. I opened the screen door, but stopped to knock on the wooden one behind it since it was locked. I heard David call through the door, saying he'd be with us in a moment.
I turned to look back at Ronnie who was standing a pace or so behind on a porch step. He sent yet another reassuring nod that seemed to help boost my confidence. The door then creaked open as David held it back with his foot, wallet in hand preparing to hand me a twenty bill.
"Well you aren't the pizza guy," He joked ushering me into the house, putting his wallet away. He looked towards the raven-haired guy who hadn't seemed to move. He looked a bit skeptical to come inside. David's brown eyes turned back to me, asking mentally if my friend were okay. I sent Dave a nod and turned my attention towards Ronnie.
"You can come inside you know," Ronnie smiled sheepishly, a bit embarrassed but came in anyway. David shut the door and turned towards Ronnie and I. "Dave, this is my," I paused, feeling a bit odd at what may have come out if I didn't stop myself, "friend, Ronnie. Ronnie, this is my friend from back home, David."
They gave each other one of those quick 'bro-hug' type things and we walked into the living room, David taking a seat across Ron and I.
"Nice place you guys have here," Ronnie nodded awkwardly glancing around. We sat in an awkward silence for a while, the only audible sound was our lungs contracting in and out. I didn't really want to leave the two in this situation while I went to go change.
"Ronnie is into the music scene as well," I stated out of the blue, this didn't seem much of a problem though because it seemed to spark up a non-awkward conversation between the two. I slipped away from their discussion and up the stairs, stopping in front of Kyle's door.
I knocked briskly a few times and before I could even blink the door flew back, revealing my older brother. Once he saw me, he quickly wrapped me in his arm, catching my off guard. Where was my protective sibling, the one who supposed to scold and yell because I didn't call? I was starting to worry.
"Thank God, you are okay." Kyle murmured holding me tightly. An instant pang of guilt shot through me at this point, causing me to mentally slap myself. I should of at least called him, he still thinks of me as that vulnerable little girl. He spoke up, "Grandma gave me some news the other day. I was supposed to tell you but I didn't, a stupid, selfish thing of me to do. I was afraid of how you'd react but now I may just think I'm more phased by it than you are. Scott has, uhm," he paused his babbling, mustering up his courage, really catching my attention. "Scott has been released." I gently pushed my hands against Kyle's chest and tilted my head up, glancing into his tear filled eyes.
I then averted my eyes back to the patterns along the front of his shirt. I thought to myself as my eyes rounded the curves of pieces that made up the design of the band's first shirt. There isn't a chance in Hell that Kyle was taking this harder that I was. As soon as those four words escaped his mouth, my legs felt as if they were jelly and my lip wouldn't stop quivering. My vision had also blurred a bit, but I had to stay strong for Ky.
I inhaled a sharp breath quietly, and reassured him countless times that I would be fine. I nodded as he asked me if I were feeling alright, wondering if I had clearly understood what he had informed me of. I just nodded once more trying to play it off as if he was bothered more than I was.
After a few moments of his eyes staring into my own, checking for any sign of doubt. It was hard for him to wrap his head around the situation. It was usually him reassuring me everything was going to be okay. He was the one who always brushed away my tears back home, but now it was the opposite. I spoke up.
"I am fine Kyle, I really am. S-" I paused trying to say his name, "Scott cannot get me now. I am around people I love, I am hardly ever alone, I feel as if I am protected already."
Kyle nodded, his head brushing against my own due to the position we were in. He pulled away from our embrace and ruffled my hair, taking my positive words to heart and just having to trust me on this one.