Status: Update whenever I get the chance! :] Comments & subscriptions make me smile! *hint hint* ;D

We'll Brave This Storm

Fun Distractions

In a short amount of time I was walking back downstairs, prepared for what ever plans Ronnie had set in stone for us. I was greeted with all the guys shoveling pizza into their mouths, laughing as if they had been good friends for years. I laughed along with them, not at the topic they were chatting about, but at the cute Kodak picture moment set before me.
My laughter brought the smiling bunch out of their conversation, my presence not only causing Ronnie himself to stare, but his pizza filled mouth to gape open slightly. He quickly shut it, trying not to give any clues to my brother, who was sitting beside him throwing his crust into the box and pulling out another slice.
"Ready to go?" I smiled at Ronnie, earning no objection from Kyle, whom he had probably asked and gone over the plan with him. A sweet thing to do if you ask me.
"Yeah," he brushed his hands on his black, torn up in the knees jeans before motioning to the box. "Did you want to take a slice to go? Since breakfast didn't really work out…" I nodded at him laughing back at this morning. I stepped towards the box, picking up a slice and wrapping a napkin around it. Ronnie ran down the hall for a second to go use the restroom before we left. Apparently our trip was a bit farther than I thought it'd be, from what he had mentioned so far.
"Why do you smell like," David scrunched up his nose and laughed a little bit, "sunscreen?"
I rolled my eyes at his tease and swallowed my bite, "I'm supposed to wear sunscreen out today," I interrupted myself taking another bite, "Ron told me we're going somewhere sunny." We bickered until Kyle addressed us as 'children' only earning David opening his mouth, showing off the chewed up contents and me sticking my tongue out. Ronnie was back with us and we said our departures to the guys, Kyle warning me to be careful.
In a matter of time, about an hour and a half of driving, our small red bug had pulled into a parking structure, but this wasn't just any structure. This was the Disneyland parking structure! I had thanked Ronnie at least a billion times, a fair amount from the car all the way into the theme park. I tried convincing him to let me pay for my own ticket, but he claimed that my 'smile and our friendship was worth it all'. I just rolled my eyes and pushed his chest lightly as he swooped into me for a hug.
Through out the day we had rode about every ride in the park twice, us stopping a few times for silly pictures with the dressed up cast members. We even stopped every once in a while so Ronnie could chat with excited fans who clung to him when he had asked them for friendly hugs, causing me to smile from behind the camera as I snapped their picture.
Our time together seemed to fly by a lot faster than I hoped it would, but never the less I had a great time. It was now somewhere around 11:30, Ronnie and I were now sitting at a table sharing cotton candy and a soda watching the crowds pour out to the tram and parking structures.
I giggled the red Mickey Mouse balloon tied to his wrist bopped him in the face as he shook moved about, talking animated. He widened his eyes and shook the hair that fell in his face when the balloon caught him off guard. I laughed, the emerald green colored balloon tied around my own wrist bobbing up and down.
Ronnie fake glared and teased, "You're gonna pay for that."
"Gonna have to catch me first!" I challenged, shooting up from my seat and running away leaving my empty container of candy behind. Ronnie followed behind, soon cornering me against Space Mountain. We laughed uncontrollably, reasoning that two adults, by the looks of it, were running around the half empty theme park sporting customized mouse ears and balloons acting like loons. The laughter soon died down and we realized how close we were to each other.
My eyes scanned over Ronnie's face, traveling all the way from the silly hat atop his head, to his chocolate eyes down to his soft lips. He did the same to me, his tongue running over his bottom lip and dashing back inside. I had raked my tongue over my lip ring, the cold metal hitting sending shivers down my spine, along with the friction of our skin.
Before I even knew what to expect our lips were colliding softly, in sync with each movement. We pulled away, breathing in tune with each other trying to catch the breath we both lost. He looked a bit more shocked that I was, even though he had kissed me first. I was unsure what to do. I had just got out of a relationship, a short one at that, but it was with a person it felt I have known forever. I couldn't even get the nerve to ask Ronnie anything. My actions took over and I stood on my tip toes, giving him a small reassuring peck.
He smiled at me, returning with another kiss and pulled me to his side. He begun, "Oh hey look, Space Mountain. Shall we go on?" I nodded, biting my lip, unsure of what had just happened between us but a bit satisfied. We walked up to the ride together, but was stopped after a few seconds by an employee.
He stated that the ride was closed, telling us to leave but then changed his mind when he realized who Ronnie was. The worker got a bit nervous after Ron had thanked him, saying he didn't have to do that, and walked up to the ride and sat both of us inside before the guy could change his mind.
The ride was pretty fun with the amazing guy beside me. He made funny faces in the dark, and yelled around like a mad man, acting crazy just to get me to laugh. Luckily we were the only ones on the ride, or some people really would have been freaked out.
When a giant flash went off, Ronnie's eyes widened making an odd pose and I immediately tilted my head so my lips would meet his cheek. For the first time ever, he was the one blushing now which for some weird reason made me feel accomplished.
We scurried out of the ride, laughing and thanking the worker again as we rushed outside to see our photo. To my luck they snapped our moment and Ronnie whipped his phone out to take a picture of it. He quickly pressed a few buttons then showed me that he had made it into his cover screen. I then grabbed his had, grasping it a little tighter than usual so we wouldn't lose ourselves in the crowd.
After about an hours time, Ronnie and I were out of Disney, off the road rocking out to the radio and at his apartment. I thought it'd be a better idea to stay at his house since it was so late. This time I was actually prepared by having clothes for tomorrow in my purse and sent David a text before hand, since Kyle confirmed to me yesterday he actually had lost his phone. We had mindlessly changed into our pajamas, me borrowing his clothes again and snuggled into each other under the sheets falling into a dreamless sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dun, dun dun!!! ;) Double update today. Ahh, this chapter was so cute to write. I felt as if I puked rainbows and glitter writing it! Ha-hah. They kissed! Should they stay together? Yes, no, maybe?
On another note, my god, 38 subscribers? I am in love<3. Thank you all for subbing and recommending, I feel so honored right now, keep it up!