Status: Update whenever I get the chance! :] Comments & subscriptions make me smile! *hint hint* ;D

We'll Brave This Storm

"Trouble in paradise?"

I can't believe Andy would even say such things. I rolled my eyes, not being able to get his words out of my head. The thing that pissed me off the most was him claiming Ronnie was a drug addict. Like he had any proof of it. I wanted to get all those awful things he said out of my head, even if I had to bang my head against a wall.
I walked past the kitchen, trying to go hop up the stairs to my room but was called back by David who was sipping casually on his mug of coffee.
"Lexi, hey," he smiled and continued to talk as if he were my parent. "You're home early."
"I could go back out," I teased, but it came out probably a bit harsher than it should have.
He put his hands up, then placed them back around the cup in front of him, unable to stay away from the coffee. "I was only kidding, sheesh."
"I know, I'm sorry. I've just been having one of those weeks." His eyes furrowed in confusion at my apology.
"One of those weeks?" He repeated as if those words hadn't registered in his mind, "What's wrong? Didn't you have fun at Disney Land yesterday?"
Maybe a bit too much fun, I contemplating saying out loud. Do I tell him what happened with Andy? I was unsure if he or anyone else even knew I broke up with him, after not even being with him for more than a few days, and to be honest, I was ashamed of that. We could have worked things out, but then again it's not like we're in a marriage, where we would be somewhat forced to work things out.
I shrugged my shoulders, "I did."
"Well then what's wrong? Tell Davey all about it," he patted the seat next to him jokingly, attempting to lighten the mood that had settled awkwardly. I sat into the seat and fiddled with my thumbs, rapidly spinning them around each other. David tried guessing what was wrong, but I was just unsure what to agree to and what to not agree to. In a way, all the things he guessed weren't completely wrong.
"Trouble in paradise with Andy?" I cringed as he said my friend, no boyfriend, no ex-boyfriend. Gah, I just have no clue what to call him anymore.
"Kind of." I planned on not telling David, but he managed to squeeze the truth out of me. He seemed a but hurt about me going to Ronnie before I went to him, but understood the circumstances with an unspoken agreement. As I was speaking, it looked as if he were about to shatter the glass in his grasp.
After I explained everything to him, he reacted exactly how I thought he would. He jumped up, and ran, ready spill everything I told him to Kyle. Luckily I was able to stop him at the base of the stairs. I pretty much had to beg him not to tell Kyle a thing though. At first he wouldn't budge, whispering he, my brother and Josh would kick Andy's ass, but the tears that I managed to fake told him otherwise.
He hugged me and let me scurry up to my room, after I made him promise me he wouldn't tell a soul. Once I got in, I really felt at home. It feels like I haven't been here in ages, even though I was just up here yesterday.
First on my agenda for the afternoon was to get into my pajamas and take a nap. I was really worn out from the past couple of days and just needed some 'Me Time'. Even though I had my own pajama's, which usually consisted of a worn out tank top and shorts, I went for Ronnie's. You know, the comfortable baggy shirt and basketball shorts I felt the need to keep.
I dove straight for my bed after wards, slipping under the covers with my phone in hand. I went through it, checking my emails, text messages and recent calls that had piled up over the past couple of days.
A lot were birthday wishes, which caught me completely off guard. I cleared all of them out, sending a quick 'Thank You(:" message to each recipient and went to the calendar to check the date. January 1, 2008, it read in bold letters.
I couldn't believe that I had been too caught up in this madness to remember my birthday was a few days ago, and last night was New Year's Eve. Was I really that clueless? I just shook away the thoughts, disagreeing with myself. I wasn't stupid. It's just a new year, different age, nothing too spectacular. If anything, it was worse and made me realize that Winter Vacation was coming to an end next week and I'd have to attend a completely new high school. The only person I'd know there would be Andy. Well, this should be fun.
I shut the calendar and opened a new text from Ashley that had appeared.
From AshIsSoPurdy @ 12:58 pm
Damn girl, about time you responded to my text message! Had too much to drink on your birthday you are now just barely waking up? ;D
I chuckled and replied.
To AshIsSoPurdy:
I wish :/ and AshIsSoPurdy? That's your ID tag? When did you change that, cause I sure as hell didn't xD
He and I ended up texting each other for a while before we realized we might as well just talk over the phone. Another 20 minutes past and Ashley said he wanted to have a 'Lexi & Ashley Catch Up Day'.
I managed to weasel out of it today though and book it for tomorrow after my plans with Ronnie, since I was so tired.
As soon as we finished yapping, I hung up and let music fill the room to help me fall asleep. I always used it to help drown out the sounds of the outside world and if I wasn't able to have something playing, I'd just end up humming something in my head. Odd right? I doubt I even needed it this time though because as soon as I ditched my sitting up position in bed by sinking deeper into the covers, I was out like a light.
♠ ♠ ♠
Real, short-like update tonight. Expect another chapter sometime in the next hour or so (:
Got some comments on the last chapter, so special thanks to beloved;chemicalz, runawayinyourdreams, and JustAnother_Andley!! Your guy's comments made me smile so much! Hahah and everyone else reading this extremely long Author's Note, remember This is a Andy & Ronnie story, the focus may be on Ronnie for the time being but Andy will get his moment.
So yeah, expect double update later on, thanks for commenting, Andy Time and comment more!!