Status: Update whenever I get the chance! :] Comments & subscriptions make me smile! *hint hint* ;D

We'll Brave This Storm

The other 3/4 of Escape The Fate

January 2, 2008; 12:36 pm
Ronnie parked his SUV in front of a worn down, red bricked house. I glanced around in uneasily. The grass out front was completely dead, with one small form of life spilling from a bush in the middle of the grounds. The window on the side was boarded up lazily and a few tiles were hanging off the side of the roof. I bit my lip, a bit scared of what may lay within it, but got out of the car anyway. We both slammed the doors shut and I waited by the hood for Ronnie as he locked up the car.
He pulled on the door handle making sure it was really locked then met up beside me. Smiling warmly at me he wrapped an arm around my shoulders in a friendly manner and led us across the dead grass. I looked upon the ground we were walking on, our feet colliding with a pathway of dirt squares, signs that concrete covered it once until we stepped on a beat up 'Welcome' mat.
He knocked on a door briskly before pushing the door knob open. It seems as if you didn't know your own strength, the knob could fall loose in your hand.
"Ronald! Don't scare me like that. I thought it was that one crazy man on the lose they announced on TV." An elderly woman wiped her damp hands on a rag then swatted him on the arm with it, that wasn't around me obviously. Her face then went into shock and a smile sprawled out on her face. She rubbed the spot on Ronnie's arm tenderly when she looked at me. "Oh, I didn't know you have company!"
"Yeah," the smile that the woman had on seemed contagious because before I knew it, we all wore smiles. "This is my Lexi. Lexi, this is Grandmama Green." I was about to say it was nice meeting her but then I was wriggled out of Ronnie's grasp and brought into a bone-crushing hug.
"It's great to finally meet you Lexi! Ronnie has told us so much about you, you're all he ever talks about! Lexi's this or she's that. It's so cute!" She patted my back and stepped from left to right, still hugging me tightly. I mimicked her actions and turned to look at a blushing Ronnie. So, not only was I 'his', but all he ever talked about? I quirked a pierced eyebrow, a smirk similar to the one he usually wears, questioning if it were true. He glanced down innocently at his feet. She had even caught me off guard by kissing my cheek.
We talked a few minutes after the hug and Ronnie's arm had snaked it's way back around my shoulders. Grandmama Green soon let us go continue our venture down the stairs to meet the guys, but not before hitting Ronnie one last time in the chest and saying something along the lines of myself being a keeper. The innocent look crept back onto his face as we walked away from Grandmama Green who returned back into the kitchen.
"I'm sorry about her," he said, "she's a touchy-feely kind of person. Overly friendly, if you will."
"It's okay, I thought it was sweet." I snuggled my head into his side, "Ronald." He cringed at me using his name like she had earlier, only causing myself to laugh. We had now walked through two hallways before stopping in front of a white door, similar to the one at the entrance of the house.
He opened it, having me walk down the stairs first. I treaded down lightly, gripping the plank of wood used as a railing. I took hold of the wooden post at the end of the stair case and jumped off the last step, Ronnie following behind.
We had caught the attention of three guys, two who had game controllers in their hands and one in the back who was sitting on the couch, strumming away on a bass. The one with the bass set it over the side of the couch, hopping up immediately and scampering over to us.
"Hey there. You're that little lady from the coffee shop the other day," he winked, jokingly. "I'm Max."
"Back off Green, she's with me." Ronnie laughed playing along by placing his giant hand on Max's pierced face and pushed him to the side. The two other guys waved at me from their places. One had bleach blonde hair and the other had extremely curly hair that would put most girls to shame. Aviators rested on the guy with curly hair's face, even though we were inside the house, which to me seemed a bit intimidating. I later learned that their names were Brian & Robert, both names that seemed fitting to their appearance.
Once I had been introduced all of them perked up.
"So you're the famous Lexi that has stolen our Ronnie's heart?" Max laughed patting his friend on the shoulder as we all sat down. Robert and Brian had stayed on their floor seats, paying half attention to us and half to their game. A few string of cuss words leaving their mouths every time one had lost the round. Max sat on his knees beside the couch while Ronnie and I sat on it. I tried offering Max the seat beside me, saying I could never take up that much space but he politely declined claiming that I was the guest.
"Is this National Put Ronnie on the Spot Day or something?" Ronnie exclaimed putting air quotes around the words 'National' and 'Day'. We all laughed as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat.
This was how the rest of the afternoon went. Max, Ronnie and I talked amongst ourselves while Robert and Brian played, occasionally butting into our conversations and sparing a laugh. I had even found out a bit more than the small amount of information I knew behind Escape The Fate. Just as we were about to leave, Grandmama Green called down saying it was time for dinner. Max, Robert and Brian immediately shot up, racing up the stairs and pushing each other around as they tried to get to the table first.
Ronnie just laughed at them as we followed their steps, not nearly as dramatic as they were though. Grandmama Green was profoundly disappointed that we couldn't stay, as were the three other boys, but we had to hit the road if I wanted to make it to Ashley's before dark like we planned yesterday.
She had walked us out to the car, saying goodbyes and hope she'd see me more as Ronnie started the engine, but stopped to look out the window when Max came out to stand next to his grandmother.
"Use protection!" He laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world and thrusted his hips. The woman beside him looked appalled and slapped him in the arm, earning an 'Ow, Grandma!' from the slick boy. I laughed and Ronnie just rolled his eyes, chuckling along with me as well before shifting us into gear and driving off.
"Well that was fun," I smiled fumbling around with his radio. He sent a toothy grin my way.
"I told you they'd love you!"
"So I'm all you ever talk about, eh?" Ronnie turned almost as red as the stop light we were at. I patted his hand that was resting on the arm rest in between the seats. "Don't worry, I think it's cute."
The red in his face drained back to a decent color, "So am I taking you home?"
"To Ashley's, actually. He wanted me to spend the evening there."
"Oh, okay." He nodded changing lanes to turn onto the freeway. We basically made small talk the entire ride until we pulled up in front of Ashley's house, along with singing a few verses to songs that air played on the radio.
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