Status: Update whenever I get the chance! :] Comments & subscriptions make me smile! *hint hint* ;D

We'll Brave This Storm

Off to meet the clan!

Saturday; December 15, 2007; 12:30
I awoke the next day with a smile. Maybe this trip wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. I had my best friend back with a cute little black puppy, a plus might I add, along with my own attic bedroom, and my brother's band Breathe Carolina will be visiting us for the holidays. I unraveled myself from the covers and sat up, checking my phone for the time. "12:34," I mumbled to myself before I found out I had two new text messages. The first one was from David and the second was from Andy.
From: Daveey :) @ 9:37 am
Heyy Lexi!! How was your first night in Cali? Do you miss us? We miss you so much & cannot wait until next week! Tell your grandma to get ready for us! We BC boys will hit Cali hard ;)
Laughing, I hit the reply button.
To: Daveey :)
Davey!! It was pretty good I already made a friend & you'll never guess who!! ;) but I'm not gonna tell you! You'll just have to wait til next week when you guys visit! And of coarse I miss/love ya, but don’t text me so early!! I’m not in the CO anymore xP
I sent the message before checking Andy's.
From Andy :] @ 12:20
Hey Lex, hope I didn't wake you. Was wondering if you'd like to meet the guys today? I don't know if you remembered me talking about them last night, but I know they'd love to meet you. :)
To Andy :]
Don't worry you didn't! (: & sure sounds fun give me about an hour or so to get ready?
I got up out of bed and headed downstairs to the restroom. I brushed my teeth and hopped into the shower. I stayed in for a while, letting the warm water run across my bare skin before remembering Andy would be here soon. I quickly washed before wrapping the towel around myself and rushing up the stairs to pick out what to wear. When I finally picked out an outfit I threw it on , leaving the towel in my hair to help it dry.
I swear to god i won't stop until
your shakin' -trust me baby you
now i want you to- and let me slide
into you please baby-and if
you're screamin, than I'm screamin
too- if you want it let me bring it,
let me sneak into your house tonight
-breath in- and I’m coming to these
terms that my heart won't beat anym-
I laughed at my text message ring tone my friend Josh had set for my phone. I slid up the keyboard that brought me to a screen saying I had two messages.
From Daveey :) @ 12:31
Ohh lol sorry for texting you so early Ms. Cali -_- You should still be adapted to Denver time Lex! Not like you're in NYC!! ;P Oh and Kyle says hey... he lost his phone again so he apologizes for not texting you yet. ;)
To Daveey :)
I'm still on CO time dude! I just stayed up late packing and slept a little longer than I should have, and tell Ky I said to quit losing his phone! This is like the fifth time in less than a month. >.<
I sent the text and moved to the next message which was from Andy.
From Andy :] @ 12:39
Okay Lex (: I'll pick you up around 1:15? See you then :)
I replied 'k', before going off to blow dry/curl my hair. Looking in the mirror I was somewhat satisfied with myself. I checked the time on my phone once more noticing I had at least ten minutes until Andy came over. I shoved my phone in my back pocket and pulled my jacket on, then headed downstairs to the kitchen.
“About time you're up,” my grandmother chuckled taking a big, glass plate of bacon out of the microwave. I took a seat on one of the stools behind of the island counter top.
“Ha sorry Grandma,” I said grinning as she set the plate in front of me. “I stayed up a little later than I should have.”
“Oh it's quite understandable dear.”
“I also ran into Andy last night as I went outside for some fresh air,” I said gnawing on a piece of bacon.
“That's wonderful Lexi, how has he been? I haven't talked to his parents in a while. I should really run over and give them some of my fresh baked cookies,” she nodded.
“Yeah, I guess he's been doing pretty good. You remember how he was always eager to start a band when we were younger. He actually started one a few years ago and they are doing quite well.”
“That's good Lex,” she said before finishing up washing the dishes. The next few moments were silent until my phone went off again. Grandma sent a disapproving look my way as she dried her hands on the towel next to the sink.
“It wasn't me!” I put my hands up in defense, “It wasn't me it was Josh!”
“No really!” I laughed. “Ohh and David said to get ready for the BC boys next week. We're going to have three guests instead of six. Taste, Eric, and Lou can't make it so it will just be David, Kyle, and Josh.
“Oh wow I know how crazy they can get! I better get the guest bedrooms ready.” I nodded and checked my message.
From Daveey :) @ 1:10
Oh so what are you up to now?
To Daveey :)
Nothing just munching on some bacon xD Now I gotta go now. I'm going out with that friend I told you about. :D Text me later!
I then heard a knock at the door. My head snapped up, “That's him! I'll get it. Bye grandma!” I hopped up off the seat and ran towards the door. I quickly smoothed my shirt and opened the door.
“Hey!” Andy smiled his pearly whites, “You ready to go?”
“Yeah,” I stepped out, shutting the door behind me.
“I hope you don't mind walking. My car's been in the shop for the past few days, and Ashley only lives a couple blocks away.”
“I don't mind at all,” I grinned and we set out walking.
“So how's Kyle doing? I haven't seen that guy in forever.” Andy questioned.
“He's actually doing pretty good. He and his friend David decided to start a band, Breathe Carolina. They've been working on a few tracks out of their garage, but are coming out here during the holidays to spend time and hopefully get some recording time in at the studio.”
“Sounds interesting,” He said nodding. The conversation stayed like that for a while until we reached Ashley's. I kind of started getting nervous, I always am when I meet new people, and I think Andy could tell too. “Don't worry everything will be fine,” he soothed before opening the door showing me inside. “Everyone I'm here, and I brought a friend!” he hollered smirking, and threw an arm around my shoulder leading me into the living room where everyone was gathered.
♠ ♠ ♠
Editing some chapters…
-Eli <3