Status: Update whenever I get the chance! :] Comments & subscriptions make me smile! *hint hint* ;D

We'll Brave This Storm

"Do you like him as in like-like?"

By the time Andy and Ashley came back everybody decided that they were hungry. Nobody could decide on what they wanted, so Ashley just decided on ordering pizza from the shop downtown, not that Jake was protesting. He called it in, then announced that they had 30 minutes until they had to go pick it up. The next 20 minutes were filled with what seemed to be endless laughter. You could practically get an ab workout from just laughing with them.
"Okay," Ashley said getting up. "Gotta go get the pizza now! Lexi would you like to come with me?"
"That's what she said!" CC joked as everyone else laughed.
"Oh shut up," Ashley scoffed playfully.
"Yeah sure I'll go," I got up quickly before Ronnie could complain. It wasn't that I didn't like Ronnie, he was a real funny guy, I was just kind of tired of him making me sit so close to him, once again he was a real good looking guy, it was kind of weird considering I had just met him. Andy had decided to tag along too.
We headed for Ashley's car, got inside, him driving of coarse, Andy offered up the passenger seat, but I said I was fine sitting in the back. It was an interesting ride up, we all sang along to some songs on the radio until we got to the restaurant. When we got there we still had at a few minutes, so we just awkwardly waited on a bench with five other people, glancing at each other every so often. The pizza guy then called up a 'Ben Dover' to pick up his order. Andy, Ashley, and I were all forced to stifle out laughter at the hilarious name, as 'Ben' went to go get his order and leave, at least not before glaring at us. Our order was called up next and in a matter of minutes we were back at Ashley's.
“Fuckin' finally!” Jack sighed getting up going for one of the four pizza boxes in Ashley's hand.
“Damn man,” Andy laughed as he watched his friend already go in for a piece. Once we settled down we decided to watch a scary movie, much to my protest. Every time something scary popped up on the screen I'd jump into Ronnie's arms, hiding my head in the crook of his neck. I felt him chuckle lightly as I was huddled against him.
“Awwh!” Sammi cooed from her seat in between Jinxx and Andy. “They look so cute, don't they Andy?” I heard Andy grumble something incoherent from his seat and Ashley laugh. I peeked at Andy through the corner of my eye, noticing that he looked kind of angry, but then again he was on his phone so maybe it was a conversation he was having with someone through text. Glancing back to the screen, I jumped again gripping Ronnie's shirt between my fingers as I tried to bury my head deeper. I then heard my name being called.
“Oh Lexi,” Ashley said grabbing my attention as he whipped his phone out. “Say cheese!” And with that a flash went off capturing me clinging to Ronnie with a look of curiosity on my face. “Now won't that make a great Christmas card,” he joked.
“In front of the mini tree too!” Sammi beamed. Ronnie and I looked at each other before looking behind us up at the decorated tree. He just chuckled as I flipped off Ash.
“Ash, man,” Ronnie chuckled. “You're embarrassing her!” The day continued to go like that until around 10:45, when Andy thought it was best to leave since it was getting late. We said out good-byes, and we headed out.
We walked in silence for a few moments before I spoke up, “Are you okay Andy? You were pretty much quiet the whole time there.”
“Yeah, Lex. I'm fine, just tired is all,” he nodded.
Silence soon filled the air once again, the wind blowing through the trees, rustling the leaves was the only audible sound.
“Uhm, Lexi I have a question.” Andy stopped in his path, stuttering.
“What is it?”
“D-. Do yo-.” He cut himself off until he finally spit it out. “Do you like Ronnie?”
“Yea, I do like Ronnie. I could see us becoming great friends,” I nodded.
“No, I meant do you like Ron, as in like-like.” He stuttered out again reminding me of a school boy.
“No, Andy,” I giggled taking his hand in mine. “I do like Ronnie, but as a friend.”
“Phew,” he sighed, almost one of relief but then saw the confused look on my face and tried covering it up. “Phew, the wind stopped! It was really messing up my hair!” He grinned as he ran his free hand through his hair. I just nodded and we continued our journey home, thinking we should just drop the subject.
“Well here we are,” Andy said smiling once we made it onto my porch step. “Night Lex.”
“Night Andy. See you tomorrow?” He nodded smiling and I gave him a hug before going inside. I ran up the steps into my room and checked my phone.
From Daveey :) @ 1:15
Okay Ms California Social Butterfly byee! Text ya tomorrow.
I laughed at how stupid David's text was before getting in my PJ's and sitting in my bed thinking about Andy's question. Did I really like Ronnie? No I just met him, I couldn't possibly like him, I just met him! Even if I did eventually, would Andy mind? I shook the thoughts from my head and shut of the bedside lamp going to sleep.
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:O!! Ooohh why was Andy jealous of Lexi & Ronnie? Ahah and incase your wondering, still editing!! All the chapters will be kind of, expanded-ish. So uhh… yeah(;