Status: Update whenever I get the chance! :] Comments & subscriptions make me smile! *hint hint* ;D

We'll Brave This Storm

A million thoughts are running through my head, but I sure knew one thing, I was confused as Hell!

Friday; December 22, 2007; 8:42 ~time lapse~
I was now standing in the middle of LAX waiting on David, Kyle, and Josh's flight to come in. It was expected to land at 8:40 so I was just chilling until they arrived. In case your wondering, not much has happened since last Saturday at Ashley's. We've all recently hung out, without Ronnie though, he was out in Nevada visiting family for the holidays. Despite Ronnie absence it hasn't stopped us from texting each other like crazy. He's been really nice, and I feel as if I have a connection towards him. He has in fact asked me out quite a few times, but I just don't think I'm fully ready for a relationship yet. That little episode Andy had when we were walking home now seems as if it never happened either, and to top it off Ashley shared some important information with me. Apparently that little 'fit' Andy had, and Ash followed him out to go smoke, was about me.
-flash back Andy's pov-
"Okay dude, what just happened out there?" Ashley asked as soon as we were outside, away from everyone else.
"Man Ash," I said inhaling the smoke of the new cigarette I just lit. "I really don't know."
"Aren't you glad Lexi's back?"
"Of coarse I am!" I looked at him as if he killed Batman, both my dog and the super hero. "It's just how she left like she did just, ugh. It just rips me apart. I don't want her to get hurt again. I love her," Ashley's eyes widened and so did mine when I realized what I had said. "As a sister though!" I put my head in my hands. Who am I kidding? The way I saw Ronnie practically all over Lexi sent pangs through my chest. I'll admit it, I had some what of a childhood 'crush' when we were nine, but the way she left made me realize I'd never get my chance to tell her.
"Hey, take it easy on yourself. Everyone goes kind of through this at some point in time Andy. It's okay if you do like Lexi in that way. I agree it is sad how she had to leave like that, but it shouldn't put a lid on your feelings. She's back now, and that's all that matters. You realize you do in fact have feelings for her, or else you wouldn't have flipped when you saw the way Radke was acting all flirty towards her." Ash soothed as if he read my mind."Do I think you should wait a bit before telling her? Yeah I do, she just got here. Let her settle down, ya know, wait a bit then tell her how you feel. I just think you may want to make a move before Ronnie does.”
"Bu-" I tried protesting.
"Andy, all I’m saying is my view of this whole situation."
"Yeah, yeah I get where your coming from," as much as I didn't want to agree, I did. He was right, I have to make my move before someone else does. I flicked the nub, that was once my smoke, on the ground and stomped it out.
"Ready to go back in?" Ash questioned.
"Yeah. Time to face the music."
-end of flash back-
I haven't really had much time to thoroughly think the whole thing over, but i did know one thing. I was confused as hell! Was Ashley telling me the truth? Does Andy really like me and that's why he's been acting so strange? It kind of swelled my heart knowing this, and I did like Andy. I was just so confused.
“Yo Lexi!” I heard my name being called bringing me out of my thoughts.