Status: Update whenever I get the chance! :] Comments & subscriptions make me smile! *hint hint* ;D

We'll Brave This Storm


I walked into the pale yellow house, huge grin on my face thankful that the school day was finally over. I was barely nine years old. I threw my backpack near the closet next to the door and made my way into the kitchen to get an after school snack. It was a Tuesday afternoon, and I was home before anyone else. Both my parents were at work, my grandma had a doctors appointment, and my brother was at choir practice. I was never alone on these days though, my grandmother had always been here and ninety percent of the time I'd end up venturing off to Andy's across the street. I opened up the fridge before pulling out some crackers. I shut the door,nearly jumping out of my skin doing so, meeting the icy blue eyes of my uncle, the white parts now a blood-shot red color.
“Hey uncle Scott. Didn't know you were here,” I greeted him shakily, although he didn't greet me back like he had done so before, a hint of alcohol lingering in the air. My gut was warning me that something wasn't right, and I would soon find out. He began to walk closer, closing in the gap between us. Before I could escape, or run away for that matter, he threw me over his shoulder and brought me down into the basement, whispering threats if I even think about pulling what I just attempted. Scared, I soon felt the warm tears spilling over my eyes as he unbuckled his pants. He began to lean closer & closer and I had a feeling what would come next. I shut my eyes and started to scream, bracing myself for what awful fate was awaiting me. Little did I know that the beastly pain and numbness would be an almost daily occurrence. He then cupped a hand over my mouth to muffle my screams as he-
“Lex, Lexi. Alexandria wake up!” I felt myself being shaken awake by a concerned looking David at the edge of the bed. “Whoa Lex are you okay?” I threw the tangled covers off of me, crawled over and clung onto him tightly for dear life, nodded my head against his chest, my breath hitched deep in my raw throat disallowing me to speak. “Do you wanna tell me what happened?” He cooed, “Was it another one of those dreams you told me about?” I nodded once more feeling more tears leak out. He lifted my head up and wiped the tears away with the side of his thumb as he held me in his arms.
"Thank you David," I looked up at him chuckling coldly after a few silent minutes.
"It's alright Lex," he smiled sadly as he rubbed small circles on my back. I yawned nodding and rubbed my swollen eyes before he spoke. "Looks like we better get you to bed." He picked me up bridal style and walked me over to my side of the bed. Setting me down gently he kissed my forehead, said he'd be in his room if I needed anything more, and shut off the lights walking away.
"Wait!" I called from underneath the covers, wondering if he was gone and I was just talking to the dark. I heard a shuffle and footsteps walking back.
"Yeah Lexi?" he questioned.
"Could you sleep in here with me here? Just for tonight? I feel kind of frightened." I spoke shakily," feeling as if I was the young child afraid of the monsters under her bed, thus forcing the parent stay with.
"No problem," I felt him smile into his words. He was soon under the covers and I immediately found myself wrapped in his arms, our legs tangled together in knots. We just held each other, enjoying one another company. David was soon asleep, my head resting next to his. I looked up having my eyes trace over his sleeping face. I soon fell deep into thought.
I honestly think I'd never find a better best friend than David. He's always been there for me since the first day I arrived in Colorado and has helped and listened to me at any cost. He never judges me, keeps my secrets, and I know I could cry on his shoulder and know he truly does care. I love him to death and he means a lot to me.
I shut my eyes, giving in to the temptation of a long peaceful sleep.