Status: Blah.

What Adults Don't See


Style. There are a lot of them out there. There’s the one’s who just throw stuff on and yet still look amazing, the ones who do the same and wish the looked amazing, the teens who dress like they just walked off a ranch, the people that dress like ‘skaters’, the emos /scene/ goth people who tend to wear darker colors, the people who dress in bright colors, the ones who are bringing styles from the 90s back in a much cuter, modern fashion, and so many other styles. If you think about it, this is just another form of expressionism. Have you noticed that people who tend to dress that way hang out with other people that dress like that also? Well, I have, this is all because they have similar interests. What adults fail to realize is that they had that too. When they look at us and see what we are wearing and say it is hideous, they don’t stop and think that they probably, well DID wear clothes that today, we teenagers would consider hideous. I mean, look back to the years 1990-2005, we don’t get caught in what was worn then very often do we? We dress how our generation dresses, and each generation is different. Styles change year to year but there are always the classics like converse, the plain tee with jeans, the band tees, and so much more. The fact of the matter is that society changes, along with the people in it and the style that is shown. Parents and adults to need to accept that, there that’s my little rant on style. Dress in what YOU feel comfortable in, not anybody else. You are an individual, not a carbon copy of someone else.
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-♥- Jessi