there's nothing I wouldn't do to keep you

the one with the beginning

Reagan Howell and Hunter Caraan had been best friends since eighth grade. It was the eighth grade winter dance and Reagan was ecstatic because Billy Arona had finally asked her out, she was wearing a brand new dress and her mom even took her to get her hair all done up. Reagan walked into the dance and straight to the middle of the dance floor where Billy and she planned to meet, it was silly but she saw it in a movie once and always wanted to do it. About six songs and twenty minutes into the dance Reagan was alone and heartbroken in the middle of the dance floor.

Hunter Caraan had been watching her the whole time and so he walked up, grabbed her by the hand and they danced do the rest of the night. They had been inseparable ever since. They had even tried the dating thing in sophomore year when they thought they had “feelings” for each other, but after two weeks they knew they were much better as friends and best friends at that.

Now the two of them were eighteen, high school graduate and off too college together at Arizona State University. Neither of them could figure out why Arizona, it was 2,400 mile from New York but ever since they saw Jerry MaGuire freshman year its where they knew they had to go after high school. Now it was finally happening, they got their own apartment in Tempe and were leaving New York behind that day.

Reagan’s alarm went off at six that morning, but it was sixfifteen by the time she actually crawled out from under the covers. She stretched and looked around her room, it was so empty and the walls were bare, the only things left were her bed and the sheets that were on it. All her stuff had been either shipped out to Arizona already or put into storage earlier in the week. The clothes that she had kept, along with bathroom stuff and her laptop, were all packed up last night and loaded into the back of her car with Hunter’s stuff. They were going to make the two day drive together, switching off when the other got too tired. She imagined that Hunter’s room looked very much the same as her’s.

No matter how sad it made her to look around the room she was so beyond happy that they had flown out to their apartment last week and unpacked everything and moved in all their new furniture. Now when they got there they could just get there and relax right away. Hunter even had his car out there already since they knew neither of them could do the drive alone.

Reagan walked out of her room, carried down the stairs of house by the scent of pancakes and other delicious breakfast items. Walking into the kitchen she saw her dad sitting at the table reading the paper, her older brother Ethan was on his laptop, and her mom was standing over the stove flipping some bacon. She walked up the island in the middle of the kitchen and began to make herself a plate, piling it high with everything she saw. After she put her plate on the table she poured herself a glass of apple juice and sat down to stuff her face.

“Morning kiddo, ready for the long day ahead of you?” her dad asked.

“Uh yeah I guess, you know how I feel about driving, but once we get there it’ll be so worth it.”

“Geez Ray, you eat like 300lb man, try actually chewing your food.”

“Shut up Ethan, just because i’m the better looking child doesn’t mean you can be mean to me.” Reagan retorted as she stuck her tongue out at him.

“Better looking my as…”

He was cut off by their mom, “Ethan William you know I don’t allow that kind of language in my house.”

Ethan didn’t say anything else but he flung a piece of bacon at her face before their dad gave him the look. Reagan was the baby of three children, her older sister Tinsley was 30 and lived in Tucson with her husband Mark and their two kids, Ethan was 27 and still lived at home in the basement apartment, and then a surprise came nine year late for Neil and Kate Howell in the form of a baby girl named Reagan. She knew she was an oops baby but her parents loved her just the same so it really didn’t bother her much.

By the time she was done eating, showered and all ready to leave to pick up Hunter it was eight o’clock. Reagan grabbed her phone, sunglasses and purse and walked out the door to her car. Her family walked out with her to say their last goodbyes.

Reagan went up to her brother first.

“Bye loser, don’t get into too much trouble.” Ethan said after the released.

She smiled and playfully hit him in the arm and moved on to her dad.

“Be smart, be safe, and experience everything you can honey. I love you.”

“Thanks dad, I promise I will and I love you too.”

Last up was her mom. They hugged for at least 5 whole minutes and Reagan began to tear up.

“I’m going to miss you so much sweetie, more than anything. But you’re going to have a great time out there and if you ever need anything you know you can call you sister, she will be there in no time. I love you so much.”

“I love you too mom, and I don’t know what I’m gonna do without you.”

And with that she got into her car left to go pick up Hunter. She honestly didn’t know if she could handle another round of goodbyes, the Caraan’s were like her second family and she was going to miss them just as much as she was her own family. After they said their goodbyes at Hunter’s the two were on their way to a new life in Arizona.
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First story, determined to finish it. Kennedy is very soon too come in a few chapters. I would love some feedback.