Status: Updates will start out slow, seeing as this is a side project of mine =)

When the Sunlight Dies


It has been three horrible years since the vampire race has taken over. They've finally decided that enough is enough, and that no weak human was going to stay in their way anymore. All us humans thought that it was some huge prank, so we thought nothing of it. Once the killings started however, our minds were quickly changed.

Hundreds, even thousands of us humans foolishly tried to fight back, striving to keep our dominance in the world. Our attempts were futile as we were quickly and easily defeated. The streets ran red with innocent blood as countless lives were lost during this so called 'war' for dominance.

Some humans wanted to assimilate into the vampire race to try and avoid the consequences of being caught on a vampire's bad side. The Pure bloods, vampires who were born vampires, felt very little pity toward the humans, only allowing those who they thought were truly worthy to be turned into one of them. Even then, they were treated like the dirt beneath their feet. To the Pure blood's, half vampires were no better than the filthy humans that cowered beneath them.

Despite what common mythology had us to believe, sunlight, silver, garlic, crosses, things of that nature, doesn't affect them at all, which played a large part in the near destruction of the human race. The vampires were walking amongst us for centuries, watching our every move, living in the shadows. They were watching and waiting for the perfect moment to make their move. Three years ago, they made that very move, firstly coming onto television, broadcasting their demands. When we didn't listen, they went to more...drastic measures, killing in pure daylight, showing us that they weren't afraid of us anymore, that we're the ones who are supposed to be afraid of them. They got their fucking wish.

Now, everything is..different. Nothing is the same as it was three years ago. The schools now have vampire teens roaming the halls, terrorizing torturing, and sometimes killing whatever human child unknowingly crossed their paths at the wrong place at the wrong time. Certain stores and shops have 'vampires only' signs posted in the window, warning any human to not enter. If a human should enter, they would be killed instantly. There are even certain TV shows dedicated to the vampire race, showing the humans from the over populated jails being tortured and killed for pure entertainment. Now when humans are murdered, it's treated like good news. The police don't even dare to investigate, fearful of their own fate if they did so.

However, some vampires are not so merciless. There were some who actually pitied the humans because they were so weak and fragile, befriending them and protecting them from the others. Finding one of those rare vampires almost always cost you your life. You were said to be lucky if you found one. Even if you did, you were not guaranteed a safe haven from them. I can only hope that I'll find one of the rare few that will take pity upon me. That's all us humans seem to have now a days: hope.
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Comments and feedback would be greatly appreciated!