When I think of You

August 30, 2008

August 30, 2008
I was talking to Mama this morning, asking her about the storm. She told me that I shouldn’t worry about it but I insisted and all I got was the name.
The Hurricane is named Hanna. Hurricane Hanna.
I went to school today and one boy, Stewart, made fun of me because the Hurricane and I shared the same name. Well, I got mad and punched him for it.
Mama got a call to come down to the school because I had been sent to the principal’s office. She came down and I had to explain the whole thing to her starting with how Stewart made fun of me.
Mama took me home for the rest of the day and me and her collected seashells by the beach.
Mama didn’t really get mad at me, she just told me not to hit anyone, anymore because it wasn’t a nice thing to do. I didn’t want Mama to be disappointed in me so I never hit anyone again.
Mamas even more scared now than she was before because the storm is getting closer and it hasn’t veered its course yet. It’s still headed straight for Haiti.
I’m getting scared too, I guess. The last Hurricane we had was four years ago but I don’t really remember it. I do remember the wind and rain as it pounded against my face, but nothing more.
I hope Hurricane Hanna is small.

September 1, 2008
Mama says Hurricane Hanna is supposed to hit us in two days and that we need to start being more careful on what we eat, so we can try to save some for when the Hurricane hits. Daddy, Michael and Samuel have been fixing our house up so we can be more protected when the storm hits.
I’m getting more scared everyday.
Hurricane Hanna is still on course for Haiti.