When I think of You

September 4, 2008

September 4, 2008
The Hurricane hurt us. It hurt us bad. Water is running through the streets and it is so high that it reaches up to my waist.
I can’t find my family anywhere. I’ve run up every street through the water calling for Daddy, Michael, Samuel, Austin and Mama.
I call for Mama the most.
I was pulled away from my house during the storm and I remember lying under some palm tree leaves, in a small ditch that I dug for protection.
I lay under the leaves huddled up in a ball, feeling scared and cold. I was thirsty and I felt very faint. My body was shaking and I couldn’t make it stop. I stayed there under the leaves until morning and I woke up to water everywhere.
I got back to my house and found my journal on top of the roof and I was thankful to find it, since it’s the only piece of my family that I have left.
My Mama was right about one thing. I was safe. But she was wrong about another.
I was alone.