Supernatural: The New Generation

~August 14, 1998- 2:00 A.M~
This night is one that has shaped history. No, it’s not an event that changed the world. In fact, most people probably don’t know about it, but for two 6 year olds, this night changed the course of their whole lives.

Disclaimer: I do not own Sam and Dean Winchester, other characters from Supernatural or the Supernatural title.
I do however own Sean Whitlock, Emily Anderson, Leah Winchester, Charlie and Claire Anderson, and this story line.

*Chapter titles are from the song I happen to be listening to at the time that I wrote the chapter. I reccomend them highly.*
  1. Prologue
  2. I Miss The Way We Used To Talk
    Goodnight and Goodbye- A Sunset Tragedy
  3. I Know Why The Good Old Days Are Gone
    Innocent- Stellar Kart