Feeling Sore...

City Of Evil

Five Years Later

"Are you guys ready to see Avenged fucking Sevenfold?" Matt Berry screamed into the microphone. The crowd went wild and he shouted, "I can't fucking hear you! You're gonna have to be a hell of alot louder if you want the guys to come out!"

At this the crowd completely lost it. People were screaming and shouting, some people on the ground floor started a mosh pit, and the security guards were holding crazed fans at bay. I turned to Brian and smirked.

"Looks like a crazy fucking audience tonight, babe," I said as he grabbed my ass and kissed me.

Brian smirked back at me and replied, "They're always the craziest in St. Paul."

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck as Brian pulled me into him and kissed me passionately. Just as things were about to go further, Shadows, as we called him now, walked by and said, "You can fuck her later, Syn. We're going on."

Brian reluctantly pulled away from me and took his pin-striped Schecter guitar from one of the guitar techs. I kissed him one more time and took my place at the side of the stage with the other girls while the guys ran to their places onstage.

"You guys fucking asked for it! Here is Avenged Sevenfold, you crazy bastards!" Matt Berry shouted as he ran offstage and the boys started off with their song "Beast And The Harlot". The crowd went wild and the girls and I began singing with Shadows.

It's been five years since the boys were first signed, and now they are with Warner Brothers. They recently released their new album, "City Of Evil", and are now touring to support it. Alice, Lola, Mary, and I have been with them ever since that faithful day we started out with just a rusted van, and we've all been through some shit. At one point or another, things just seemed to fall apart and our lives seemed to crumble, but we always brought it back together. Throughout all the good and bad times, we've gotten closer together as a group, we're basically a family now. Alice and Matt are engaged, Jimmy and Mary are married, and Lola and Zacky are expecting a baby girl. Brian and I are still together after all these years (and all the girls throwing themselves at Brian), and we're still going strong.

The guys were half way through their set list when Matt started talking to the crowd. "Okay, my man Synyster Gates has something he wants to say. You all cool with that?" he asked the audience. The crowd roared their approval and Matt looked to Brian.

"Thanks, Shadows," Brian said and the girls in the audience screamed. I was used to the reaction Brian got from his female fans, so I just laughed. "Okay, so as you all may know, I am dating the most beautiful, sexy, gorgeous woman ever, Lily Andersen. And I'd like her to come out here onstage with me."

I shook my head vigorously and tried to run away, but Alice and Mary pushed me out onstage, Lola laughing the whole time. As I walked across the stage, there were wolf whistles coming from the crowd and Brian said, "Sorry guys, but she's taken."

I finally reached Brians' side of the stage and he grabbed my hand. "Brian, what are you doing?" I hissed. He knew I didn't like being onstage, not after a show in Tuscon where one of the male fans threw a used condom at me.

"Lily, there's something I need to ask you," Brian said and the whole arena seemed to grow quiet, anticipating what Brian had to say. "You and I have been together for seven years now, and those seven years have been amazing. About five years ago, in our senior year of high school, I gave you a promise ring, which you are still wearing today." Brian had me lift my right hand so the audience could see the silver ring. Brian kissed my hand and continued. "I said back then that although we weren't old enough to get married, I wanted a commitment to you. And I still do." The crowd started to move around a bit, sensing what was coming. Brian looked me straight in my eyes, those brown eyes still as captivating as ever, and said, "Lily, everything I said to you on that night is still true. I love you with all my heart, and I want to know if you would do me the pleasure of being my wife and staying with me for the rest of our lives."

The crowd erupted into loud cheers and I looked down at Brian, who was now down on one knee. He was holding my left hand and looking up at me seriously. I looked again into his brown eyes and whispered, "Yes. Yes, I'll marry you Brian." I nodded my head so the crowd could tell what my answer was and Brian stood up and hugged me. He then pulled a ring out of his back pocket and slid it onto my ring finger.

"I love you so much," Brian whispered against my lips as we kissed and the crowd cheered again. I smiled and kissed him back, reveling in the fact that I would soon be Mrs. Brian Haner, Jr.
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this is the end! i hope you all enjoyed reading this story as much as i enjoyed writing it. thank yous go out to everyone who read and commented, and to kelsey, mary, and alice for letting me use them as characters in both this story and "i give my heart to you".