Songbearers of Skyloft


A gust of wind dashed over the lip of the precipice, whipping itself against Sarika curled toes and huddled body. She caught her breath, fighting that persistent wave of nausea that always accompanied her and heights.

She rocked backwards, cursing the day she was born with this ridiculous aversion to tall things. It was impractical and insane-- who had ever heard of a Skylander who was scared of heights?

She shook her head and clambered to her feet, backing away unsteadily from that horrifying edge of the cliff. She gave it on last wary glance before turning away and running back towards firm, solid ground.

The Statue of the Goddess rose in its majestic glory in front of her. A tribute to the goddess that had created their floating island home, it was the central focus of Skyloft culture. Sarika nodded her head respectfully towards it, more out of habit than piety. Her lack of religion began when she sat up late at night, contemplating her phobia. She began to believe that the only thing she had to thank the goddess for was her dreaded curse.

As she filed past the statue towards the stairs leading towards the rest of Skyloft, she was struck with another familiar sight-- the Skyloft Knights Academy. Sarika disliked that building almost as much as she disliked the statue. Every year, when children came of acceptable age, the enrolled in the Academy. It wasn't mandatory-- no, the Headmaster made that quite clear. But in the back of every Skylander's mind was a assumption that children would enroll, and another assumption that if you didn't, then something must be wrong with you.

She spotted a few trainees milling about, practicing aerial maneuvers on their Loftwings, the giant colorful birds that each citizen of Skyloft is bonded with at an early age. Sarika was an unusual case, as her Loftwing hadn't chosen her until she was twelve. Now eighteen, she didn't have as much experience as some of her friends that were the same age.

She trotted down the stairs leading from the statue to the Academy quickly, offering a hasty wave as she dashed by the trainees. She had a very specific location in mind, but she had to get a message to a couple of people before she could go there.

It was a short, brisk run to her house beside the river, but it left her feeling refreshed and invigorated.

"Mom?" she called out as she opened the door, but silence greeted her. Her mother was at work, then, Sarika thought.

She trotted over to the family desk, rifling through its drawers until she found a blank piece of stationary, and scribbled a hasty note to her dear childhood friends, Mira and Pipit.

Hey, losers,

I've got some news. Meet at the waterfall in fifteen. If you aren't there, considered yourself blackmailed.

Love, Sarika.

She then neatly copied the note onto a seperate sheet of paper, although she doubted that the two would be apart, and then placed it in an empty bottle. She dashed back outside and slowed considerably as she approached one of the wooden Loftwing jumps placed around the island. She walked catiously to the edge, and whistled, the sharp sound slicing through the air. Making sure to keep her feet firmly on the ground, she scanned the skies for signs of her pale green Loftwing. She wasn't disappointed. The lovely green bird rose majestically in the air in front of her, regarding her with one large eye.

Sarika fastened the bottle to the great bird's neck with a cord, and whispered quietly in its ear.

"Take these to Mira and Pipit. Please."

She smiled as the great bird cawed and flew away.

Then she began to run for the waterfall. Soon, her secret would be no more.
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New story by me and my BFF, Pyreglide! <3
It's a work in progress. Feedback is loved more than life itself.
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