‹ Prequel: Four More Days
Sequel: We'll Fight Through
Status: Sequel to Four More Days

The Past Is Behind Us

"Bert! Stop him!"

“...although whether to wipe away rain or tears Clay wasn't sure. He wondered, briefly and painfully, if Johnny was somewhere crying for him, right now. Clay hoped-”


I looked up at the sound, it was either a really big bee, or a power drill. Ah well.

I returned to my book. “Clay hoped he was. He hoped his son was capable of tears. Of memor-”


“Damn it!” I slammed the book down on the bed and slid off it, heading to the door. I opened it to see Synyster drilling a door down the hall. Putting on a dead bolt.

I wonder why. I quietly walked down the hall to stand behind him.

“Why ya doing that?” I asked.

He jumped and looked startled. “Orders.” He said.

“Fine then.” I stuck my tongue out at him and went back to my room.

I ignored the buzzing sounds and kept reading. An hour later there was a knock at my door. “Come in.”

Johnny came in “Dinner.”

“Cool beans.” I smiled, set the book aside, slid off the bed and walked in step with Johnny man down the hall.

“So you like that book?” He asked.

“Yeah, its almost like zombies but with a nice twist. Stephen King is amazing!” I threw my arms up in emphasis.

He chuckled and nodded.

We chatted as we walked, just enjoying the others company.

When we made it to the dining room, I sat between Zacky and The Rev. We ate baked potatoes, ham, and green beans.

I wonder who cooks all this. But I also wonder why I care so...yeah.

“PJ MOVIE MARATHON!” The Rev screamed.

“HELL YES!” I screamed.

We both bolted from our seats and ran up stairs, shoving each other down the hall. We laughed as we went into our respective rooms. I got changed and smirked as I pulled on my new hat and my new slippers. I let my hair down and ran down stairs, holding Bert, the farting hippo. The Rev sprinted after me, running ahead of me.

“Bert! Stop him!” I shouted, throwing the hippo like a javelin. Bert landed right in front of The Rev, who somehow tripped and fell.

I laughed, ran up to him and picked up Bert. “Atta boy!” I hugged it, making it fart.

Laughter echoed. I looked up to see Matt, Johnny, Syn and Zacky were standing in the hall and had seen everything. The Rev laughed also.

I blushed and kept heading to the living room.
♠ ♠ ♠
I want one of those farting hippos like Abby from NCIS. Was this funny? I think it was! :)

I need help. That means YOU! Cassidy needs a code name. Comment your ideas! I might use your suggestion or I may come up with one on my own. No, Cassidy Vengeance. I thought of that already. :) I would like it to sound good with everyone elses !

Make sure you read the chapter before this, not everyone has so make sure you did!

Also if you havn't read the prequel to this Four More Days

What she read was an exerpt from Stephen King's Cell