‹ Prequel: Four More Days
Sequel: We'll Fight Through
Status: Sequel to Four More Days

The Past Is Behind Us

Star Wars

That night I went to my room at put on a nightgown and some slippers. I left my room to get a cup of water just as Zacky came up the stairs, looking lost in thought.

When his eyes landed on me, they were flooded with purpose. He ran up to me, cupped my cheeks and captured my lips in a slightly desperate kiss.

He sucked on my lip, I couldn't suppress a moan as I tangled my hands in his hair.

After a heated make out session in the middle of the hall way, I looked at him.

“Promise me something.”


“Never leave me.”

“I promise.” He took my hand and we went into his bedroom and cuddled under the blankets until I fell asleep.

Matt telling me that, made me realize I need to cherish Saraphina with everything I am while I still can. One day I might not be here, and she'll be alone. I think I just might....l-lo...ugh. I still can't say it,

I need to make her feel like the best woman in the world; that she is. As I lay beside her with her limbs tangled with mine listening to her soft breathing I know that I want to make love to her.

Yes, I said make love, not fuck or sex.

I will, when she's ready. I will not rush her and threaten the best relationship I've ever had. The only real one in my life. The one that wasn't for sex, or blow jobs, or publicity. I used all those other girls, and I am not using Saraphina. She's amazing, and wonderful.

She makes me so happy, so glad to be alive. Cassidy changed me. Changed all of us; for the better.

Oops, I mean...Saraphina.

I fell asleep, stroking her long blonde hair.


I woke up, feeling her still with me. During the night she'd moved her head to rest on my shoulder, giving me a straight shot to look at her breasts.

I may be willing to wait for her, but this...I can't resist. I'm still a man ya know.

I openly stared at her breasts for 10 minuets until her eye lids fluttered. I looked at the ceiling as she opened her light blue eyes.

“Good morning.” She said.

“Good morning darling.”

I watched her blush. She kissed my cheek before leaving the room to head to hers. I should talk to Matt about having her move in my room.

I showered, got dressed and headed down stairs. I ate some cereal and went to the living room to watch TV.

I looked up at the clicking of heels to see Saraphina come in looking as beautiful as ever.

She gave me a small smile and sat beside me, I laced our fingers together. Of course Johnny had to come in and ruin it, screaming “Cooties!” before running back out.

I growled at him but Saraphina just laughed.

Syn and Shadows have a job today, so they'll be back tonight.

“What are we watching?” The Rev came bounding in and sprawled out across our laps.

“Storage Wars.” I muttered.

“How about Star Wars? I like Star Wars.” He said.

Saraphina looked at me. I sighed, knowing I would agree. I can't deny her.

“Hey short shit!” I yelled, throwing my head back.

“What?!” He yelled.

“Come put on Star Wars or I'll cancel you escort for tomorrow!”

Saraphina looked confused until Johnny came running in and put on the movie I requested before quickly leaving.

The Rev laughed and turned up the volume.

After the movie I looked down to see Saraphina dosing off. “No sleeping!” The Rev whined.

She opened her eyes. “Fine.” She yawned.

“Nightmare! Time for another fighting lesson!” Matt yelled.

“UGH!” She got up and kissed me before going to her room to change.

When she came back down she tossed me her glasses from before and walked out.

I put them on and looked at The Rev, who snapped a picture on his phone.
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Aren't Saraphina and Zacky cute? Sorta yeah, I think. I'm not romantic so uh, I'm trying.

For you. I'll try harder if you comment.