‹ Prequel: Four More Days
Sequel: We'll Fight Through
Status: Sequel to Four More Days

The Past Is Behind Us



After dinner we all headed to a living room, yes A living room this house has several.


We looked up to see Cassidy changed her clothes again.

"Why the wardrobe change? Not that it doesn't look good." Matt added hastily.

Holy god! Her blood colored dress fit her curves, and her shoes highlighted her legs. Her hair was in golden waves down her back.

"Dude, don’t drule." The Rev whispered to me. I found out my jaw dropped so I closed it and wiped my mouth just in case.

He chuckled.

"I feel like dancing." She said, then her crystal blue eyes looked at me.

"The only dancing I can do requires a shorter dress." I said.

She looked to Synyster.

"Heh, same."

She looked to The Rev who shook his head.

"Anyone?" She looked from Johnny to Matt.

Matt stood and offered his hand.

He can dance?!

I smiled and took his hand. He held my one hand and put his other hand on my waist.

His hands are warm.

He smiled. Oh my god he has DIMPLES!

I held his one (huge) hand and put my other between his shoulder blades. We moved in step and soon we were waltzing around the room like professionals.

We laughed with ease as he twirled me around, my dress flowing out from my waist. I could feel all eyes on us but I was having to much fun!

I took dance classes from when I was 6 to when I was 14. It started with ballet then went to waltz, ball room, and tango.

Yes tango. It’s a bitch but when done right, is really fun.

Anyway we danced until we got tired then we stopped with a pose.

Applause and assorted ‘Woooo!’s sounded off. He pecked my forehead and helped me stand. "Where did you learn how to dance?" He asked as he returned to the couch.

"Dance lessons. From 6 to 14."

"Ah. 6 to 10." he responded.

Matt took dance lessons? And he remembers how to dance?

They guys looked as confused as I probably did, maybe even more.

Matt laughed "It isn’t that har-actually, it is." he kept laughing.

I shrugged and headed for the hallway. "Yes! Go put on something less reviling!" Johnny cried after me.

Why does he always want me to cover up? I’m not afraid of being raped. Well, I am afraid of it, I just trust them enough not to. I’m not sure why.

Ah, well. I went to my room and got changed before returning to the living room where everyone was where I left them.

They whispered quickly, I walked on my toes so my shoes wouldn't click as I ease dropped.

"..who should......"
"….how about...."

Damn it I’m not getting anything outta this. I tip toed back to the door way and clicked my way into the room, seeing them spring out of their huddling position at the first click.

"I’m bored." I pouted.

They looked up at me, then gave me elevator eyes.
Johnny nodded approvingly.

"We could watch TV." Syn suggested.

"Or...." Matt stood, walked over to me and stood at my side.

"We can teach you loosers how to dance." he finished.

"Why would we do that?" I asked him innocently.

"We decided that tomorrow night we are going to have a party. To let everyone else know that Avenged Sevenfold claims you as our underling."

"And that means......?"

"If they mess with you we get to kick their asses. Our allys will help you if you ask and protect you if need be." Johnny volunteered.

"And what does this require of me?" I crossed my arms.

"A dress and heels babe. Then there's the meeting people, the tattoo the-" Syn began.

"The tattoo?!" I interrupted.

God I’m terrified of getting at tattoo! The noise, the needle, the ink...UGH!

They all stood, the ones on the couch walked over so we all stood in a circle.

Matt took off his shirt and I saw a skull with bat wings where the ears would be. Not to mention his HUGE muscles and other tattoos.

My eyes widened as Zacky took off his shirt and I saw a similar tattoo on his (surprisingly not hairy) chest.

Syn moved his hair so I could see the same picture as Zacky’s on the side of his neck.

Johnny pulled up his pant leg and I saw the image again. The Rev showed me the one on his hand.

"Damn." was my genus comment.

They all doubled over in laughter.

"I don’t want a tattoo!"

"Sorry Kitten, it’s part of the package." Syn said threw his laughs.

"When do I have to do it?"

Their laughter died down. "Well, the party is tomorrow night so it has to be before then. If you get it today, it’ll be hard to sleep depending on where you get it. It will be more red for the party of you get it tomorrow." Zacky said.

"Uh, where should I get it where it won’t hurt as much?" I wrung my hands nervously.

"Well, if the fuz sees it your in trouble so it has to be somewhere you can cover it or show it." The Rev piped in.

"You could get the back of your neck." Johnny said.

"Naw, I like to put my hair up."

"You could get it on your spine in the middle of your back." Syn suggested.


"Your inner thigh a few inches above your knee?" Matt asked.

I held up one finger telling them to give me a minuet to think.

Then I could hide it with a long skirt or leggings. Hmm. I only wear short skirt on the rare occasion so this party could be one of those occasions. Sounds okay but I still don’t want a tattoo.


They smiled and Synyster whipped out his cell and left the room.

Oh shit.
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hehehe tattoos! I don't know where all their tattoos are so I made some of 'em up.

Already 5 stars! Thank you guys!