Status: Updated Fridays

Never Meant to Be More Than a Memory


“Brendon! Spencer! Ryan! Two unfamiliar people I don’t know!” was the first thing Jane heard when she stepped into Jon’s house an hour later.

She was suddenly pulled into a hug and before she could comprehend what was happening, she had been let go and the person was hugging Oliver, who looked a bit scared. The person pulled away and beamed. A woman around the same age as Brendon, Spencer, Ryan, and Jon was standing in front of them, her brown hair falling to her shoulders and her light blue eyes sparkling with happiness. Her whole face was illuminated with a bright smile that made her look ten years younger than she probably was.

“Whoa, V, I think you need to calm down,” Brendon said, which shocked everyone as he was usually on the other end of those words.

“I can’t help it! I’m so excited! So who is this?” “V” asked, turning back to Jane and Oliver.

“Jane, Oliver, this is my wife Victoria. Vic, this is Jane, um, well, she’s Skye and Pete’s daughter,” Jon said, nervously scratching his head.

It was almost comical how fast the smile left Victoria’s face.

“I’m sorry?” she said as if she genuinely hadn’t heard Jon.

“This is one half of a set of twins that Skylar gave birth to in secret fifteen years ago,” Brendon said, a smile on his face.

Victoria looked at everyone slowly and then burst out laughing, “Good one!”

When no one joined her laughing, save for Brendon, who Jane was slowly discovering was a maniac, Victoria stopped and looked at them again.

“Wait, you-you’re serious?” she asked faintly, looking to Jon for confirmation.

He nodded his head slightly, looking down at his feet.

“Jonathan Jacob Walker, how could you keep something like this from me?!” Victoria shrieked.

“Babe, why don’t we talk about this upstairs,” Jon said quietly, nodding his head in Jane’s direction.

Victoria looked over to see Jane, who, despite her best efforts to hide it, looked to be on the verge of tears. Victoria stepped forward to pull Jane in her arms.

“I’m not mad at you, sweetie. It’s so very nice to meet you and I really look forward to talking with you later,” she whispered in her ear.

Jane nodded slightly, hesitantly wrapping her arms around the older woman as well. It had been a long time since Jane had been hugged by a woman, and Victoria just naturally gave off the motherly vibe. Jane could only hope that her real mother was like this.

Victoria pulled away, smiling softly at her. She then turned back to Jon, fixing him with a hard glare. She marched towards the stairs and disappeared up them. Jon looked sheepishly at the others in the room before meekly following his wife.

“So, they’re either going to fight and Jon is going to be in the dog house for a few days or they are going to make up and have really loud sex. My vote is on the sex.”

“BRENDON!” three male voices chorused, following a hard slap on the back of the head.

* * *

As it turned out, neither of Brendon’s predictions were right. Victoria and Jon stayed upstairs for a good twenty minutes before they both came back down, neither one looking upset anymore. Jon had apparently explained the entire situation to Victoria and she understood completely. As they entered the room, Victoria smiled warmly at Jane.

“I’m going to go get started on dinner. Do you want to join me in the kitchen?” she asked.

Jane looked to Oliver, who shrugged at her, before turning back to Victoria with a small smile. She nodded her head and followed her through another doorway and into a kitchen.

“So, Jane, Jon tells me that Oliver is your brother?” Victoria asked, bending over to grab a few pots and pans.

Jane nodded and then realized that Victoria couldn’t see her, “Yes.”

“Hm, how old is he? He hardly looks older than a kid himself,” Victoria said.

“He’s twenty-one. He’s been taking care of me and Grace since he was 18,” Jane replied.

“Well that’s good of him. From what I can tell, he seems like a good kid.”

Jane nodded her agreement.

“So, did you know that my middle name is Jane?”

Jane looked over at Victoria in shock, who was smiling slyly at her.

“So, was I named after you?” Jane asked slowly.

“Actually, no. Even though Jon and I had been dating for over a year when you guys were born, he didn’t know my middle name. It was purely coincidental that he named you Jane,” Victoria smiled.

“How could you have been dating for a year and him not know your middle name?” Jane asked in confusion.

“Men are stupid honey, and they don’t pay attention. You’ll learn that soon enough,” Victoria replied with a laugh.

“So you guys have been together since before I was born?” Jane asked, feeling comfortable around this woman.

“Yeah, we started dating a little over 16 years ago, although we’ve only been married five,” Victoria replied.

Jane nodded but didn’t say anymore.

“So, you’re a quiet one, aren’t you? It’s funny considering who your parents are,” Victoria said, more to herself than anything.

Jane looked at her in confusion but didn’t ask.

“Heh, your mother is like a female Brendon, although she’s toned down quite a bit as she’s gotten older and your father is just, well, he’s odd. All in all, they’re just very outgoing people,” Victoria laughed.

“I guess my sister is like my mother, then. She’d going to hate that,” Jane mumbled.

Victoria frowned sympathetically, “She doesn’t care to meet your parents?”

“No, she doesn’t,” Jane said simply.

“And you do?” Victoria asked.

“I just want their medical files to find out what’s wrong with my sister. After that, I don’t really care,” Jane replied, though it was mostly a lie. She tried to keep up the front that she didn’t care if she met them, but it was getting harder and harder the closer she got.

Victoria opened her mouth to reply but at that moment Jon stuck his head into the kitchen, “Hey babe, mind if we borrow Jane for a bit? We’re trying to figure out a plan for tomorrow.”

At this statement, Jane’s stomach churned uncomfortably. Tomorrow she was probably going to meet her parents, or her father at least. She wasn’t sure how she really felt about it yet.

“Yeah, I think we’ve finished talking anyway. It’s so great to meet you Jane, and I hope we can get to know each other better,” Victoria said, smiling down at Jane and wrapping her in a hug once more.

When she was released, she followed Jon into the living room. When they sat down on opposite couches, Jane turned to him.

“How did you not know your girlfriend of over a year’s middle name?” she asked.

He looked surprised for a minute and then blushed. Spencer, Ryan, and Brendon all three burst out laughing while Oliver just looked confused.

“What did I miss?” he asked.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, I didn't know Victoria's middle name was Jane until after I started this story. My bad. Ha ha, yay! I updated! Rather soon surprisingly. And the action is going to be starting in the next few chapters so yay!!

Thanks to:
thisxchicksxnotxokay: Ah! Thank you for still reading and commenting! Yep, no one knows about them, or rather only a select few know about them. That'll be coming into play soon.