The Watcher

The Watcher

"So uh, what is that?"

The older student followed my gaze. He peered curiously up at the ceiling for a moment, then saw it.

"Ah, that. That's just The Watcher. Hasn't anyone told you yet?"

I blinked, confused. He said it so… offhandedly. As if it was something as commonplace and mundane as a ratty old sweater. I, on the other hand, had not looked away from the face since I first noticed it.

At first glance, it appeared to just be a particularly lumpy tangle of the furry, puke-yellow insulation that coated the top of the portable. Upon further inspection, you started to make out finer details. The curve of an eyebrow, the hint of a strong chin, and above that, two lips curled in a sneer of quiet disapproval.

Most notable, though, were the eyes. They were blue; an icy, hard-edged blue that seemed to stare right into your soul as they followed you around the room.

"I wouldn't look too long, if I were you." I looked at him. He was watching me with a concerned look on his face.

"Why?" I asked, worried.

"They say people go crazy staring at it. Ever hear about Chris Leibowitz?"

The name sounded familiar. I remembered seeing it on a newspaper somewhere. I nodded.

"Committed suicide. They found him right here in this building; he'd split himself open from neck to belly button." He made a slicing gesture down the front of his chest. "Had a note beside him. Buncha' ravings about how The Watcher 'knew'. No one knows what he meant by that." He paused for a moment, looking me up and down. "Wanna hear something really messed up, though?"

I swallowed nervously. "Y-yeah, sure."

"The news article they printed included a picture of Chris." He leaned in closer and gestured at The Watcher, still gazing balefully at the two of us. "He had blue eyes just like those."