You've Become the Rain

Love doesn’t come in a package. There’s no sign telling you which one’s yours; which one’s your own to keep forever. You make mistakes. You can become blinded by the size or the outside, rendering you incapable of seeing the beauty of your own.

Kennedy was everything I wasn’t. Whilst I was clouded by false fables of perfection and happiness, he was drenched in sin and impurities. But he was alive, and I… I had died a long time ago. And it didn’t matter that he was a lot older than I was, or that he smoked and rode about on a motorbike. Because he was teaching me to live and forget, and most of all, he was teaching me to love. And it was everything I wanted.

He was my rain and I was his sun. Apart we were everything wrong with the world, but together... together we were beautiful.