Cruel Intentions

Cruel Intentions

The Lake Mansion

“Your getting married”, “again” , You calmly asked your mother who was sitting comfortably on the couch with a glass of red wine.
She takes a sip of her wine
“Yes dear, I am getting remarried” Your mom calmly states as she takes another sip of wine.
“OH ok, so do I even get the pleasure of knowing my future step-father’s name”
“His name is John Baker and him and his son Zachary are coming to live here with us” your mom said as she took another sip.
“What when, why” you questioned as you stud up in front of your mother.
Your mother took a sip of her wine
“When, tomorrow, Why, because he is going to be my husband” she said with annoyance in her voice.
“And I am sure you will be a nice and polite young lady around the new members of our family” her voice changed quickly from annoyed to calm.
“Why should I be nice and polite” you asked
“Well if you, John and Zachary are not getting along in anyway, I wont be buying you that new car you wanted” you mother said evilly.
You turn to her again
“ So your saying all I have to do is be nice to this Zachary boy to get my new car” you questioned you mother
“Do we have a deal my darling” Your mother asked putting her hand out
You thought about it for a few seconds
“Deal” you said as you took her hand and shook it once.
“Now that this is done with, I have a lesson with my very hot piano teacher” you said as you walked out of the living room to the music room.

Zacky’s P.O.V

“So where is your dad any way’s” Syn asked then taking a drink of his beer
“I don’t know, Probably out fucking his new bitch somewhere” I answered calmly.
“ Have you meet his new one” Matt laughed
“Nope, I don’t really care who my dad fuck’s” I said taking a mouthful of my beer
“Yea, why are we more interested in Zacky’s dad’s girlfriend’s than Zacky is” Johnny questioned
“Why should I care, they wont last longer than a week before my dad messes it up by cheating on the bitch” I sated simply to my friend’s
“ It is weird how much you and your dad are alike” Jimmy laughed

Normal P.O.V

Zacky’s dad John walk’s in to the kitchen where Zacky and his friend’s were drinking.

“Speaking of the devil” Zacky shouted
“Hey son”
“Hey Pop’s want a beer” Zacky said getting his dad a beer from the fridge
“Thank’s Son, now start packing” John said leaving the room
“Wait what” Zacky shouted to his dad
“Oh yea son I’m getting married and we are moving in with my fiancé now start packing” John said before he started packing his own stuff.
“Your getting married, your kidding right” Zacky laughed
“No now pack we are going tomorrow”
“Tomorrow isn’t that a little soon” Zacky asked
“Zacky shut up and pack and it is not to soon because I am in love” John stated
“Yea sure how much money does she have” Zacky said with a smirk on his face
“That doesn’t matter now start packing” John shouted in annoyance
“Ok congratulations John I for one am very happy for you” Jimmy said lifting his beer bottle in the air
“To John and his very rich unknown fiancé” Syn raised his bottle and taped it with jimmy’s.
“Thank’s boy’s and Zacky if you messes this up for me I will kill you” John said
“Ok I wont” Zacky said taking a sip of his beer
“Her name is Sophie and she has a daughter around your age her name is aaaaah Marissa I think” John said
“Is she hot” Zacky asked with a evil smile
“Don’t you even think about it” John said pointing his beer at Zacky
“Now hurry up and pack”
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This is my first story on mibba so please comment and tell me what you think. It would be nice to know:-):-)