White It out Like Glittering Wax Butterflies

Goodbye To You. You're Taking Up My Time.

I lied down on the couch, contemplating my next move. This may be the most regretful thing I've done in my life, and I was going through with it.

I pulled my hoodie out of my bag and slipped it over my head, leaving the hood up.

I tip toed my way to Quinn's room and opened the door. He was sleeping. Okay, that was good...

"Goodbye Quinn," I whispered and slowly closed his door.

I hated trying to sneek out. You have to do everything so slowly, and it was just a pain in the ass.

I slowly opened the front door and slowly creeped my way under the threshold.

Woot! Made it out! Hopefully unseen. I'm hoping to GOD I was not seen...

I walked down to what I was assuming the down town area and sat on one of the benches.

Not that many people were out tonight. Sort of weird. It was a Saturday. Normally there's a bunch of drunk college kids driving around.

A few people sat down next to me. I finally figured out that I was sitting at a bus stop.

Maybe I could find some money to get out of this town. Get as far away as possible before anyone find out that I'm gone.

I noticed there was a guy sitting next to me had been there for quite a while. Probably just a coincidence. It didn't really matter.

"Don't you need money for a bus?" he asked.

He looked over at me. His hood was up, but he still had some of his blonde hair showing.
