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Bobsh*t, MilkyWay, Franklyme, Torosaurus and Only1way entered the chat room

Only1way did you hear about that girl who got molested in our area last night?
Torosaurus yeah, poor girl, she was so innocent
MilkyWay what does molested mean?
Torosaurus O_O
Bobsh*t O_O
MilkyWay just tell me
Only1way rape, dumbass
MilkyWay oh...Well it's not as embarrassing as asking your mom what sodomized means
Torosaurus what does sodomized mean?
Only1way .....
MilkyWay ...Butt sex
Bobsh*t ??? What??? Ear sex?!
MilkyWay NO! Like, with two guys...
Only1way Gay sex, duh bob!
Torosaurus eww...
Bobsh*t imagine that.. Two ears on top of each other....
MilkyWay they asked what sodomized mea-
Only1way -Gay sex
Franklyme did you just say your mom or Matthew?!
MilkyWay I never said any of that!!!
Bobsh*t hmm... Ear sex....
Torosaurus EW shut up! We were talking about gay sex Frank
Franklyme WTF?! Why?!
Only1way Mikey started it!
MilkyWay STOP ACCUSING ME! I only asked what molested meant!
Franklyme you don't know what molested means?
MilkyWay ugh...
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a real conversation I had a few days ago, I was MilkyWay
Yes, I did ask mom what sodomized meant *awkward*