Status: Going through mass edit. Just cleaning up loose ends and fixing errors.


I opened the door silently and walked inside. The security system on the wall beeped, and I dismantled it within seconds and slipped the spare parts in my pockets. Filthy dishes were piled high in the kitchen and spoiled food laid on the counters. I wrinkled my nose. Caprice would want to know about this. Then I looked into the fridge and found that nearly everything was gone in it... I wasn't worried about the family in here finding me. Now I knew for a fact; since we were so late and because of the condition of the establishment; that the man I was going to kill had already exterminated and eaten his entire family.

---Author's note: This is heavily based on the Christian religion. It contains stories and scriptures from the Bible. Also, the picture is not mine. The story is though. Also, fair warning, long chapters. Background by skylineillusions---