The Doctor

The Doctor

It was one fine Saturday afternoon when Ashley Byron was at the lush, well-manicured park, watching little children at play. In those particular afternoons, she’d always notice this attractive man with a golden tan and a deep blue eye color, as azure as the sky openly admiring her beauty. Ashley was by no means ordinary. A long- haired brunette with eyes the color of the Aegean sea, beautiful watercolor aquamarine eyes and a skin tone as creamy as a fresh peach, Ashley was truly a magnificent sight to behold.
The next time she went to the park, it was a beautiful day. It was cloudy and the wind was perfect. She was sitting on her usual bench with a book in one hand when the attractive man with the golden tan came up to her and introduced himself.
“Hi, I’m James Carter- and you’re?” She smiled briefly. “Ashley- Ashley Byron.”
“Oh! Don’t tell me you’re the daughter of the great Max Byron?” Ashley smiled sheepishly and acknowledged him. “Yes I am.”
James dropped Ashley home, and asked if he could see her again. “Certainly, James.” They went out consecutively, bringing her gifts of flowers, chocolates and the like. They hit it off nicely and were off on a romantic and intellectual relationship, aside. They were on their way home from a movie when James suddenly asked her, “How did your father die?” “I don’t remember.” Ashley said with tears welling in her eyes. “That was a long time ago. Some say he died of madness, others say there was a scalpel plunged straight in his heart. He was found in his laboratory, outstretched, and it looked like he was asking God for answers, but apparently he couldn’t find any. “ ”‘I’m sorry. It must have been so much to have to live alone. So God struck him down?”
“Yes, I suppose so, James. There was nothing found in the investigative reports and no trace of fingerprints or drug-induced agent when he was autopsied.” “That’s real strange, Ashley. May his soul rest in peace.” Ashley nodded.
The next time James came over, he found Ashley in her father’s lab. She was wearing a white scrub suit, engrossed in the remains of what were kept in the numerous bottles. “Ashley honey, your housekeeper said I could find you here.”
“And yes indeed you have…. Do you really want to know how my father died? My father was a genius, but I was even more brilliant than my father was, ha! The fools……..” James was confounded. “Ashley, I don’t understand.. Your father was the doctor, right?”
“Wrong… my father was the scientist, the inventor…
“I am the doctor. And I killed my father.”
Within seconds, all that was left was blood on the floor and the echo of his scream.
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A spin off from a thought that lingered while I wrote this...