

The city was covered in the blinding white snow. It was about eight at night and not a single car or person could be seen, not that anyone would want to go outside in this terrible blizzard. The snow started out slow, and then just slowly got worse until it was a full out snowstorm.

Just a few minutes of a walk outside of town, a car was stopped in the middle of the road. It was a black Toyota Prius that held two teenage boys that are heading back into town from a birthday party; both had paint on their faces.

The elder by a year is the driver. He is seventeen years old and has black hair, dark forest green eyes, a pair of black snakebite, and red paint in lines with one going down his nose and two under each eye. He was dressed simply with black combat boots adorning his feet, loose black skinny jeans hugging his legs, a black long sleeve shirt, with a black beanie on his head. He pressed down on the gas again as he turned the wheel trying to get out of the snow bank. He put the car in park and turned to his slightly younger companion.

The passenger is only fifteen; he was chestnut brown hair, and dark hazel eyes. He was clothed in a pair of black knee-high boots, tight red skinny jeans, a white long sleeve shirt that clung to his torso tightly, and a red beanie on his head. He had a small red dot on his nose and a green shooting star on his right cheek. He met the look of the driver.

“Stevie we’re not getting out of this snow bank,” The seventeen year old said softly.

Stevie bit his lip and played with the sleeve of his shirt, “Well can we call your dad, Alastair?”

Alastair smiled softly and shook his head, “No one is going to be able to get out here, Stevie, but you see that house right there?” He pointed to the edge of a city limits. On one side of the road was a motel and on the other side were a few houses.

Stevie nodded softly and looked at him, “Yeah, but what does that one house have to do with us being stuck in a car for a possible two days? We don’t have any food and your car battery would die before the plows could get to us. Oh my god! We’re going to die in the car! Ally, I don’t know if-”

Alastair leaned over and kissed the smaller boy softly on the lips. He slowly pulled away and looked the Stevie in the eyes, “Baby, my friend West lives in that house. It’s only a few minute walk from here and he has only one spare bedroom.”

Stevie looked at him, “But you should call him first and ask if we can, not just show up and sleep there.”

Alastair smiled, “We’re going to just show up.” He turned around and started digging around the back seat for their coats. Stevie let his eyes wander, when his boyfriend moved to the patch of skin that appeared just above his jeans.

Alastair looked over at Stevie and smiled, “Hey, Stevie, close your month before you start to drool, Doll.”

Stevie blushed darkly and took his puffy black jacket from Alastair, “Sorry Ally.”

“It’s alright Stevie let’s get the walk over with ok?” He tore a piece of paper out of his notebook and quickly wrote a note before placing it on the dashboard. Alastair glanced over at his boyfriend and started to worry. He knew the younger boy got cold easily and he knew with the storm that the walk was going to take longer than normal. He shrugged on his wool lined fake leather jacket and looked at Stevie again.

The smaller boy pulled on his gloves, pulled his beanie down tightly over his ears, and wrapped his scarf around his neck and mouth. He looked over at his boyfriend, who smiled sweetly to the younger boy.

The two got out of the car and Alastair quickly to the smaller boy’s hand in his own. He then tugged the smaller boy behind him, “Fallow where I step, it’ll be easier for you.” Stevie squeezed Alastair’s hand tightly and fallowed him closely.

After ten minutes little Stevie was shivering more than he ever has in his life. Ten minutes after that they were half way to the house, the snow had been higher than they thought and kept piling up. After thirty minutes in the storm Stevie could barely walk he was so cold.

Alastair turned around and pulled the small boys into his arms bridal style. He kissed the small boy’s cold cheek and said, “Don’t worry, Stevie-Baby, we’re almost there. West has at least five really warm quilts I’ll even make you hot chocolate.”

Stevie shivered and buried his face in the older boy’s neck, “Ally, can you please do something for me?”

The older boy did not stop walking and looked down at him, “Anything, Baby, what is it?”

“Kiss me? I’ve always wanted to kiss in a snowstorm and this may be my only chance,” The small boy said as he moved his head and looked up at his boyfriend.

Alastair smiled and leaned down to attach their lips softly. They kissed gently for a few minutes before Alastair gently slid his tongue into the younger boy’s mouth. Their tongue battle for a few minutes before the elder pulls away and starts to walk again.

When they reached the porch of West’s house; Alastair set Stevie down, but when his body kept moving his grip around his waist tightened. He quickly banged on the door and yelled, “West open up! NOW!”

The door swung open and a nearly naked man stood there in just a pair of boxers, “What happened to Stevie? Why are you out in this weather? Get the fuck inside!” West pulled both boys inside and looked at Alastair. He slapped the back of his head, “Start taking off Stevie’s clothes.”

Alastair raised an eyebrow and opened his mouth but West just let him there. He set the small boy on the couch and started to pull off his boyfriend’s clothes, minus his boxers.

West walked back into the room and handed Alastair a set of sweats and another long sleeve shirt. He walked away and came back from his bedroom with a heater. He set the heater up and pointed it at Stevie before he helped Alastair dress the small boy.

When they were done dressing and wrapping the small boy up, West made some hot chocolate as Alastair sat at his breakfast bar, “So tell me why you’re trying to turn your boyfriend into a Popsicle, Alastair?”

So Alastair went into great detail from that morning until he arrived at his friend’s door. “So that’s what happened.” He mumbled and looked at his older friend.

“Well I guess you two can share my clothes as long as you do the laundry,” West smirked.

Alastair laughed and nodded, “Sounds good.” He stood up and walked over to his boyfriend. He knelt down and kissed his lips softly, “Come on Stevie wake up.”

The small boy’s eyes fluttered and he started to stutter, “Ally, where are we?”

The elder boy’s smile stretched across his face, “We’re at West’s house. I’m taking you to bed. You look cold and tired.”

Stevie nodded and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend’s neck, “Thanks for the clothes, West. I guess you’re letting us stay here so thanks for that too.”

West walked past them and ruffled the small boy’s hair, “No problem Stevie just get warm alright?”

The small boy nodded and snuffled into Alastair’s chest. The taller boy kissed the small boy’s head and walked into the spare bedroom before laying the small boy on the bed. Alastair climbed on top of his boyfriend and started to kiss his neck, “I was so scared Stevie. I thought you weren’t going to wake up.”

Stevie giggled softly and looked up at his boyfriend, “Ally, are you going to do what I think you’re going to?”

The elder smiled and kissed the cold boy’s lips, “If you think that I’m going to make love to my amazing little boyfriend who scared the crap out of me; I am going to do as you thought.”

Stevie giggled and pulled Alastair down into a kiss. Their clothes were slowly shed and forgotten on the floor. The room heated up from the passionate and love filled moves that the two boys shared on their friend’s bed.