A Twisted Love Day

~The Trip~

Today, Kira, Athrun and Deakka had a little surprise for Lacus, Cagalli and Milliaria and for the three girls; it was an unexpected surprise for them. Actually, on this day, the fourteenth of March, the three coordinators planned to bring the three ladies to the hot springs, which they don’t know of… yet…
In the car, everyone was silent. Milly was looking at the wonderful view on the way, Deakka, onto his disc man as usual, Athrun, busy telling Kira where to go, Cagalli was waiting impatiently and Lacus played with noisy little Pink-chan and Torii. “Where are we going, Kira?” Lacus asked. “You’ll see.” Kira told Lacus, having an evil grin on his face while driving the car. Deep inside, Cagalli was eager to know where they we’re going. Not that the fact that she was safe with her brother and Lacus, but it was her curiosity that struck her every minute. “Come on! Tell us already! Zala, it’s either you tell me or I’ll strangle you!” Cagalli cried out. Athrun gave a big, loud gulp, giving Kira the ‘help-me-Kira-or-I’ll-die-early-because-of-your-sister’ signal. “So? Zala, speak up! Now!” Cagalli demanded. “Um… you know, Lacus, this suddenly reminds me of Kira and Cagalli’s birthday party. Don’t you remember?” Milly gave a giggle. “Yup. It was when—” “No! Don’t remind us!” the twins said in chorus.
-- Flashback—
“Kira! Cagalli! No more alcohol!” Athrun and Lacus said. Kira and Cagalli smiled evilly as they continued their toast. A few minutes later, it seemed that the alcohol completely took over. It seemed that their right judgment ran away and turned them into the most unlikely individuals that they really were, dancing and stripping in public to the waist while their friends tried to make them go back to their senses, but to no avail. Who would imagine Kira dancing like a macho dancer and Cagalli dancing the Lambada? Athrun tied Cagalli to her bed, and Kira to a post. In the morning, Kira found himself on the floor, while Cagalli had stiff arms. “Huh? What am I doing on the floor?” “Um… Are you sure you want to know?” Athrun asked in an unsure way. Meanwhile, Cagalli marched out of her room, complaining that she had stiff arms. “What the hell happened last night? Jeez, I don’t remember anything.” Athrun called Lacus, whispering that she should tell Kira what happened and Athrun would tell Cagalli. As soon as the news was told to them, they both said: “WHAT!” “Oh. So that’s why I’m only in my undies..” As soon as Cagalli realized this again, she looked down and blushed, wrapping herself in her blanket. Kira and Cagalli walked out of their rooms, standing face to face. “Oh, Kira, are you missing something?” Athrun snickered. “Eh? What might that be?” Kira asked. “Why don’t you look around..?” Kira ignored Athrun and walked outside his room. Lacus and Cagalli both gasped in surprise. “Eh? Is there something wrong?” Cagalli threw a towel to Kira. “Will you get dressed properly! Jeez, don’t be indecent!” “Erm, talk about yourself, Cagalli.” “Idiot!” They both dressed and went to face the sheer embarrassment.
-- End Flashback—
Laughter and maliciousness filled the car as the twins stayed silent and sunk into their seats with a dark, red hue painted into their faces. “Hehe… that was… hehe… hilarious…” Athrun laughed out, trying to restrain himself from doing so. “Shut up, idiot!” Cagalli screamed out, hitting Athrun with an intense punch, missing, and making everyone laugh louder than usual, imitating a film of pain, while clutching his chest. “Ah! That hurts!” The car came at a sudden stop. The girls noticed that the car halted to a funny-looking landmark they’ve never seen before. “We’re here.” Kira said, still having a slight blush on his face. “A hot spring?” the girls asked. “Ah…” “Yup. Come on! Let’s go!” the brown-haired coordinator said. “Ah.. I don’t want Deakka peeping through the wall.. Cagalli..” “Don’t worry, Milly, I’ll punch him and make him beg for mercy... if he ever does that… especially Athrun!” What awaits the six teenagers in the hot springs? Did Kira, Athrun and Deakka plan something more? Hmm… we’ll see…
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The insanity just keeps growing.......