A Twisted Love Day

~Le Creuset's Mind~

Within Le Creuset’s mind, he was conducting an evil though a ‘brilliant’ plan for the next victims. “Hmm… Let us see…” He thought, as he tapped his pen on the notebook, thinking who would be his next victim… or maybe victims… “Ah…” his mouth suddenly curled up into a smile. “I see…” Rau wrote down two distinct names and prepared for his next move. “You shall see Mwu La Flaga! I SHALL PREVAIL!” Rau laughed sarcastically when Azrael screamed and opened his door. “SHUT UP! I’M TRYING TO GET SOME SLEEP HERE! IF YOU’RE PLANNING TO WAKE ME UP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DARN NIGHT THEN DON’T EVEN TRY! I GOT TO SLEEP YOU KNOW!” Azrael calmed down after screaming at Rau for ten seconds and he thought being screamed by him was total hell. “Goodnight.” Azrael smiled and closed the door. “What a madman… Lord, please bless his soul so he can rest in peace.” Rau prayed kneeling down and clasping his hands together, hoping that God could hear him. “SHUT UP, LE CREUSET! I’M STILL AWAKE AND I CAN HEAR YOU!” “Yare-yare, I think that is the reason why girls don’t fall for you. Tsk, tsk, tsk…” “GO TO SLEEP! I NEED MY BEAUTY SLEEP!” Rau sighed and decided to go to sleep so he could plan it out tomorrow… When he suddenly saw Milly crossing to get a glass of water. Rau snuck back to his room, changing his mask to a black one and put a cape over his shoulders… and oh yes, the voice changer was in order… Here comes another hapless victim… Rau made sure that he was seen by his victim, inching closer and closer to her skin, Milly screamed. She was caught in Le Creuset’s trap. Ah. Another beautiful masterpiece executed! Rau thought to himself. “Now, one more to go… capture Lacus and hide her annoying little Pink-chan for total success! Oh, I can see it now.. Once I have done that, those girls will love me and only me! Oh, that seems wonderful!” Le Creuset thought to himself.