A Twisted Love Day


Rau Le Crueset was apparently daydreaming all morning. “Hey! Are you at least paying any attention to us up here! Damn, we’re hungry! How about some breakfast?” “Be quiet, Cagalli. I’m thinking. Besides, how many times do I have to remind you that no one can hear you!” “I never knew you had a brain.” Cagalli snickered. “So, what are you thinking of? Ha, I’m sure that new girl, Kirsten would never pay any attention to you at all, with Athrun all over her?” “You shall all see, Cagalli, I shall succeed! I’ll be back, my princess.” “I swear, I’d rather drop dead!” “You’ll think differently after I’ve captured Kirsten. She is H-O-T!” Everyone started laughing their brains out. “And what is so funny?” “She’ll probably faint when you get near her.” Murrae and Cagalli started snickering. “What’s the matter?” Rau smelled his shirt. “I don’t smell bad. “ Rau held a mirror to his face. “And I’m not bad-looking either.” “Try your armpits, phantom of the opera!” Cagalli snickered some more, and everyone joined in. “What?” Rau put his armpits up and smelled them. “Oh my, I need to take a bath again! I forgot to put deodorant.” All the girls laughed so loud, rolling on their tummies.
Rau ignored them and left for his room. Meanwhile, Athrun, Kira and Mwu went to the hot spring palace to avert all interruptions while they further discussed their plan of how to rescue the girls.
“Ok. We’re here because it’s dangerous to talk about our rescue plan in the resort. I really have that strange feeling about Rau. “Mwu- san, are you certain?” Kira and Athrun asked. “I’ve never been this certain before.” Suddenly, a good- looking girl whistled at Kira (a.k.a. Kirsten).
“Hi! I don’t think I’ve seen you folks here before. First time?” “Huh?” “Oh, by the way, I’m Felicity.” She smiled.
Kira and Athrun looked at each other. “Hello, Felicity. Nice to meet you.” I’m Mwu La Flaga, this is Athrun and his girlfriend, Kristen.” Kira and Athrun nodded at Felicity. “So, how do you find our humble establishment? Would you like me to give you a tour of the place?” “Sure.” Mwu said, totally ignoring them both. Mwu focused his attention on the scenery and on Felicity’s curvaceous body.
Athrun and Kira noticed that Mwu-san’s attention was on Felicity, when her attention was really on Kristen. “Hmm.. she seems delightful.” Felicity thought. “Athrun… I’m thinking of something.” “What is it, honey?” “Wanna have our honeymoon here?” Athrun grinned. “No, that’s not it. I think she’s a lesbian. She’s been giving me some sort of appraisal. It’s creeping me out.” Kira whispered.
Athrun put his arms around Kira’s arms and waist, leading him to the nature park, when he noticed that she was watching him again. “It just means that you’re that beautiful… heheh.” Kira stepped away from Athrun. “Damn, will you stop it already! “ “Stop what, honey?” Kira made a face and turned serious. “Stop falling in love with me!” Kira whispered in Athrun’s ear. Athrun grinned again. “Damn it, Athrun, don’t you dare kiss me.” His face was barely inches away. “Why don’t you two lovebirds just go get it on?” Mwu smirked at them. “WHAT!” Kira said, embarrassed. Athrun grinned.
Just then, Mwu noticed the boys… and something else. “Hey, did you see something familiar?” “Wha!” “I know that smile. It’s Le Creuset! Where is he going?”