
"Welcome to the Black Veil Brides Family..." Ashley Purdy (FanFic)

http://quizilla.teennick.com/user_images/S/SH/SHA/SHATTEREDNARUTO/1316754263_4250_full.jpeg (This is what the character looks like BTW)


Name- Shadow Ferguson

Age- 16 (in high school, 23 in post time)

Personality- Shadow is a very sweet and caring person to her friends, but is very shy and quiet when out in public, although when alone with close friends she opens up more and is very funny and easy to get along with, but holds a lot of her sadness in.

Background- Shadow is Jinxx’s cousin (their dad’s are brothers) but her parents Died when she was about 9 years old (a week before her birthday_ after this her Aunt and uncle (Jinxx’s parents) took her in with open arms, and have treated her as their own daughter.

Shadow is close with her cousin Jinxx (He’s 18, and she’s 16) and is always there for her. She is also childhood friends with Ashley Purdy and Andy Biersack, they can’t be separated. She also knows Jake, cc and sammi (even though their older, she doesn’t mind)

Despite having good situation at home with her aunt and uncle, when she was younger she was repeatedly abused, not by her father or mother but by others, she had rocks thrown at her, beaten to a bloody pulp, and even at one point was pinned down as they cut her to make it look like she harmed herself, she never talks about this though, and if asked she just down-plays it, and just says people were teasing her…but they don’t know how bad it is.

One thing should be known though….She has a huge crush on Ashley…she’s trying to ignore it though, in fear of losing his friendship ,She also plays the violin like Jinxx and Ashley has taught her how to play the Bass guitar.

A deep sigh escaped my lips, as I forced my half-asleep body from my warm and comfortable bed, in order to get ready for the first day of hell-

Sorry I mean school…

Let me explain from the start, Hey! My name is Shadow Ferguson, yes I’m Jinxx’s cousin from black veil brides but this story I’m telling is before they were big an famous, this story is when we were just in high school…it was technically my first year in high school, since I skipped the first year in order to go to a performing-arts program in a different country…of course I knew going back would probably get me skilled…in elementary and middle school I was never well liked…anyway enough of this…let’s get on with the damned story shall we?

I slowly reached my closet, pulling out a pair of ripped black skinnies, A BVB shirt that hung off my shoulder (they already had some merch out yes), while adding two skull belts over lapping on my waist, a few bracelets and a Breaking Benjamin necklace, I made my way into the bathroom to change, Brush my teeth, and to add mascara around my Grey eyes, and teased my Purple-blue hair until I liked it.

I frowned, for some reason I was starting to feel anxious about going back…sure I’d have Ashley and Andy…and of course my epic-ass cousin Jinxx…but…I looked down towards my arms that had some scars left from the last time I was at school in this town, I shook my head forcing a smile “Who cares, I’ll get to be with Andy and Ashley again!” I smiled, and for some reason blushing while thinking of Ashley.

“SHAAAADOW WAKEY WAKEY, DAMN IT GET YOU ASS DOWN HERE GIRLY!” I heard Andy should in his ‘screaming voice’ “If you don’t hurry I’ll throw you over my shoulder and carry you out!” I heard Ashley chime in, which made me smile and laugh. I grabbed my bag and rushed down, while tugging on my shoes (And somehow NOT tripping.)

Only to be ambushed into a Double-death hug by my two bestie’s. “Ash…Andy…Can’t breathe” My voice was Muffled since my face was smashed into their chest. They let go of me muttering a “Sorry” at the same time.

“I’m so glad you’ll be going to the same school as Ashley, Andy and Jinxx again Shadow, you should have seen these two right here, So bumped that you weren’t here last year” My aunt giggled as the boy’s blushed. I softly smiled, As she gave me a hug, to me she was like another mother…thinking about my mom and dad…NO…I wasn’t going to cry about this damn it!

I had been caught up in talking with Ash and Andy I hadn’t noticed that Jake, CC, and Sammi were also there, eating breakfast with Jinxx, who looked like he still had bed head. I giggled as I ruffled his hair, which made him try to bite my hand. “Don’t touch the hair” He said, pretending to be annoyed, until he pulled me into his lap, kissing the top of my head.

“Ready for today?” he asked, knowing my answer already. “No” I sighed, Sammi ruffled my hair “It’ll be fine sweetie, I’m glad your back” she smiled, I liked her, and I’m glad her and Jinxx has each other, they deserved it.

I suddenly felt arms wrap around my waist and pull me from Jinxx’s grasp, I looked back to see Ashley with his ‘Purdy Smirk’, I smiled and kissed his forehead, which made Andy pout “Aw, you want a kiss to?” I asked, while kissing his head, He smiled then laughed. We were just that close, and I loved it, for a moment though…Ashley almost seemed…Jealous? What? No way…

“Anyway, We should head out. School will start soon” Ashley said while checking his phone, (he still hadn’t put me down yet), And with that he threw me over his shoulder “Onward!” he yelled, heading towards the door as Andy grabbed my bag, I protested, wanting him to let me go, but he was much stronger then me, and only let me go as Me, Ashley, Andy,CC,Jake, and Sammi piled into Jinxx’s car.

“Dude gotta say…” I heard Jake start to speak as he looked toward me, “I FUCKING Love your shirt!” He said giving me a thumbs up, Ashley and Andy looked down at it, Grinning and giving each other a high five “Fuck yeah!” the three of us screamed.

Needles to say the rest of the ride to school was quite interesting, Jinxx yelling at Jake to stop standing in the car, CC head banging to something on the radio, Sammi texting Sandra I think, And Ashley/Andy had fallen asleep, their heads resting on my (-cough- Fragile –cough-) Shoulders.

Soon Jinxx pulled into the parking lot and parked. Soon after everyone started to pile out of the car, I was the only one left. I had gotten lost In my own thoughts, I was starting to panic as I saw the school, remembering a few people from middle school and what not…I’m scared…

I felt a hand rest on my shoulder, and looked up at jinxx “You alright Shadow?” he asked, Worried. I didn’t want to worry him…or anyone else…I looked up to see the others, including Ashley, A frown tugging on those beautiful lips of his-

Wait what? I didn’t just think that, I DIDN’T just think that!

I shook my head, it hurt my heart to make them worry. A smile replaced the frown that was just on my pale lips a few moments ago. and I quickly jumped out of the car, Hugging Jinxx quickly then grabbing Andy’s and Ashley’s hands “Of course I’m fine! See you guys at lunch!” I giggled as Ash and Andy tried to keep up.

Jinxx stared after us, Unsure if he believed me or not, but the bell had rung so himself, Sammi, Jake and CC headed off to their classes.


Shadow finally let go of me and Andy, Damn that girl could run. But I was feeling anxious, Ashley Purdy Anxious? Yep, but not for what you think, I was worried about Shadow, I know what she’s dealt with over the years of school abuse, and so does Andy. She won’t tell anyone else.

My gaze met with Andy’s, I could tell he also feared her safety, We’ve known her since we were in damn diapers! But I have a secret…I think I’ve fallen in love with her, and only Andy knew this. That’s why I couldn’t help but glare when she kissed him this morning, even though it was only on his forehead.

I shook my head, snapping back in reality. She had let go of us by now, as we stood infront of our first class, Thank god we had all our classes together, So I knew she’d be save.

“Well, ready guys?” Andy asked, Looking at shadow then myself, Shadow looked up at Andy (which she was actually pretty tall herself), then me. I searched her eyes for any sign of doubt then smiled, “Lets go, don’t forget to be a Rebel badass” I smirked, making Shadow laugh- Score!

She linked arms with myself and Andy, and we walked into the class just as the bell rang, but as soon as we did I thought I felt her tremble…God please let this day go by fast!

[Back to Shadow POV]

I couldn’t help it…as soon as I walked into the class room my body trembled, on it’s own almost. I felt Andy’s and Ashley’s grip on me tighten, only once we got to out seats did they let go, we sat in three empty seats in the back, Ashley was by the window, I was in the middle and Andy was sitting on the other side of me.

‘Alright…Alright it’s fine. You have your friends with you…you have Ashley…you can handle this shadow!’ I basically yelled in my head, just as the teacher walked in, introducing herself and explaining what would be going on this year blah blah blah…..

[FF to Lunch]

“Finally!” me and Andy let out a (Dramatic) Loud sigh as we made our way outside, holding our lunches, Ashley just let out a small chuckle “You sure you two aren’t related?” he smirked,

“Dude, we should be!” I huffed “But I’m fine with being related to Jinxxy as well” I smiled as I spotted him, Jake, C.C, and sammi sitting at the bench eating their lunches. “Ello!” I yelled as I jumped onto Jinxx, almost giving him and Jake a heart attack.

“Damn it shadow!” Jake cursed, sending a glare towards me. Jinxx just shook his head as he scooted over, making room for me, and Ashley who sat next to me. While Andy sat across from me and next to Sammi.

Everyone just sat around the table, Eating, Laughing, complaining about some of their teachers and how they had homework already, and so on…But their voices were muffled to me, I felt numb despite on the outside I was smiling and laughing along, atleast I think I was.

‘Hey…it’s that girl…what’s her name shadow?” I heard one girl whisper…I ignored it. ‘She’s that little emo girl from middle school right?..i heard she got sent away for trying to commit suicide…ha!’ I heard another girl speak, with soft laughter afterwards.

‘I heard when she was little her parents died from a car crash, I bet they did it on purpose just so they wouldn’t have to deal with her anyone...and a week before her birthday, what a freak!” There voices were growing louder…I rubbed my stomach thinking back to that day, I felt tears swell in my eyes.

It all happened so fast…But maybe they were right…maybe their death was my fault and now I was only a burden on my aunt and uncle…I’m such a horrible person!

“Shadow!” I heard someone yell, and I was jolted out of my thoughts, as I felt fingers starting to tickle my ribs, I le tout a squeal “A-ashley stop it!” I screamed at him, pushing him off. “Well I had to get your attention one way or another.”

By this time I noticed everyone’s eyes were on my “are you alright sweetie?” Sammi asked, her beautiful eyes full of worry, the same with Ashley,Andy and jinxx.

I nervously laughed “I’m alright! Really, I just…” I paused trying to think of something “I just really have to go potty!” I used a little kid’s tone on purpose, since I always joked around like that…or atleast tried to.

CC let out a laugh, as did the others “Your one of a kind Shadow” CC said, I huffed “and so are you Coma” I stuck my tongue out at him, My gaze turned to Ashley, the look in his eyes said he didn’t believe me, but before he could say anything I stood up from my seat “I’ll meet up with you guys back at class!” I yelled before running off towards the bathroom.

As soon as I rushed into the bathroom I immediately locked myself in one of the stalls. I out down the seat cover and just curled up into a ball basically. I held my knees against my chest, trying not to let out the deep sobs that was building up.

“It’s my fault…I’m sorry” I whispered softly as the tears just poured out, causing my mascara to run down my cheeks with it. I wanted to run into someone’s arms right now and just cry, I wanted someone to tell me it wasn’t my fault, I wasn’t a freak…

Someone please! Andy…Jinxx….Ashley….Ashley! His name flooded my mind…why did I want him to be the one to tell me that so badly? No idea…maybe I was just losing my mind.

I heard the door open, so I covered my mouth with my hand and kept quiet, in case it was Sammi checking on me. I looked at my phone, the bell hand rung three minutes ago, even though she wasn’t in my class maybe Andy or Ashley sent her a text, to see if I was still in the bathroom?

Nope, It wasn’t her. Just some slutty preps. Great…

“I can’t believe that emo bitch is back, how annoying…hanging over Ashley and Andy like that,whore” One girl hissed, I rolled my eyes…right…I was the whore! Stupid bitch…

“I know…she should be locked up…just looking at her makes me suicidal!” the second girl laughed while applying more make up (like she needed it). That stung…at the moment I lost whatever confidence I had left.

As soon as they left I burst into tears, my body was shaking at this point. “What did I ever do to them?” I whispered, With teary eyes I reached into my book bag and took out a small Swiss-army looking knife, I hadn’t cut in ages…

“Hello old friend..” I muttered numb as I put the cold blade to my wrist, and letting that take away my pain…

[Month later]

It had been a month since I started cutting again, I didn’t wear short-sleeved shirts anymore, but it was cold out so it was normal, no on questioned it…but Ashley had been looking at me strange lately…like he knew I was hiding something.

[Ashley POV]

I knew shadow was hiding something…I just didn’t know what. But I felt like her smiles…her laugh…they were hallow. They held no meaning anymore. I let out a deep sigh as I put down my Bass guitar, I was over at Jinxx’s house with him, Andy, Jake, CC practicing, Sammi had come over to watch as well. Shadow had to stay late at school, to finish up a project over something. I wanted to wait for her but she said she’d be fine…

Andy looked over at me “Your alright Ash?” he questioned. I shook my head “I think Shadow’s hiding something…she’s been distant and whenever she comes home from school alone don’t you notice she has bruises or marks her? She’s clumsy but not THAT clumsy” I muttered to myself.

Jinxx frowned, he was very protective of his little cousin. The thought of Shadow getting hurt angered him…and me as well…I didn’t want to admit it…but I LOVED Shadow…I have since I first laid eyes on her.

“Well when she gets home we can confront her about it, I’m worried as well” Sammi said sadly, while rubbing Jinxx’s back to keep him calm. I gritted my teeth, I wanted to kill whoever hurt my-….uh Shadow. I sighed and only nodded my head, as we continued to practice.

[FF to later that night]

[Andy’s POV]

Okay…so it was like almost 10:00pm..and Shadow still wasn’t home…I tried calling her…Ashley has texted her like a thousand times…no answer…no reply…NOTHING….I was about to have a damned heart attack worrying over her! She’s like a sister to me damn it!

Ashley wasn’t better off either, he was pacing around Jinxx’s house, gritting his teeth. I knew how he felt about her, I wish he’s just tell her already though..anyway back to the situation.

“Where is she damn it!?” Ashley Hissed. Sammi and CC tried to keep him calm but it wasn’t working. Jinxx’s parents (her aunt and uncle) were also getting worried.

“We should look for her, see if she’s still at school or something” Jake spoke up, and I agreed.

“Alright…you kids check at school we’ll check at the lake since she goes there a lot as well” Jinxx’s dad said. We all nodded and quickly made our way to search for shadow, God I hope she was alright.

[Back to Normal POV]

I was in pain, as I laid on the ground near the pool area of the school, (outside pool), I couldn’t move…I could barely Breathe…everything was going dark, All I could see were my wrist bleeding deep, blood pouring out everywhere…

Now…I know what your thinking…’oh the pressure got to her…so she’s trying to kill herself’ WRONG…that’s not what happened at all…


I sighed deeply as I closed my locker, I looked at my phone it was almost 7pm, I had to stay after school to finish a damned project. Ashley had asked if I wanted him to stay…god I should have said yes

I was making my way out of the school when I felt someone grab a fistful of my hair, and yanking it sharply, “AHH!” I yelped in pain as I got dragged towards the back of the school, by the outside pool and thrown into the ground.

I looked up to see a group of kids, the ones that had been talking about me the last time…”What the fuck do you want?” I spat, trying to stand up only to have one of the boys grabs my hair again and yank me back to the ground, pinning me down.

Suddenly I got scared…was I going to get rapped? Beat up? Thrown into the pool? I didn’t know but I was terrified…I didn’t show it though…

“Shut up Emo freak” a girl spat, while kneeling down next to me, god she smelled like cheap perfume and nail polish. “ Listen here cutter, stay away from Ashley and Andy. You little emo whore” she spat.

I suddenly felt angry…how dare she tell me to stay away from my childhood friends…from ASHLEY… “We don’t want them to catch you freaky-ness, plus there starting to get famous right? So it would be good to get close to them” the other girl smirked, that bitch! Only wanting to hang out with them for that…the only reason they looked passed the way they dressed which so pissed them off.

“I won’t..” I muttered quietly, they glared at me “What was that?” girl number one asked, My grey eye’s glared right into hers “You heard me…I won’t! Andy is my best friend…and Ashley…He..I LOVE HIM!” I blurted out.

They laughed “How cute, emo love” the boy who was holding me down mocked. “Haven’t you made enough people suicidal?” the second boy asked, laughing as he saw the pain in my eyes.

“It’s your fault freak,no one wants you alive” He spat. Then I saw the cheap-perfume wearing girl whisper something to the boy who wasn’t holding me down, I saw a sly smirk appear on his lips as he reached into his bag, taking out a knife.

My heart starting pounding in my chest as I saw the blade be held out towards me, the girl rolled up my sleeves “Big surprise that I see you’ve been cutting” she laughed “Now…we’ll give you a choice…stay away from Black Veil Brides gang, or we’ll make it look like you committed suicide, which no one would care anyway” she added towards the end.

I bit my lip, the thought of losing Ashley…I couldn’t bare it…I couldn’t…I pictured him in my head, his perfect smile, his soft skin, his shiny hair, his honey-brown eyes…the way he made me laugh and the way he felt like a teddy bear when I hugged him…I couldn’t picture not being with him…I loved everything about him…my Purdy boy…

Tears slid down my face “I will never do that, slutty whore” I hissed, which earned me being slapped in the face “Your choice” she glared, nodding towards the boy.

As soon as he came towards me, the blade slicing my skin I started screaming. It felt so different having someone actually doing this to you..that they’d go so far…they laughed at my screams the last thing I remember calling out was “ASHLEY HELP ME PELASE!” and after that…I black out, they were gone…I just laid there bleeding…bleeding…


That’s why I lay here now…half dead, I wanted to see them all again...my uncle and aunt…Jinxx…Sammi, Jake and CC…of course Andy..that crazy guy…and…most of all…Ashley…

I suddenly heard my name being called, then I heard gasps, and a girl scream…I think it was Sammi. My vision was blurry and hearing muffled I wasn’t sure, I felt someone pick me up into their arms “Shadow! Shadow stay with us…Don’t die…Don’t die!” No doubt…that beautiful voice that was now so scared was Ashley..i also heard Andy’s voice…it was hard to miss.

“Don’t die! Shadow…I love you….I LOVE YOU!”

What? Did Ashley just…say that? I tired telling him, but when I tried to speak I coughed up blood, I felt them trying to stop my wrist from bleeding though. Even though I wasn’t aware of it I was crying

‘Ashley…I love you too..’ God if only Ashley could hear me…then everything went black..


[Ashley’s POV]

I sat in the waiting room of the hospital, my head in my hands. With me was everyone else. We had called Jinxx’s parents to meet us here after we called 911. They were talking to the Doctor right now…

“Why..” I muttered numbly, which caught the attention of everyone else, including the now crying Sammi Doll. “Why would Shadow do this? Doesn’t she know how much we care for her?” I said, almost angry. Most of all hurt…

“Before we jump to conclusions let her explain when she wakes up” I suddenly heard Jinxx’s dad day. I bit my lip and only nodded. Soon the doctor said she was stable and we could go see her. We all piled into the room even though I know everyone wasn’t supposed to be here in once.


I slowly opened my eyes, to see I was in a hospital room…I was…Alive? Maybe now…maybe now I can ask Ashley if it was true…did he love me? I heard footsteps and the door sliding open then closing. I looked over to see everyone who faces were tear-stained.

Ashley ran up to me hugging me tightly ‘Shadow…” he whispered in my ear, I felt tears run down his cheeks. “ow..” I muttered, he quickly let go “sorry” he apologized. Geez…even Andy’s parents were there…

“Why shadow?” Jinxx tried not to yell, he had been crying to…I stared at them, they think I tried to kill myself, I suddenly got angry “I didn’t do this!” I snapped, tears swelling in my eyes.

They looked at me like I was crazy, maybe I was…Amy (Andy’s mother) came to my side, and wiped away my tears. “What exactly happened sweetie?” she asked, not judging me at all..

I had to take a couple of deep breath’s before I could talk, because if not I’d just keep crying. “I was heading home after finishing my project…” I started, starting to choke on my words, I felt Ashley take my hand and Andy taking my other one., giving me the strength to keep talking

“These group of kids…like two guys and two slutty girls who were wearing cheap perfume-“ CC couldn’t help but chuckle at the part “ambushed me, dragging me to the pool area, they said I shouldn’t hang around Andy, Ashley or the others apart of BVB anymore..that I would make them freaks to…and suicidal like…like my parents” I sobbed, Ashley quickly took my in his arms, hugging me tightly,

After a few minutes of crying I continued “I wouldn’t…so they threaten to kill me and make it look like I killed myself if I didn’t…I still couldn’t do that..so the boy hold me down..and the other boy…” I looked down at my arms and started crying. Suddenly rage filled everyone’s eyes. “Pleas believe me! I’m sorry I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to make my parents feel that way..I’m sorry!” I cried and screamed starting to panic.

“Shhh it’s not your fault…and your parents loved you!” my aunt said, tears running down her face. “My brother was so proud of you, you mean everything to him and your mother” my Uncle spoke softly,

“Don’t…” I started, Ashley looked at me “Don’t what?” he asked while rubbing my head.

“Don’t…Don’t make me go back to that place! PLEASE! DON’T MAKE ME GO BACK TO THAT SCHOOL! PLEASE PLEASE, I’M SCARED I DON’T WANT TO GO BACK…I DON’T WANT THEM TO KILL ME!” I screamed as loud as I could.

By this time Ashley,Andy who had been hugging me as tight as they could were joined by Jinxx, CC, Jake and Sammi. “Shhh sweetie it’s okay your not going back…your not going back calm down” I heard my aunt say, everyone was whispering sweet things, calming things into my ear, Reassuring things…I was so lucky to have these people…

[Week later]

I had been home from the hospital for a week now, Ashley and Andy refused to leave my side, they even dropped out of highschool with me…Andy was in the bathroom which left me and Ashley alone.

We never did talk about the confession that night…But suddenly I felt Ashley’s arm snake around me, I gave him a puzzled look. “Shadow..did you hear me that night? What I said?” He asked softly, his grip getting tighter on me,

I hesitated, but finally answered “I..I…did..Ashley is it true?” I asked him softly, unable to look at him right now. He turned me around in order to face him, his eye’s dead serious “It is Shadow…I love you with all my heart, I have since the first time I’ve ever seen you…When I thought I almost lost you..I…I would have died to” He said, tears swelling in his eyes. I bit my lip ring, fighting back the urge to cry with him.

I rested my hand on his cheek, He looked at me. “Ashley…Ashley you have no idea how happy that makes me..” I said softly, tears sliding down my face “I feel exactly the same way…god Ashley I love you!” and with that, He smashed his lips onto mine, and I quickly returned his kissing, deepening it.

He hugged me closer to his body, again it felt like hugging a teddy bear (<3) Soon the moment was ruined by camera flashing, and voices saying ‘AWWWW’

We both looked up to see Andy, Jake, Jinxx, cc and Sammi standing by the door, suddenly my face turned red “Bastards!” Ashley hissed. “Ha! Told you...now pay up !” Andy said smugly, as jinxx, Jake and CC mumbled something and handing him money.

“YOU BET ON THIS!?” Andy suddenly looked scared as did the other three, “your DEAD!” I cursed as I chased them out of the room, earning a chuckle from Sammi, and Ashley…

Somehow I Knew that starting now…things were going to be alright.


I was 23 now, and currently on tour with Black Veil Brides…that’s right they had become so famous over these past six years. We were currently at warped tour, I was backstage watching my Sexy Ass boyfriend- Ashley Purdy performing along with the rest of BVB, which was my closest friend Andy, my cousin Jinxx, and my other two friends which were like older brothers, Jake and CC. Sammi stood next to me smiling

She had been acting weird all day…WTF was she up to?

[Sammi POV]

I couldn’t help but smile all day, since I knew what was going to happened as soon as they finished their current song they were performing ‘Saviour’.

Shadow looked at me like I was some nut, maybe I was…but I was just so excited about what was going to happen to her. “Wtf is up with you?” I heard Shadow ask for the 100th time today.

I sighed “Sorry sweetie it’s a surprise~” I almost sung, Shadow just pouted, I laughed and gave her a hug, this girl was like my little sister to me. She was just so adorable at times.


Soon the song ‘Saviour’ was over, the crowd was cheering, Andy smirked as he spoke into the Mic. “Alright…can we have your attention for a moment please? Your not gonna want to miss this mother fuckers~!” Andy shouted, earning more cheers from the crowd.

“It’s about time this fucking happened!” he added, earning a glare from Ashley who had put away his Bass and walked up to the mic. I stared at ashey, puzzled what the hell was going on?

“Alright…first off..Shadow Ferguson can you please come out here?” the Long-haired boy asked, I stared blankly at him before I heard Andy and Jinxx shout “get out here already girly!” and Sammi gave me a gently nudge,

Jake and Andy dragged me out there, as I stood next to Ashley, and nervously waving at the crowd. “Uhhh…Ashley what’s going on?” I asked, Blushing.

Ashley grinned as he kneeled down, I suddenly felt my heart beat race. “Shadow…we’ve known each other since in diapers basically…we’ve been dating now for six years…we’ve been through hell together, but also a lot of amazing and beautiful times together including with the others” He said sending BVB and Sammi and small smile.

I felt tears start to form in my eyes. “So what I’m trying to say without sounding like such a lame guy…” this earned a few ‘Awww’s and laughs from the crowd as well,

“Shadow Ferguson…Will you be my Black Veil Bride? The person I’d die for…my Fallen Angel and savior” he said softly (haha used three songs in there –wink wink-)

I started crying, but smiling “Of course!” I yelled as he slipped a Blood-ruby ring onto my finger, I jumped into his arms as he spun me around, “WHOO!” I heard Andy yell into the Mic, and the crowd screaming going wild, Sammi was jumping up and down around Jinxx since she was so happy, and Jinxx smiled.

“I love you So Much Ashley Purdy” I said kissing him softly.

“I love you so much as well..Shadow Purdy” he muttered, kissing me…

Hmmm…Shadow Purdy…I liked the sound of that!

I knew this was going to be the perfect ending for me…Ashley…all of us would be together forever.


It has been 4 years since then, And I had just given birth to our wonderful Baby girl a week ago. Andy was so fuckin excited you should have seen his face, he was going to spoil her no doubt, she’d love her uncle’s, Jinxx was blood related but hell I’ve known Andy in diapers as well, and Jake and CC for so long they were fuckin family!

“She’s so beautiful…like her mother” Ashley smirked, stealing a kiss. I smiled “Dork” I laughed, Everyone was here, fussing over her, remembering the good memories and that she’d defiantly be a rocker girl like everyone in the ‘family’.

This was perfect…I couldn’t ask for anything more…I was going to love spending the rest of my life with the BVB family.

“Welcome to the Black Veil Brides family…Amy Purdy..” I smiled kissing her head, yes we had named her after Andy’s mom, which he was stoked about. Ashley smiled “The best family there could ever be” Oh he was so right…and with that I stole a kiss from him, Ashley Purdy was all mine, and I loved every Fuckin minute of it!
♠ ♠ ♠
A/N- Alright, that's it. I made this for a friend on Quizilla, I was having major writers block when I wrote this though...So sorry if it sucks dx