Sequel: Put Me Back Together
Status: Currently Editing for Grammar mistakes.

You're Not Alone

18; Just A Kid

Emma's POV

I was heading in the direction of my house. Of course tears were filling up my eyes. I kept rubbing my eyes to make them stop. Crying made me feel weak, and I don't like being weak. The sound of a car kept getting closer and closer. I looked behind me and realized it was Brian.

He pulled to the side of the road and I climbed in the passenger seat without a protest. I just wanted to go home and go to sleep. I got a lot of sleep at Zack's, but I just really wanted this day to be over with already. Brian continued driving while I put my seat belt on.

The ride to my house was quiet, except for the sounds of my sniffles. I know Brian didn't like it when I cried, but he didn't say anything to me this time. He parked his car in my driveway, and turned to face me. "I know you're upset about this, but Matt was just over reacting."

I shrugged, not really caring if Matt was over reacting. He still had no right to accuse Brian and I of doing stuff behind his back. Brian sighed, "Look, Matt is going to talk to you soon. Just hear him out, okay? It's just your first fight, don't worry. You'll have tons of them."

He leaned over and gave me a brief hug, "I guess I'll be going now. Call me, if you need anything." Brian said while putting his seat belt back on. I un-did mine and got out of the car. I waved to him as he left, and went inside. I headed straight for the bathroom to take a hot shower. It was definitely long needed.

Later On

It was going on midnight, and still haven't gotten a call, text, or even seen Matt. Brian said, he was going to try and talk to me. I guess other things were more important. I shut my light off and curled up on my bed. As soon as I closed my eyes, my phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked into the receiver.

It was Matt, "Emma. Did I wake you?"

I sighed, "Nope."

Matt did the same, "Good." He then cleared his throat, "Look, Emma. I'm sorry about everything. I was just over reacting about Brian. It wasn't a big deal, really."

"That's not what I'm mad about." I said while propping myself up on my bed.

He seemed confused, "Then what are you mad about?"

I took a deep breath and exhaled before talking. "I'm mad that you don't tell me anything. We've been dating for a month and you didn't even tell me that you've had sex before."


"Brian and Zack told me." I filled him in.

He scoffed, "What does it matter? I thought you wanted to take things slow."

I rolled my eyes, "I do, but it would've been nice to know that my boyfriend wasn't a virgin."

Matt sighed, "Alright. I'm sorry."

"That's not all." He thinks this is over, funny.

He groaned. "What else?"

"Well let's see, how about that girl that came into the Cafeteria and was all over you. You didn't even care, you let her." I said whole crossing my arms, even though he couldn't see.

Matt grunted, "She's a friend, Emma. It's not a big deal."

"Matt, she's your ex girlfriend. You dated her for 4 years, it is a big deal." I said in a matter of fact kind of tone.

He gave another scoff, "What did Brian tell you that, too?!" His voice started to raise.

"I'm glad he did, because it doesn't seem like you would've said something!" I snapped at him.

He groaned a little more louder, "Emma. It was nothing, she's just a friend now."

"I don't care. She's still your ex." I said while running my hand through my semi-wet hair.

Matt scoffed, "Well what do you want me to fucking do? I apologized already, it's not like I can make her move away, again. Yeah, she's my ex-girlfriend, but that's was 3 years ago. We're just friends right now, nothing more." He tried to keep his cool.

I shook my head and muttered, "Whatever."

"Goddammit, Emma! Would you stop acting so childish? There isn't anything going on between her and I. Damn. You're just a fucking kid, you need to grow up!" His voice was twice as loud as it was before.

Those words make me freeze. I didn't respond and he sighed, "Emma, I'm-" I cut his apology off by hanging up. I can't believe he just called me a kid. The waterworks started running again, just like earlier in the day. I dialed a number into my phone and waited.

Brian's POV

I was sound asleep when my phone started ringing. It made me wake up and I grabbed it off of my end table. I noticed the ID said Emma so I hurried up and answered, "Hello?"

"Brian. Matt and I talked, he said I was acting childish and he called-" She trailed on while crying, I could barely understand a word she was saying.

I cut her off, "Whoa, calm down. Take a deep breath and talk slower."

She did as I said, "Matt and I talked, it got worse." She summed it up for me.

"I'll be there in a couple of minutes." I said while hanging up. I put a pair of flannel pajama pants over my boxers and pulled an old Metallica shirt over my head. I walked downstairs and grabbed my keys. My Dad walked out from the Living Room, "Where are you going?"

"Emma's. She had a fight with Matt." I explained while picking my car key out of the handful of keys. My Dad patted my shoulder. "Be careful." I nodded and walked out of the house. I got a slight chill from the night breeze. I got into my car and headed for her house.

When I got there, I noticed her parents weren't home, but I still decided to knock at the door. She opened it a couple seconds later. I took in her sight. She was wearing polka-dot pajamas with a tweety bird lounge t shirt. Her eyes were all red and puffy.

I walked in and she closed the door, locking it in the process. I pulled her into an embrace and as soon as her head hit my chest, she started crying again. I felt so bad, I really hated seeing her cry. That was one thing I made sure I was never the cause of.

She calmed down a bit and I pulled her into her Living Room. We sat on the couch and I looked at her, "Alright, now what happened?" She started to explain to me what her conversation with Matt was about.

"-He then called me childish, and said I was a kid & I needed to grow up. I hung up after that, I didn't need to hear anymore." She explained while rubbing her eyes.

Hearing that was making my blood boil. When she told me that they had a fight, my assumption was that Matt told her about the kiss, but he didn't even say a fucking word. Instead he's got the nerve to turn this on Emma. "He's a fucking dickhead!"

She sniffled and nodded. I didn't think I could feel any worse for her until she said that. She doesn't need to hear things like that from her Boyfriend. I looked back down at her and she looked completely drained. She needed sleep. I grabbed her hand, "C'mon. You need some sleep." I said while guiding her up to her room.

She curled up on her bed. "Will you stay with me?" She asked between sniffles.

"Of course." I said while crawling right beside her.

Emma scooted over to me and laid her head on my chest. I put my hand on her back for comfort. We laid like that for a while and I almost thought she fell asleep, but she raised her head. "Do you think I'm just a kid?" She asked while looking into my eyes.

Matt is going to be lucky if he can even walk after I deal with him tomorrow. I shook my head, "No, Emma. You're not a kid. You're only a year younger than us. Johnny is a kid, not you." I explained while pushing the hair out of her face. She nodded and buried her head back into my chest. "Thanks for coming over."

I kissed the top of her head, "Anything for you." I then realized that I was falling for her and she didn't even have a clue of it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Updated early! There will still be one on Monday. :)

The results were:

It was only by one, but he still won. So what do you want to see happen now that Brian has a crush on Emma? Should he tell her? Ignore the crush? Or find another girl to cover it up? I want to hear feed back! <3

Thanks to the following who left comments:
You guys are amazing! Thank you! <3